I buy it by the cases at Sams Club. In response to""Body Armor Lyte Drink BEWARE has Erythritol!- ObesityHelp. Not all sugars are the same either. Thanks ! All this time ! on hold till a see a reputable scientific review. Would like to be included in class action. We bought them all the the time. Add me my whole team uses this sports drink, Add me. Its not a companies job to tell each specific person to be responsible. Photo by Maya Giaquinta. Who knows how many people suffered severe setbacks due to their greed?? I love this product because it is the only sports drink that offers a massive amount of potassium with almost no sodium we eat PLENTY of sodium! Phone: +91-712-2543006. I also had kidney cancer and wanted a good drink .My sister bought me this body armour drink so I did research on the ingredients it has stevia in it and they say it causes cancer? Yes, I used to drink it all of the time but after i had gotten used to it start tasting very funny. Should they have to explain that-nope- people should learn what their body needs/why/when/how much. I have typ2 diabetes & I feel the same way on the subject. I love these drinks. Someones lack of reading a lable and seeing that right up front it says PURE CANE SUGARsecond ingredient in the labeldoesnt deserve to win. There is electrolyte poisoning. I knew something was up with these drinks. Reactions are 2AM wake-up with stomach distress, nausea and dizzyness. Wow. My son drinks these especially during baseball season! Please add me. Iv bought abou 150 cases of this in the last year. 20 ct. More Information: Kosher. Chemical sugar And Stevia type products are worse on my body than any other sugar. If wed have known its basically the same as any other soda or sugary drink we definitely wouldnt have been paying $3 a serving. The Only People Really Mad Are The Ones Not Taking The Time To Read The Label. The feedback form on this page can be used to report content that is not accurate, up-to-date or questionable in any manner. Our bodies, people with my rare autoimmune disease that is, get depleted of potassium easily but are made worse by ingesting additional magnesium so BodyArmor is the perfect hydration drink for us when we need one. I will keep using because of the Bvitamins, potassium, and antioxidants . This website is not intended for viewing or usage by European Union citizens. I hope the team bringing this suit gets countersued for millions! Thought it was comparable to Powerade or Gatorade, buy it for my family by the case. Then go read what kind of sugar is the best type of sugarthere are three typessucrose, glucose and fructose. PLease add ME. v. BA Sports Nutrition LLC, Case No. I drink these everyday and have for years because I thought they were a very healthy drink. Any hydration drink must have a sugar component. I Drink 2-3 Per Day And They Have Only Helped Me And Kept Me Hydrated While Losing Weight. Yes I believed body armor drink was a healthy drink. The name and the advertising led me to believe it was better for me than soda. Actually Im reading the bottle right now and they make several claims and statements about the benefits of drinking this. It is perfectly refreshing after tedious workout or exercise. Worked like a charm! I would always get a ton when they would go in sale at my local grocery stores to! Please add me! If people are downing these BodyArmor like most Americans down soda and therefore intaking larger amounts of sugar than their KETO diet allows, thats their fault, not the company that makes the product. Allegedly, the company knew that customers, especially those who worried about their health, are willing to pay a premium for healthy foods and products. This is disgusting people all want to jump on a lawsuit because you didnt read the label that clearly states the second ingredient is sugar not to mention Gatorade has sugar and Powerade uses corn syrup to sweeten their drinks . Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Add Me. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy mentioned here. The lawyers on this one must be desperate. Please add me. I purchased it knowing it was a health sports drink now from this Classaction now it seems it was all a scam just to get your money all along? Since I have had the Internet for 24 years or so, I guess I should have looked up each ingredient to see if these were healthy, and it turns out they arent, so give me money so I can look up more things on the Internet. Watermelon 11.Pumpkin 12.Beet. Please add me, I started drinking theses instead of Mountain Dew and Gatorade. When ever im hungover i grab an armor cause its healthy how misleading. This product is made up of electrolytes, antioxidants and high nutrient counts. Im holding a bottle of BodyArmor right now and no where on the bottle does it promote itself to be anything others than 1.) Little thing known as DETOXING NATURALLY goes a long way. sleep problems, cramps, and migraines to name a few. Ive been to many sites that help hide this truth for them which is what these voices are paid to do. ALL REVIEWS THAT SEARCH ENGINES FIND ARE SITES THAT PRAISE THIS DRINK. ADD ME. Add me, Please add me. No artificial sweeteners. And dont even try to compare it to soda most sodas have almost 2 1/2 times as much sugar and sodium and no vitamins or electrolytes. Results: pH 7. Also if its loaded with sugar as most other soft drinks are, then I wouldve chose to drink water instead. Please add me, I always thought it was healthy. , [gravityform id="805" title="false" description="false" ajax="true" field_values="l=US"],