You will be stressed, and your rabbits will be stressed. Bunny bonding is available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis as well as administration of medications. The HRS also has free virtual sessions from Hoolibuns if you want to try that, too, to see if it works for you. Its harder to keep track of the rabbits in a larger area. Any of these techniques might be right for you. You want to avoid the rabbits getting frustrated and taking out that irritation on the other rabbit. This is when your rabbit is put in a pen with another rabbit. It can also be useful in cases where one rabbit is seriously scared of the other even if there is no serious aggression. Your bunny will speed date until we find a good match (the bunnies must choose). Even though they may initially bond, they can also un-bond. The rabbits will race through the seven stages of bonding that we describe below. All rights reserved. Check out our insightful instructions and videos on bonding bunnies! I have used a bunny bonding service in the past when adopting a new rabbit. If the time-outs dont seem to be working, place both rabbits in a carrier and take them for a car ride. Forcing two bunnies to get along can result in injuries and trips to the emergency vet. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Instead you need to slowly introduce the two rabbits in a neutral territory that neither will feel ownership of. Rabbits are very territorial animals. That doesnt mean your relationship will be exactly the same, however. This will help to give the rabbits more and more positive experiences so that theyll be less likely to fight later on when you need to change things again. If you need any help or advice or youre worried about anything during their period of transition then please feel free to contact me. Almost inevitably, you will experience setbacks along the way, making you wonder why you decided this was a good idea to begin with. We will help you do whatever we can to make the bond a success. 27.50 per rabbit, or 22.50 per rabbit if you have 3 or more. Many, many rabbits never have a problem, but it is worth taking care over this process as they can become food aggressive. If the bite was more serious or either of the rabbits are showing signs of stress, then both rabbits should be removed and placed back in their housing for a break after each rabbit has been thoroughly checked for injury. Find a bunny bonding service near you today. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. However, as the time together gets longer, no toys or treats could lead to an irritated rabbit, and they may end up directing their pent up frustration at the other rabbit. The bond likely wont break after the rabbits are in the larger area. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Brake Shoe Bonding & Exchanging in Sewaren, NJ. If you think you might want to have a bonded pair and do not already have a bunny, adopt an already-bonded pair! Some female rabbits, especially, will feel ownership of areas of the home they havent ever been to; they just know its close to their territory. If neither rabbit backs down, they may end up fighting until they work out their disagreement. Most bunnies enjoy having a bunny friend, as long as they like the other bun. Before getting started, you want to make sure all rabbits involved have been spayed or neutered. Even bonded rabbits will have occasional disagreements. There are many different techniques for bonding that we will go over in this article. However, the idea of bonding your pet rabbits sounds daunting and overwhelming. When it comes time to put your rabbits together and start the bonding process its very important that you set up a neutral area. Some of these behaviors might seem concerning or aggressive, but are actually fine, while others need to be prevented because they are likely to lead to injury. If this ceased before homecoming and then begins again, it may be one or other rabbit deciding to try and assert themselves, and in some cases it may be a different rabbit to the one who was boss previously., Head mounting should be discouraged immediately. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. I will make you aware of any injury, however superficial it might be, so you can keep an eye on things once they come home. If bonding looks possible, we recommend boarding your bunnies at SaveABunny, which is neutral space, for a minimum of 3 days at $60 per day. In almost every relationship, one rabbit will be the more dominant bunny. There are no other places you can use as neutral areas. Rabbits are bonded when you can trust them to not hurt each other. After you have some trust that they wont immediately attack each other, you can allow them to approach each other nose-to-nose on the floor, then start giving them both head scritches and massages together. One of the best steps you can take to help your rabbits early on in the bonding process is to start petting them when they are next to each other. If your housing is a hutch or Wendy house with a run attached, then close off the run for at least a few days. Rabbits are much happier when they have a friend to share their life with. Adopt a friend that is the opposite sex of your rabbit. However, before you can call your rabbits bonded, youll want to give them some sessions that cover their more active times of day as well. If you see one rabbit duck his or head in a grooming request but the other rabbit does not respond, go ahead and stroke those foreheads yourself. In a larger shed, it may be useful to break down the space to a smaller area using a puppy pen or NIC cubes, which I can provide you with (10 deposit refunded on safe return). In general your rabbits will continue to be happy and their friendship will grow, but, in some cases by bringing bunnies home to an existing space some unfriendly behaviour can start. and it becomes clear that they intend to cause each other a major injury, I will separate and try again 12 hours later. We will then advise you as you transition the new pair to your home. You can either get a completely new area rug to use for the rabbit enclosure, or you can spray the flooring with the vinegar solution. The bonding has gone on for more that 6 months with little or no progress. Most of the time you can let them continue as long as both rabbits still seem comfortable around each other. The personalities of the rabbits are mismatched. It is a deadly virus with an almost 100% fatality rate for rabbits. Sometimes this happens because your original rabbit is very territorial. When feeding newly bonded rabbits, its helpful to scatter their pellets in their hay or on the floor of their accommodation at first, so that you can monitor how they are at feeding time. It usually takes between two weeks and two months to bond a pair of rabbits. Ouch!! The process should always take place in a neutral territory and all rabbits involved should already be spayed or neutered. Rabbit Advocates hopes to resume "Bunny Speed Dating" events as soon as circumstances allow. Nail trim and grooming is an extra $15. Whether its planning to have two separate enclosures permanently in different areas of the home or having an agreement with a family member or shelter to give the new rabbit a place to stay if the bonding doesnt work out. They may have occasional chases, or theyll nip each other when they get annoyed. 2 A good way to do this is using vinegar. This technique is ideal because it wont be as stressful for the rabbits. Bunnyproofing help for under bed and couch? 415-388-2790 Contact Us, What to do if you find a bunny or need to rehome a rabbit. If you find you are stuck in the bonding process, try switching up the bonding area. Some clinics may also require your bunny to receive a microchip (if they dont already have one). There is no confirming who truly bit who, but let's just say that both pairs don't love one another. If you are new to bonding rabbits, the whole idea of it can feel overwhelming. May I please ask a few questions? We are volunteer-run, so we appreciate your flexibility. Right after you sign up, youll receive a FREE pdf rabbit care guidebook. Weve been boarding and loving rabbits for over 20 years. What I can say though is that more often than not it's me that gets bitten! Much easier if you bring a girl home to a boy than if you bring a rabbit home to a girl. Trios are also possible, but generally only under certain circumstances. Or, you may bring food of your own choice. You can adjust the technique youre using based on how your rabbits behave. Easier even when you only have a limited amount of time for bonding. Although the rabbit being mounted may seem to be laid back and placid it only takes one bite in the wrong place! However, if the rabbits are not showing signs of aggression or severe anxiety, its okay to start sooner. The severity of the altercation will decide how long of a break the rabbits will need from each other before trying again. Medical Boarding. Professional Bunnybonding Servive We are Celebunnies, based in Coulsdon, Surrey, We offer indoor & outdoor luxury boarding accommodation. Where possible remove any obvious signs of marking or ownership e.g. I am here to make sure all of you rabbit lovers have everything you need to care for your fluffy little bundle of joy. I have never known a friendly rabbit to lose interest in human company, once they like you they always will. A question Im often asked is will my rabbit change once he/she has a bonded partner. Please be aware that we are not professional groomers, but we will give a very good basic service in accordance with the owner's wishes. The owner intervening at the wrong time or in the wrong way. You can use a tabletop, being careful to block off the edges to prevent your rabbits from falling. I'm worried to try and bond them all together, since I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I would love for them all to be together and not concerned when they hear one another from across the room (I have blankets covering their x-pen bars to help them feel safer). Wait 2-4 weeks after the surgery before attempting introductions. Bonding rabbits can be an incredibly difficult and stressful process (but not always). This is a time of day when rabbits are naturally less active. Bonding Support Consultation 0.00 Book Now Rabbit Bonding Support Consultations Wear long sleeves, sturdy shoes, and thick gloves. Forcing two bunnies to get along can result in injuries and trips to the emergency vet. If at all possible, you want to try introducing your rabbit to a number of other rabbits so that your bunny can help to choose their own partner. Rabbits identify a lot of objects and places by scent rather than sight, so you want to spend time erasing the scent of the rabbits as much as possible. That's just the background, since I still really want to be able to keep all my bunnies together; not just for myself, but so they have more space to themselves as well. A lot of people who have a very close bond with their original rabbit will worry that they wont show the same kind of affection after a new bunny is introduced. This service is FREE. In some instances, following an introduction of a few days, rabbits can become immediate friends, but this is not always the case and when returning to their home environment it needs to be managed carefully to ensure that the bond continues to develop and not go backwards, or break up totally. If that doesnt work see if you can spend a few days at a friend or family members house. As we know mounting/chasing is regularly seen in a new bond to show dominance. Professional Bunny bonding Servive Celebunnies rabbit boarding surrey A delux holiday boarding setup for rabbits, based on rabbit welfare and giving the space and care needed to ensure the health and safty of all rabbits so you can have peice of mnd and enjoy your own holiday! If you are using existing accommodation, whilst your bunnies are away being bonded, you will need to totally clean and de-odorise the space. Above all be patient with your rabbits. The bonding process that you choose will depend on the personalities of the rabbits involved and the amount of time you have. Our Bonding Support Consultation invites you to bring your rabbits to our offices, and our experienced volunteers will provide you training and advice on our preferred Bonding Support techniques, giving you the confidence to continue the bonding activities at home yourself. We can offer Bonding Support Consultation services face-to-face in our offices in Kirkintilloch (G66 1QH). Click on the Bunny Bonding Guide to flip through our interactive resource or download the PDF here. When the rabbits return home, they will be in a settled bond that will allow them to comfortably and safely live together in the same environment. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. Dont panic if you see this behavior occasionally. Make sure the bonding area is big enough. If you want to successfully bond two rabbits, youll need to make some preparations and do some planning. Stress bonding is a technique used to scare or stress out the rabbits in order to get them to comfort each other. Similarly, its best to make sure the rabbits have had time to get out and exercise (separately) before putting them together. $1,275; Bonding Trio: $120/day, i.e. Our insulated and heated equipment ensures we can keep both indoor and outdoor rabbits comfortable during their stay. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. To talk to us about bonding your rabbit with a new friend, call us on 01803 812121 or email If they had a bad chase or some fur was pulled, step in and place the two rabbits next to each other while you pet them. We do not recommend brothers or creating trios/groups. Twice in 5 years I have had injuries that have needed to be stitched. Professional Bunny bonding service. celebunnies have excellent customer reviews from our happy customers on our boarding and our bonding service. These cookies do not store any personal information. Throughout this period your rabbit's will have constant supervision, which requires me sleeping (if i'm lucky) alongside them so I can be on hand if anything 'kicks off'. When moving from one step to the next, especially when increasing space, its common for rabbits to have minor setbacks as they settle into the new space. The sequence that I like to use is to start small, especially if were dealing with anxious rabbits. When should you give up bonding your rabbits? Then get to work cleaning everything. Whether its a difficult bond, you're struggling for the time needed, or you don't have the neutral space to make it work, we can help. If you are looking for information on how to bond two bunnies yourself, check out our bonding page! Rabbits that have been in a fight are much more difficult to bond because now they have negative memories of each other. Usually you will want to bring them to a room in the house that your rabbit hasnt been to before, such as a kitchen, a bathroom, or a section of a hallway. Use a new exercise pen that neither have used before and have new litter boxes, food bowls, hiding houses and toys available. Please see our boarding rateshere. Rabbit Advocates has bonded pairs, including sibling and parent-child pairs, available for adoption. The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. Then move directly into a larger space to bond them gently until they are used to each other and seem unlikely to attack each other. You do not need to have adopted your rabbits from us, as these services are available to all rabbit owners. Our nearby rescue also offers bonding services so I told the owner to just try and bond them with a rabbit that seems to fit well in the group. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue. If one rabbit is much more active than the other, it may end up causing friction in the relationship when one rabbit wants to play, but the other just wants to cuddle. The bonding process takes approx. Before your rabbits move into any space or enclosure that has been used by either bunny in the past, you want to do some serious cleaning. When youre first starting out, its best if you can give your rabbits some bonding sessions in the middle of the afternoon. Maybe someone on the internet told you that your rabbit will never be happy unless they are bonded. If one of your bunnies needs an overnight stay at the vets, a bunny savvy vet will understand the need for the bonded bunnies to stay together and if he/she doesnt, then you need to find another vet. This will allow the rabbits to develop a friendship without the instinct to defend their space. At night, they would share a 6ft double hutch, having access to only half of the hutch each to prevent fighting. If behavior changes or any problems occur then go back a step and decrease their space immediately until things return to positive. The process should always take place in a neutral territory and all rabbits involved should already be spayed or neutered. The first child will still love their parents, but theyll have another separate relationship with the younger sibling and the family dynamics will change a little. Say that both pairs do n't love one bunny bonding service do not need to make the bond likely wont after. 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