What might help my case? We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: (ID 77) Shady_Williams- [Player Notified] - Can you please provide your side of events that took place during this situation in further detail if possible? If i saw it i would of stayed around and continued to RP as yes i understand the rules. The following players will be required to provide their side of the story from this situation within the next twenty-four (24) hours: [Josh_Weasley[ID 78]] - Please explain why tried fighting people with guns with your fists and did not comply with their demands. Other players involved: None Mafia City Roleplay Bot. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, or if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it. Your characters name: Chuck Mangione Domonic_Banks [161] - Ruleplaying | Taunting a player in a populated area in an attempt to bait a reaction for a potential shootout. Players cannot force their own death. Eclipse Phase: Think Before Asking. Player(s) being reported: ID 26 Date of interaction reported: 25/01/2023 Unix time stamp from HUD: 1663600999 Your characters name: Alex Drake Other player(s) involved: - Specific rule(s) broken: 13. I didn't wanted to shoot him at all but when he got on his bike while I have a gun pointed at him at a very close range I decided to shoot. (44) - Please explain why you decided to shoot the reporting party instead of complying with their order when a gun was pointed onto your back at a very close range for a good two (2) seconds. is waiting for you! When you are on foot or bike and a weapon is aimed at you at close range. Due to the above explanation, these punishments will be issued. I don't feel like this is the case. If an attacker lowers their weapon to type, victims whowere under fear RP remain as so. Answer: In an Eclipse IDE, we can have a number of projects in the 'Package Explorer'. Official faction members may return to their HQ and resume faction duties but must abide by the NLR rules in all other ways Jordan drives forward slightly to block Swarles in the SUV, but is met with damage as Swarles forces his way out. Specific rule (s) broken: 13. Regards, Date of interaction reported: 19/10/2022 Examples (but not limited to), where your characters life is NOT considered to be in direct danger: Senior Support Lightninbolt9 Adhering to the Fear RP rule, you can only enter that shootout if you intend to use your car as cover, or to help a friend escape. A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing their attacker, or if their attacker's view is obstructed by an object. dineth1994, Friday at 06:59 PM in Archive, Player(s) being reported: ID 26 Unfortunately we will turn to stone if we see her face, and she might try to make us see it. We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: [Notified In-Game] - Domonic_Banks (161) - What was your reasoning for attempting/threateningto spraypaint graffiti at OTF's HQ? Specific rule(s) broken: Fear RP is showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. I planted marijuana and waited for them to sprout, but I saw one person take my marijuana, I went to him to get my marijuana back.I pointed the gun at him and said "on your knees" and he did it but when I tried to rp from /me chat he ran and got on his bike and left. ((OTF LEADER in Ballas actual HQ being very aggressive. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Archive. Thank you for the responses. Eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server 9sqljvm eclipse rp quiz answers transpa png 1000x400 free on nicepng eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server hd 9sqljvm eclipse rp quiz answers transpa png image nicepng com. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1573175039 However, once I am threatened with a weapon and then boxed in and then chased for supposedly already hitting ID 161, ID 161 parks his drag in front of me and I take the opportunity to thin the pack of hostile people chasing me (Yes ID 161 did chase me from the motel and then drove ahead of me). After reviewing this report and evidence attached to it, we've decided to accept this report and issue the punishments to the following player(s): Roland_Macfadden(44) - Fear RP- Failed to comply with the demands of reporting party while a gun was pointed to his back at a very close range. This caused my vehicle to instantly zero out. I didn't wanna wait to long to tell you to save POV then when I was roleplaying and I didn't see your /me you powergamed and searched me without any warning. Ragemp: https://rage.mp/ Rules for Eclipse: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/136-rules/ While surrounded by police officers with multiple heavy weapons aimed at him, ID 69 decided to just run away to a house, take a vehicle from a garage, and attempt to evade. It has been said time and time again that issuing demands does not constitute sufficient escalation and does not give you the right to shoot/attack another player, even if they broke a rule, that doesn't justify doing the same. Other player(s) involved: -. Once you find . Additionally, doyou feel you properly valued your character's life in the given situation? It is important to remember that Vehicles cannot be used as weapons in active shootouts unless where unavoidable. For example, being uninjured after crashing a motor vehicle or telling a player he is knocked out after punching him once. Please edit back your report and include the evidence as it was being under review. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: @antoniovitto - Antonio_Vitto (ID 26) - Do you believe it was realistic and reasonable to take advantage of someone typing to run away while held under gunpoint? "We call it the gorgon-in-a-box problem. Administrator Harveyyy Any and all footage is appreciated! Niko_Carterwill be receiving aFearRP Punishmentfor the reportedincident. Our unique voice chat implementation will make you forget that you have a keyboard and our awesome community will keep you engaged in everyday activities and experiences! Those projects can be either in 'Open' or 'Closed' state. In this report specifically, Domonic is on foot taunting a player at a populated area (IC and OOC) with no overwhelming force, essentially to annoy the opposing gang, show blatant disrespect to their faces, especially when told to leave 12 times and in the Chris Bridge report, Chris shows up to question Billy and ask/demand foran apology over something specific with an overwhelming force where they were geared with heavy weaponry and armor in case things went South because of their history. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to prese. Again, please edit back your report and include the evidence. . im concerned why you don't have audio in your clip, PENDING RESPONSE You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Hope this helped you progress in the quiz or even pass it! Unix time stamp from HUD: 1671285725, Your character name: Shady Williams Please provide all if any, available unedited evidence of the situation including any escalation leading up to the shown events. Regards, Hope this helps you in anyway. You could of done this and then approached be from behind with ur gun still drawn actively using fear against me and proceeded to rp. Additionally, this is for the reporting party, you must get the issue with your recordings fixed and sorted to capture audio; future reports are subject to denial if you fail to provide audio within your clip! Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your character's safety and life. May 31, 2019 #1 MCRP Rule Book . MCRP Rule Book Click the above link to access our rules. Non-RP | Blocking an exit with an elegy in an attempt to keep a large SUV from escaping. Mr. bridge constantly went into /b and /pm's so the RP scenario will go down the route he wants. Returning to a scene as well of your death is also breaking NLR. With ID 161 attempting to attack me earlier on my block in front of my gang compounded with the ongoing situation I felt I was perfectly within the rules to hit ID 161 off his bike which really should have disabled him, I'm unsure how the player didnt end up injured. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. Ephorize RP - Increase Performance & Reduce Stuttering. (ID -) - Is there a reason to why your game does not have shadows at all? | 59,679 members. Bear_Okazaki hops off his bike after calling for backup on radio and aims it at Swarles, to which Swarles drives forward in an attempt to escape this, and an elegy driven by Jordan_Moore is blocking the exit. Desync is not that bad. Nick Valentine calls OTF to back him up and they all arrive at city parking. You cannot call 911 or call your friends or allies to aid you. Gta V Rp Eclipse Roleplay Part 1 You. The following people will be tagged/notified to give their side of the story within the next. Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. Sign in. OOC Behavior | Sending slanderous pm's to the opposing gang member about their intentions on the server. . A gun is being pointed at you, so you have to surrender. 5 Best Gta Rp Servers For Beginners. Text chat is still available as an second option if you are unable to use voice chat, but be aware, you will be in a disadvantage and you will be losing out on an amazing experience! You will often see this in search threads. It's very reasonable to have fear, and yet still take action. New life rule NLR. An Eclipse Phase Scenario written by Anders Sandberg and available as a free PDF. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Staff. Eclipse GTA V Roleplay server As torealistically, there would be no typing in a situation but for server & game limitations and features, there is. Fail RP / FRP. Instead of going straight /b save POV as you did, it would have been helpful for you to explain what the situation was. Discord: https://discord.gg/tgcFpS9-----Decided to make a video showing an intro to t. Eclipse Roleplay Guide Server Rules Explained Gta V Timestamps You Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server Forzetukas Twitch . eventually when shooting tires didnt stop them my passenger started shooting both the driver and ride along ID 93 still picked up speed and rammed us. Roland_Macfadden ID 44 - Fear Roleplay (FRP). /melow [action] doesn't make sense for you to keep telling us we need to fear you guys as well as constantly /b /pm to change the route of Rp scenarios. Evidence of rule breach:https://streamable.com/jx8scl. The FearRP rule states "Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. i've had encounters with this person frequently and evetimehe looses or dies he pm me to save POV and his friends show up. Evidence of rule breach: PENDING RESPONSE Specific rule (s) broken: FEAR RP. I go to our HQ and Im by myself and thats when ID 92 rolls around, hits me and the rest of my gang shows up. I was always told to inform the other player to save POV because not everyone can record 24/7 and when I told you that you told me to stop talking in /b which isn't right. (161) - What was your reasoning for attempting/threateningto spraypaint graffiti at OTF's HQ? OTF literally did the same thing to Ballas HQ, I repeat BALLAS HQ but yet when others come to their "store" which keep in mind is not their HQ they go into /B constantly telling us we need to fear them. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. i would like to also ask why is OTF command continuously using fchat and /pm to slander our gang. We can use teamviewer or anydesk I already tried installing both, but i receive warnings and errors, like: /, crosstool-ng version esp-2021r1 doesn't match supported version I need someone with more experience for . Senior Support Razza Account Ownership and Responsibility. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. We ask questions to understand why certain things are done by players. best GTA V RP server If I broke FearRP here I sincerely apologize as that was not my intention but from my understanding of the rules, what I did was fair game. Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. ainsi How do you join GTA Roleplay? If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file arefund requestfollowing therefund request guidelines and format. Driving a vehicle into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover for a friend or yourself, or fleeing with it. he is clearly at this point using a vehicle as a weapon. If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file apunishment appealfollowing thepunishment appealguidelines and format. Additionally, we would like the following questions answered: Hello, first of all I would just like to thank the ECRP Staff team for handling this report. Player being reported: Stranger 3801_7700 Date of rule breach: 27/01/2018 Time of rule breach: 5 PM EST Your characters name: Chuck Mangione Other players involved: None Specific rule broken: Fear RP: Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your character's life in situations where your attacker is able to quickly end your life at will. Im not a new player and i know the rules so why i should broke a rule just for a small robbery like this . 5,239 Online. roleplaying community. In the video, Stranger3801_7700 /Mikhail_Hurezanov has a weapon pointed at them. cause i didnt see anybody around and look you put your aim down and you werent typing how i can understand you are trying to rob us so i ran out of store to see who is telling get out of store and i picked up my gun for safety and i was goin back of store to be who is this and you suddenly aimed me. ECLIPSE ROLEPLAY - GTA V ROLEPLAY. All the possibilities are within your reach. Both side would flee any battlefield before the first shot was fired. again can't prove it but gets annoying. If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file a punishment appeal following the punishment appeal guidelines and format. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we have decided that this report cannot be concluded at this time. The worst part about the rule is the assumption that fear equals surrender. also do you have footage of your side that shows that because earlier when we shot tires on another cruiser I saw the tire pop and the cruiser swerved from it. you will never feel alone in the sunny city of Los Santos! Additionally, I would like to remind the reported party of FRP as it is not promising from their answer. Sign in Just replying to the question above, which looks like it was posted at the same time I replied. Otherwise, the conclusion of this report is final. This was reported in game, but was not answered so it is being brought here. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Following review of all evidence and provided statements, we have made the decision toacceptthis report and conclude it as follows: Shady_Williamswill be receiving aDeathmatching Punishmentfor the reported incident. This is supposed to be a fun roleplay server where people can RP as gangsters but get off the game and continue with their real life. Provide your side of the story along with any evidence that you may have to back up your claims. In addition, please answer the following: Do you feel that throughout this situation you had enough escalation and interaction with the player to warrant you firing at them? Our voice chat based server will provide you the best playing experience! Hector2Fingers, October 20, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: Billy_Valentine [ID 69] Administrator MarcoD& Senior Support thrax. A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing their attacker, or if their attacker's view is obstructed by an object. @antoniovitto-Antonio_Vitto(ID 26) - Do you believe it was realistic and reasonable to take advantage of someone typing to run away while held under gunpoint? AdministratorHarveyyy Mark dm (Order #16727484) 5th Edition Horror Credits Author: Ismael Alvarez Editor: Troy Daniels Copy Editor: Lucus Palosaari Design: Rick Hershey Layout: Rick Hershey and Troy Daniels Fat Goblin Hoarde: Ben Dowell, Eric Hindley, Ismael Alvarez, J Gray, Jason Owen Black, Jeffrey Swank, John Bennett, Justice Mora, Kalyna Conrad, Kiel Howell, Kim Frandsen, Landon . Fear Roleplay (FRP). You all know to GIVE a reason when telling someone to save pov, you all have over 100k+ exp and are not new to the server. Throw yourself into an hurricane of unforeseen roleplay possibilities and experiences. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Vehicle Deathmatching | Intentionally hitting another player off their bike when NOT in an active shootout. To start off this point, this punishment is issued to Swarles because of him blatantly driving straight into Domonic, at which Domonic is hit off his drag with the large SUV. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, or if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it. To role play, look online or in comic book and gaming stores to find information about a live-action group if you like to act or play fight. How did the player break the rule (s)? Player Reports. Please explain your side of the story and provide any additional evidence that you may have. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. By Fiftyy , September 21, 2022. Powered by Invision Community. If the requested player(s) does not respond within (24) hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence already provided, to the best of our ability. Shooting at a cop in pursuit does not mean that they will stop chasing you, but you are right that they should create a safe distance if they are unable to return fire, which Redhot would have done if he actually knew he was being shot at. . ( i saw him comingand would of pulled my knife to try to struggle and overpower him using /dice and rp rules and wrestle on the ground but the limitations of the picking weed anim limited me from doing anything) usually when being robbed im given direct orders to stop don't move gun stays pointed at me until they start typing but in this case that did not happened as Alex lowered his gun and started walking. Provide your side of the story along with any evidence that you may have to back up your claims. It can be accessed through the Rage MP client. @Billy ValentineFear RP is not just about "up-close and personal" with a weapon against your character; it is any situation where your character's safety is threatened and is subject to be ended in matter of moments. which was also wrong. Evidence of rule breach: PENDING RESPONSE In most servers that use this, it is against the rules to pull out a weapon or attempt to run away when your character has a gun aimed at it. By 5) ID 92 comes to our HQ which is known, hits me a first time, doesnt deny the accusation words are exchanged they drive off and then intentionally hits me a second time.6) This is another example of their continued OOC toxicity and attitude through out the entire Roleplay situation, which they have already been warned for. Your characters name: Kolt Chambers After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, I have decided that this report cannot be concluded at this time. We in our Each reportis evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so we can consider all the factors and what makes it appropriate. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro0:45 Civilian Life6:54 Criminal Life12:55 PD/SD18:06 Final Thoughts & OutroDiscord: https://discord.gg/tgcFpS9 -----. In addition, ID 92 began PMing me stating this was their HQ and I was breaking FRP which can be found in his POV and I have screenshots below. Account ownership is non-transferable and is the property of the creator. so I just did a report and told you to save pov in case nobody was available to help at that moment, For transparency, the video does not contain anything sensitive. The application process consists of several open questions related to our server rules and roleplay scenarios. Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay When youre in a vehicle that is stalled or turned off and a weapon is aimed at you close range. Eclipse RP is one of the most popular GTA 5 RP servers out there. As a victim, whose life is in direct danger: PENDING RESPONSE Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. Powered by Invision Community. Powered by Invision Community. This is considered taunting and baiting because the area IS populated OOCly with their gang members and Domonic proceeds to troll him and try to get a reaction out of him when standing completely alone in front of Swarles. Moderator mills, Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay This is not always the case and it is completely up to the handling administrator to decide. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, or if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it. I hope you understand my point of view. Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity . Regards, Powered by Invision Community. With over In addition, please answer the following: Do you feel that you adequatelyfeared for your characters life while having a firearm pointed at you at close range and getting on your bike to drive off? This concept is mainly used as an attempt to make . Did the reporting party lose any items worth above 25.000 dollars as a result of this report? We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: [@Kjaer] Swarles_Bridge[92] - Please explain your side of the story and provide any additional evidence that you may have. How did the player break the rule(s)? so it's happened because he broke fear RP rule there. Search. Max fading doors (Per Base): 4 + 1 for raidable defense . Fear RP: Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying. After doing so, Swarles proceeds to tell him to fuck off numerous times (12 times to be exact), at which point Domonic finally decides to leave the area. Powered by Invision Community. ID 93 while being shot at instead of backing up to avoid being shot (while he had a ride along) he sped up and rammed me into a wall. [ID 78]] - NonRP # 1 & 2 | Breaking FearRP & NLR - Fighting people with guns that are actively shooting with your fists is a complete disregard of your life. No active shootout, and 2. Players must be able to explain their reason and provide proof of prior reasoning if requested. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We aim for balanced gameplay through this rule, and it may not be representative of real life at times. By Domonic enters OTFs official HQ where it would be very much populated OOC but also is already populated IC with OTF gang members and says he is going to do artwork aka graffiti on their wall. This sort of ignores the entire character's background, and the very way how fear works in the first place. Came across this review because I've been having some desire to get back into GTA RP and I was curious if Eclipse has improved at all. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. If you disagree with the outcome of this report, please file an appeal following the appeal guidelines and format. Specific rule (s) broken : 13. you should of been asking me to lay down or drop my radio or knife don't fucking move or im going to shoot you, keep ur hands up, keep still. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1666234492, Your character name: Hector_Mayfield Punishment: Anything from an admin jail to an indefinite ban.
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