Well, thanks to the support ofeveryone who played the original edition, and with the blessings of Osprey Games, Iwas given the opportunity to present those changes in a new edition. GeekBuddy Analysis 2-8 Players Community: 2-4 Best: 2 60-120 Min Playing Time Age: 12+ Community: 10+ Weight: 2.40 / 5 'Complexity' Rating Designer Joseph McCullough Artist RU-MOR Essentially, they are toy soldiers made out of metal, resin or plastic, often sculpted to an extremely high level of detail. In any case, a figure must perform all its actions before another figure isactivated. While Frostgrave is designed to be a competitive game between two or more players, it is less concerned with being a tactical exercise and more interested in helping players achieve a shared sense of fun and adventure as their wizards battle their way through the numerous dangers of the Frozen City. From . This can happen at any point in the path of a figures movement.This rule means that that a figure cannot run right past an opposing figure, andit allows figures to guard narrow passageways and protect treasure and otherfigures. Staffs do -1 damage. A figure with a quiver may carry one piece ofmagic ammunition, one magic arrow or crossbow bolt, without it taking up anitem slot. By Joseph A. McCullough, RU-MOR aRU-MOR and Shane Hensley. The secondaryplayer must then activate their apprentice and 03 soldiers within 3 and in lineof sight, and so on until all players have activated their apprentices. In this phase, the primary player must activate theirapprentice and 03 soldiers of their choice within 3 and in line of sight of theapprentice. A figure in combatmay not move, shoot, cast a spell, drink a potion, reload a crossbow, or use amagic item. Be sure to give your wizard a name before they venture into the Frozen City, though! It is worth mentioning that most miniatures are supplied unpainted,and many wargamers find that painting their miniatures is their favourite part ofthe hobby. Join Over 80.000 & Happy Readers. In multiplayer games, theplayer with the second highest roll chooses their side second, and so on. PDF. Theseweapons have no modifiers in combat. Figures affected by a controlspell are always temporary warband members. Frostgrave :: Cartes caratristiques des mages et soldats By: Fredar cartes-personnages-frostgrave.pdf (619 KB) Cartes pour composer votre expdition. Frostgrave: Second Edition: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City: Frostgrave Joseph A. McCullough Osprey Games This new edition of the multi-award-winning fantasy skirmish wargame offers improved rules based on years of player feedback, a revised spell list, new soldier 0 Osprey Publishing Browse by Series Explore Browse by Series Air Campaign Save up to 80% versus print by going digital with VitalSource. Then she hands me a jar and says get a sample 17Wizard Type CHRONOMANCERChronomancers use magic to manipulate time itself. A soldier may carry amagic weapon or wear magic armour if it is the same type as a weapon or armourlisted in their notes (e.g. It may berepresented by areas of snow, mud, or rubble. In game terms, apprentices use the same casting numbers as theirwizard, but with a -2 penalty to every roll to cast a spell. While Frostgrave is designed to be a competitive game between two or moreplayers, it is less concerned with being a tactical exercise and more interested inhelping players achieve a shared sense of fun and adventure as their wizardsbattle their way through the numerous dangers of the Frozen City. Theyrarely carry weapons or other magic equipment openly, preferring to producethese items out of thin air as and when they are needed.Also known as: Conjurer, Prestidigitator.Symbols: mirrors, rainbows.Illusionist +2 Sigilist, Soothsayer, ThaumaturgeAligned +4 Chronomancer, Enchanter, Necromancer, Summoner, WitchNeutral +6 ElementalistOpposed 19NECROMANCERNecromancers study the magic associated with death, as well as the creation andcontrol of undead creatures such as zombies and animated skeletons. As the youngest branch ofmagic, it is less developed and less understood than any of the others, and thuspotentially the most dangerous. They have no specific style of dress, although they tend to like outfits that project a sense of power and often carry an intimidating weapon, even if they have little skill in using it. To determine your apprentices stat-line, subtract 2 from your wizards Fight,Will, and Health stats. If any combination of items, magic, or special affects would take them above 15, treat it as 15 instead. TRY THE CORNERS In games played on very small tables, say 2 x 2, it might be better for warbands to select starting corners, instead of table edges, as this makes better use of the available space for playing a game. In truth, the exact nature of the terrain isnt overlyimportant. Keep all the supplements to the first edition useable and relevant.For item one, I sought to make every spell in the game desirable and useful and toincrease the direct player interaction. Please sign in or create an account. Given thepowers they wield, Chronomancers are just as likely to appear ancient aseternally youthful, and some may display elements of both, such as a young faceon an old body.Also known as: Timerider.Symbols: hourglasses, wheels.ChronomancerAligned +2 Elementalist, Necromancer, Soothsayer Illusionist, Sigilist, Summoner, Thaumaturge, WitchNeutral +4 EnchanterOpposed +6 ELEMENTALISTElementalists are the most outwardly powerful type of wizard. Most Elementalists, especially those that specialize in the control of fire, tend to have short tempers. These can be anything from coins to bitsof shiny paper, but players might want to invest in some miniature treasurechests, piles of scrolls, or magic books, as these little markers can really enhancethe look of your games. For example, during a scenario, a treasure may be located behind a barreddoor. The wizard represents you on the tabletop and is by far your most important miniature. Daggers have a -1damage modifier. Using a group activation allows the player to circumvent the normalactivation rule that each figure activated in a phase must complete all its actionsbefore another figure is activated. This modifier is added or subtractedto the damage inflicted after the winner of the combat has been determined asexplained in Chapter Two: Playing the Game (page 38). Make the game more fun, not less. Always count vertical distance whenchecking how far treasure tokens are from one another. Frostgrave: Second Edition. Thankfully, enough players were able to see past these errors and embrace it for the wild, light-hearted adventure game I intended. the Frozen City {DOWNLOAD} Frostgrave: Second Edition: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City 'Full_Pages' COPY LINK IN DESCRIPTION AND PASTE IN. Larger and smaller miniatures are also available andit is perfectly acceptable to use those instead, provided all the players are usingthe same size! If the creature is joining the warbandtemporarily, then it does not count against the normal maximum number offigures in the warband. Osprey Publishing (Part of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc), Kemp House, Chawley Park, Cumnor Hill, Oxford, OX2 9PH, UK. Illusionists use magic to fool the senses, cause confusionand fear, and convince people of things that arent true. He is the creator of the Frostgrave Family of skirmish wargames (the Fantasy titles Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago, Rangers of Shadow Deep, and the Sci-Fi evolution, Stargrave) and of the Oathmark Fantasy battle game and The Silver Bayonet, a game of Napoleonic Gothic Horror. It may then continue to move if ithas a Move stat greater than 5. The second player should then dothe same, and so on until all the warbands are on the table. Regardless of whether the creature is a permanent or temporary part of thewarband, it follows all the rules for a soldier, including activating in the Soldierphase, unless otherwise stated. Picking the right name can help set the tone or provide inspiration for the rest of the wizard creation process. Of the 80 spells presented in the first edition,about 20 were probably never used because they were too weak or too situational.So, I went through each spell, tightening the wording, tweaking the mechanics insome, changing them in others, and, in just a few cases, replacing old spells withcompletely new ones. She began her professional career in2000, sculpting historical, fantasy, and science-fictionminiatures. In appearance, Enchanters are oftenthe least wizardly looking of all wizards, being just as likely to carry craftsmanstools as they are weapons or magic items.Also known as: Transmuter, Imbuer.Symbols: hands, tools.Enchanter +2 Elementalist, Sigilist, WitchAligned +4 Illusionist, Necromancer, Soothsayer, Summoner, ThaumaturgeNeutral +6 ChronomancerOpposed ILLUSIONISTSometimes derided for being mere stage magicians, an experienced Illusionistcan be a dangerous foe. A player may declare a group activation during either the Wizard or Apprenticephase. All new wizards begin knowing eight spells which can be selected from thelist, with the following limitations: Three spells must come from the wizards own school of magic. One spell must come from each of the three aligned schools of magic. The final two spells can be selected from any of the five neutral schools, but each must come from a different school.So, all starting wizards should have three spells from their own school and oneeach from five other schools. 49, The words you are searching are inside this book. Official Frostgrave miniatures are available from North Star Figures (www.northstarfigures.com) as well as many other dealers, and provide options for all the wizards and warband members in the game, as well as a host of creatures that might be encountered. STAFFThe staff is better known for its defensive properties. It does not influence spells which generate shooting attacks. Armour (A): how much physical protection a figure is wearing, including armour, shields, and magic protection. Dont worry, once you are playing the game, your imagination will fill in the gaps, and turn any set-up into another blasted corner of ancient Felstad! In this case, the magic weapon or armour both replacestheir mundane version and fills their one item slot. It does notmatter if a figure moves with its first or second action. 29Each wizard may recruit up to eight soldiers to join their warband, of whicha maximum of four can be specialists. The further away a school is from their own, the harder it is for a wizard to cast spells from it, and the numbers in the table identify the penalty incurred during such an attempt. Frostgrave Second Edition just released yesterday. Thankfully, enough players were able to see past these errors and embraceit for the wild, light-hearted adventure game I intended. As they participate in scenarios, wizards may learn more spells and improvethe casting number of spells they know. in the case of Health, use the figures current Health, not theirmaximum starting Health). There is, actually, one major change between this book and the first edition. These soldiers may not have been activated in the Wizard phase figures may only be activated once per turn, unless some special effect specificallysays otherwise. On a clear night, you can see a green light near the top of one of the tall towers. This may, occasionally, lead to awkward situations where afigure ends its movement clinging to the side of a building or rock, where it isimpossible to place the miniature. Crossbows have a +2 damagemodifier. In these cases, the first number is always the figures actual stat, and the second number is its effective stat in the current circumstances. In a two-player game,the other player will start on the opposite table side. Thus, if you place a treasure token that is too close to oneside, and too easy to reach, you may have just given your opponent a freetreasure! A figure may not use this rule if it activates in combat, in deep water, or is entitled to no actions when it activates. It is not essential to use official miniatures to play the game, though. I wanted to increase the back-and-forth nature of the game, making each scrap for treasure an opportunity for a real duel of magic. It is worth noting that the dense terrain should ensure that no figure is able todraw line of sight to a figure in an opposing warband or to the central treasuretoken before it has moved. Figures in combatdo not automatically fight this still requires one of the figures to perform afight action, but the two figures are essentially locked together for the moment.This is explained further in the section on combat (page 52). Frostgrave: Second Edition: The Spell Cards From Osprey Publishing with deckbox ADD TO WISHLIST > Premium Euro Poker Card (s) $9.24 $9.24 Average Rating (5 ratings) A set of spellcards featuring all the spells from Frostgrave: Second Edition, providing the ultimate in-game reference guide for aspiring wizards. Apprentices offer a huge degree of tacticalflexibility and are the only way to have a second spellcaster in the warband. Of the 80 spells presented in the first edition, about 20 were probably never used because they were too weak or too situational. AUTOMATIC SUCCESS AND FAILURE & MAXIMUM BONUSES Whenever a figure makes a Stat Roll, including Will Rolls to resist spells, an unmodified roll of 20 is always a success. Creatures can carry treasure tokens unless otherwise stated. Please note items in your basket cannot be carried over to a different region. Inhand-to-hand combat, however, it also gives the opponent a -1 damage modifier.The staff does not give this modifier to shooting attacks. After all the treasure tokens have been placed, each player should roll a die todetermine which side of the table to set-up their warband. There are ten different types of wizard, each representing one of the ten schools of magic. Welcome to Frostgrave, a narrative wargame in which the players take on the roles of powerful wizards and lead their small warbands into the frozen ruins of the city of Felstad in search of lost treasure, enchanted artefacts, and forgotten secrets of magic. In theory, any stat may be the subject of a Stat Roll. Assuming the game is not over at this point, theplayers should once again make an Initiative Roll and begin another turn. Creatures are not subject to this limitation, even if they temporarily join a warband. In the next section,you will learn how to assemble a warband of followers to take with you on yourquest for magic treasure. For starting wizards, this number will be the same as the basecasting number listed in the spells description in Chapter Four plus the penaltyif a spell is from outside of the wizards school. Thus,a player may not move their wizard and then activate a soldier within 3 whowas not within 3 before the wizard moved. When a figure moves across rough ground,every inch, or partial inch, of movement counts as 2 for the purposes ofcalculating total movement. I have endeavoured to eliminate the rules that never quite worked, or led to strange, unwanted results, and I have tried to increase the balance, both during a game and over the course of a campaign. Eachplayer rolls a die, with the player who rolls highest becoming the primary playerfor that turn. This title was added to our catalog on August 20, 2020. Between 2014and 2018 our donations are being spent on their Centenary Woods project in the UK.To find out more about our authors and books visit www.ospreypublishing.com. 47Movement by SpellThere are several spells (such as Leap or Teleport) that allow or cause a figure tomove. Do you dare enter the Frozen City one more time? Frostgrave Second Edition - Rulebook.pdf (159341 KB) Pobierz OSPREY GAMES Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Kemp House, Chawley Park, Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX2 9PH, UK 1385 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10018, USA E-mail: info@ospreygames.co.uk www.ospreygames.co.uk OSPREY GAMES is a trademark of Osprey Publishing Ltd A starting wizard may never have a spell from theiropposing school, though these can be learned later. Finally, the first edition of Frostgrave consists of a huge body of work, includingnumerous supplements, and I wanted to make sure that nothing I did made thoseexpansions obsolete. Frostgrave Second Edition comes in at 224 pages. This is not always possible, however, so as long as all the players are clear about which figures represents which characters, the exact appearance is not important. Wizards often have strange-sounding names, so pretty much anything is appropriate. (Hardcover) with clear copy PDF ePUB KINDLE format. The Red King is the first supplement designed for Frostgrave: Second Edition. Although one-off games can be fun, it is by combining all your games into an ongoing campaign that you will get the most out of Frostgrave. It is worth taking a few minutes before each game todiscuss what counts as rough ground as this will help avoid any arguments later. Frostgrave sets a high bar for me, as does itsbrilliant sequel, Ghost Archipelago, which Im just now getting into. Each soldier has fixed stats, as listed in the Soldier Tables below. SHIELDThis can be any type of shield from a small buckler to a large tower shield. Access full book title Frostgrave: Second Edition by Joseph A. McCullough. Althoughone-off games can be fun, it is by combining all your games into an ongoingcampaign that you will get the most out of Frostgrave. The player who rolls the next highest becomes the secondaryplayer for the turn, and so on. Furthermore, no figure mayever wear more than one type of armour at a time, or carry more than one shield,although a figure wearing armour may also carry a shield. Larger and smaller miniatures are also available and it is perfectly acceptable to use those instead, provided all the players are using the same size! Sign UP registration to access Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City &. Joseph A. McCullough (By), aRU-MOR (Illustrated by), . By playing through a campaign, you will watch your wizard grow in power and experience. Although it is possible for a wizard or apprentice to carry more than one handweapon, a figure receives no bonus for doing so, other than having a back-up,should something happen to its primary weapon. There are a few changes that have knock-on effects on those supplements, but really, they are minor and are outlined at the back of this book. Download Book Frostgrave: Second Edition in PDF by Joseph A. McCullough Full Free and published by Bloomsbury Publishing. If youre a veteran of Felstads 6triumphs and tragedies, Im there with you, ready to don a fur coat and magicsword and trek once more into the Frozen City. One treasure,known as the central treasure, should be placed in the exact centre of the table, Perhaps it is the greatest library in the city, but every spell is written on a ten-foot slab of rock, and they scream whenever theyre moved 38or as near to that point as is practical. This is not to say that Thaumaturges arepacifists, however, just that most prefer to avoid obvious displays of force. Would you like to go to the United Kingdom site? If you love playing orcs,use orcs. The rules attempt to cover all the situations that are likely to occur during play but, without a doubt, there will be times when the exact rule for a given situation is unclear. All these instances will be fully explained later. While these rules mightlook intimidating at first, especially if you have never played a wargame before,they are generally straightforward, and most people will have a pretty firm graspof the rules after playing just a few turns. T he SoldiersWith the rediscovery of Frostgrave, several boom towns have formed around theoutskirts of the city.These rough, lawless places teem with men and women hopingto join a wizard and find riches in the ruins. In dress, Illusionists areusually colourful, preferring bright, multi-coloured robes, cloaks, and hats. Ebook 402 pages 2 hours Frostgrave: Second Edition: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City Show full title Below each description is a table showing the relationship of that school ofmagic to the other nine schools. During this phase all uncontrolledcreatures are activated in a manner specified by their rules. While a Fire Elementalist may specialize in fire magic, they are more than capable of harnessing the powers of Water, Wind, or Earth, should, This new edition of the multi-award-winning fantasy skirmish wargame offers improved rules based on years of player feedback, a revised spell list, and a host of brand-new scenarios. The wizard takes one look at this violet pool and sees all the bodies and bits of bodies floating in it. SETTING UP THE TABLEThe first step in any game of Frostgrave is to set up the table. Essentially, the apprentice is learning theirtrade from the wizard if the wizard is good at something, the apprentice willbe too. ASSEMBLING A WARBANDEvery starting wizard begins the game with 400 gold crowns (gc) which theycan use to hire followers to aid their treasure hunts. ***And thats essentially it for creating a wizard. PDF Frostgrave: Second Edition: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City by Joseph A. McCullough, RU-MOR, Shane Hensley EPUB Download Ready for reading and downloading. These are all generalizations, and it is perfectly acceptable to have a wizard who acts or dresses contrary to the norm. Frostgrave uses a twenty-sided die (often just referred to as a d20) for allrolls. In the back of the book you will find a copy of the Wizard Sheet, which is used to keep track of your wizard and warband. Finally, one of the best parts of wargaming is that it is a social activity. Thaumaturges rarely carry any weapon other than a staffand some find even that a bit aggressive. While d20s are rarely seen in most traditional board games, they are used in a lot of speciality games and are obtainable from most game stores or online. Before you can play Frostgrave, you must create a wizard. FGV 13. For the second item, I have tried to improve the whole experience of players, from reading this book and learning to play the game, to running a campaign. These are typically metalor plastic discs between 25 and 32mm in diameter. Thankfully, at its core, this new edition is the same game as the original, and experienced players will find a lot more here that they recognize than things they dont. There are only a few instances where using a group activation is useful. DOWNLOAD as many books as you like (personal use) CANCEL the membership at ANY TIME if not satisfied. He wrote a scenario for us called Rise, Alabama! The specific meaning of each number will be explained later. 36Arms and Armour SummaryGeneral Arms and Armour TableWeapon Damage Maximum Notes Modifier RangeDagger -1 First dagger does not take up an item slot.Hand Weapon Two-Handed +2 Takes up two item slots.WeaponStaff -1 -1 damage modifier to opponent in hand-to-hand combatBow 24 Load and fire as a single action; must have a quiverCrossbow +2 24 Load and fire as separate actions; may reload in place of movement; must have a quiverUnarmed -2 -2 FightArmour Armour Notes ModifierShield +1 May not be carried with a two-handed weapon or staffLight Armour +1 Heavy Armour +2 -1 Move 37CHAPTER TWO PlayGianmgetheNow that you have your wizard and their warband assembled, you are ready toget some miniatures on the table and start your explorations of the Frozen City!This chapter covers all the basic rules for the game including setting up the table,moving, fighting, casting spells, and how to control the creatures that oftenambush wizards during their explorations. This new edition of the multi-award-winning fantasy skirmish wargame offers improved rules based on . The artwork is also just as great as the first edition, with artist 'RU-MOR' amply filling the shoes of Dmitry Burmak. it is not in combat or unable to move because of a spell effect), theenemy figure may choose to force combat. The second edition of Frostgrave was released last week, and I picked up a pdf copy from DriveThruRPG.The new edition is an update to the first edition rules rather than a complete reworking of the game. Finally, each player should place one final treasure tokenanywhere on the table, provided it is more than 9 from any table edge and morethan 6 from any other treasure token. The Wizard Sheet contains space to list all your soldiers and their stats. Terrain such as stairs andladders that were specifically built to be scaled may be climbed without penalty. Be sure to check out the Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City Facebook group, as well as the Frostgrave pages on BoardGameGeek, Reddit, and the Lead Adventure Forum. Joseph A. McCulloughs first brush with writing fo, RU-MOR was born in Tarragona, Spain, and studied, Shane Hensley is a writer, game designer, game sto. The rulesattempt to cover all the situations that are likely to occur during play but,without a doubt, there will be times when the exact rule for a given situation isunclear. Many of the actions your figures will attempt in Frostgrave, such as casting spells or fighting, require the player to roll a die in order to determine success or failure. Technically, a Necromancers school of magic is Necromancy, but players are free to use either term. Actions that may normally replace a move action (e.g. The player with thehighest roll, re-rolling ties, gets to select their starting side. Most Elementalists, especially those that specialize in thecontrol of fire, tend to have short tempers. Heis also the creator of Frostgrave and Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, and co-wrote The Grey Mountains, asupplement for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing Game.His continued ramblings can be read at: therenaissancetroll.blogspot.co.ukILLUSTRATORaRU-MOR was born in Tarragona, Spain, and studied FineArts at the University of Seville, specializing and working onartwork restoration. Free french e-books downloads Frostgrave: Second Edition: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City (English literature) This new edition of the multi-award-winning fantasy skirmish wargame offers improved rules based on years of player feedback, a revised spell list, new soldier types, and a host of brand-new scenarios. An unmodified roll means that this is the number showing on the die, before any modifiers are taken into account. You havemany great and memorable sessions ahead of you. You can even paint them grey if you want them to look more like the ruins of stone walls. For simplicity, the same word is used for both the type of wizard and their school of magic. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Frostgrave: Second Edition are 9781472834669, 1472834666 and the print ISBNs are 9781472834683, 1472834682. Each player will need a copy of this sheet. The latest information on his game design and other writing can be found at: josephamccullough.com. During each turn, players will have achance to activate all the figures in their warbands. This allowed me to keep all the beginner scenarios from the first edition while also including ten new, more advanced scenarios that hopefully demonstrate just how diverse, creative, and complex Frostgrave scenarios can be should players desire it. If thetotal is equal to or greater than the Target Number, the figure has succeeded inthe task. $24.50. This is a gritty world where anycharacter can fall, yet still a fantastic narrative of wizards, warriors, monsters, andicy mayhem. Frostgrave: Second Edition: Fantasy Wargames in. If you are just starting out in the hobby, youmight consider just buying a set of blocks. 15CREATING A WIZARDBefore you can play Frostgrave, you must create a wizard. THE CREATURE PHASEFinally, the turn ends with the Creature phase. If large tables are hard to come by, as they are in my house, you can play games of Frostgrave on smaller tables. For the second item, I have tried to improve the whole experience of players,from reading this book and learning to play the game, to running a campaign. Afigure that is carrying a shield receives +1 Armour, but may not also carry a two-handed weapon or a staff. Illsee you on the ice, friend. All your other figures are really just there in support of the wizard. 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Special affects would take them above 15, treat it as 15 instead your basket can not be carried to! Also carry a two-handed weapon or armour both replacestheir mundane version and fills their one slot... Tables below 20 were probably never used because they were too weak too..., re-rolling ties, gets to select their starting side: josephamccullough.com defensive properties any of. As stairs andladders that were specifically built to be scaled may be the subject of a stat roll you enter! Multiplayer games, theplayer with the creature PHASEFinally, the words you are starting!: Fredar cartes-personnages-frostgrave.pdf ( 619 KB ) Cartes pour composer votre expdition getting into not theirmaximum starting Health ) mages... Case of Health, not theirmaximum starting Health ) a gritty world where anycharacter can fall, still! May declare a group activation during either the wizard creation process it is not essential to use official miniatures play! Gets to select their starting side were able to see past these errors and embraceit for the turn and! Once again make an Initiative roll and begin another turn past these errors and embrace it the... Either the wizard creation process hands me a jar and says get a sample type! Will, and science-fictionminiatures as a d20 ) for allrolls should then dothe,... Note items in your basket can not be carried over to a tower... Nature of the three aligned schools of magic is Necromancy, but may not also carry a two-handed or! Normally replace a move stat greater than the Target number, the other will! A staff to list all your other figures are really just there in support of 80... They were too weak or too situational against the normal maximum number in. Yourquest for magic treasure the 80 spells presented in the Frozen City one more time me, listed... Is by far your most important miniature pool and sees all the bodies and bits of bodies in! 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