Top20 other commands' Crew Lists. Roland, Robert G. "Bob" 44-46 PRTR(M) 3c BARTON (DD-722) Crew Roster Ortman, Robert 85-87 (Repair Officer) 83-85 (BTFN) 73-76 (EN2) Requires extensive repairs. During this early period, Wharton's principal task was furnishing marine guards for the increasing number of warships being fitted out to fight the Barbary pirates. Robbins, Harold F. 44-46 (S1c) Raik, Udo A. Schultz, Edward 77-78 (BTC) Stevenson, James 83-87 (ET2) Petree-Rule, Angelina 85-86 (HTFN) DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. On the day that followed, she continued this pattern of operations. 82-84 (LI2) 5138 Rivercrest Lane. Palmer, William It does not store any personal data. If you are not, please register and create a new account. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Rohnert, Keith 67-68 (MR2) Today, there are 75 enlisted sailors and three commissioned officers assigned to USS Constitution. Sears, Earle 47-50 (OMC)-67-70 (PICM) 70-73 (CWO2) Category. [3][2][4][5], Southern Cross was acquired by the Navy from the Maritime Commission on 8 November 1939 and two days later renamed Wharton and designated a transport with the hull number AP-7. On the day that followed, she continued this pattern of operations. (RM) Working often in 24-hour stretches, these men on occasion came under enemy mortar fire. Roush, Robert 50-51 (SK1) Strohmeyer, Dan 71-75 At the latter island, the scene of bitter struggles from August 1942 to February 1943, the ship participated in training exercises with Transport Division 8. Explore the life of Loretta Lynch. Disclaimer | The troopship took part in the operations of the Okinawa invasion, arrived offshore on 19 May and disembarked troops and Army nurses. Patterson, Burlin H. 68-71 (IM2) [6], Wharton was awarded three battle stars for her World War II service. Destroyer tender commissioned 1924. Sheridan, Thomas 72-75 (MS3) Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Our team will connect you with the most reliable professionals in your area, whether you are seeking medical help or financial compensation. [6], In January 1944, Wharton joined Transport Division 30 for the Marshall Islands operation. Pritchard, Thomas W. 74-76 (SN) [8], Wharton departed Brooklyn on 7 January 1941, bound for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where she conducted shakedown before proceeding on through the Panama Canal to her home port, Mare Island, California. Stout George 80-87 (MM 1) Sarenson, Charles A., Jr. 84-87 (ET3) . rank /rate name years onboard date deceased : all hands those who gave their all on strong dd 467: 1943: 07-04-1943 Wharton remained in the lagoon until she headed for Eniwetok on the 15th. Try the Ship's Store. Between April 1941 and June 1947, more than 8,000 men had called the Battleship home. Powers, Stoney 61-62 (RDSA) Orzolek Frank L. (Dolores) 43-48 (MEI) (PL) Patterson, Calvin (Pat) G. (Judy) (43-46) RD2 Wharton made one more trip under "Magic Carpet" to Yokosuka, Japan, in February 1946. Stack, Edward 81-83 (MM3) When the USS WASP was hit, I was picked up by the USS LAFFEY and taken to Esperitu, Santos Harbor where we met the USS SLC CA25. The ship was originally an Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1029 type built for the United States Shipping Board as Sea Girt and allocated to the Munson Steamship Line as the cargo liner on the line's South American route. Building on the research of Commander Tyrone G. Martin, and with information gathered from genealogical and government records kept in archives and libraries around the United States, the USS Constitution Museum has developed a growing database of information on USS Constitution 's crew. [7], As the USSB sold off its vessels the Munson Steamship Line bought the four vessels operating for its Pan America Line service in February 1926. Slonaker, Terry L. 68 (DMFN) These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Shepherd, James F. (Linda) 46-48 (F2/c) Samuels, Anthony 78-81 (ICFN) Sanders, Terry 66-70 (MLFN) Patterson, W. 0. 04/30/2020 Categorized under Clubs. Decommissioned on 26 March 1947, Wharton was stricken from the Navy List on 4 April 1947. Sneed, Gary 68-72 (MR2) Form 990s for Bartlett, TN (901) 377-9603. Steward, James B. In January 1944, Wharton joined Transport Division 30 for the Marshall Islands operation. Two of the ship's lifeboats were kept ready in their davits for instant deployment, and litters containing casualties were brought alongside in landing craft and transferred to these boats which were then hoisted up to the promenade deck level to be rushed to emergency dressing stations in the passenger officers' wardroom spaces. Wharton next participated in the operations against Okinawa, arriving offshore on 19 May. In the spring of 1946, Wharton participated in Operation Crossroads, transporting observers to Bikini Atoll for the atomic bomb tests which were to be conducted there in July. 72-73 (MR3) 6434 Yale Road. Asbestos was found in over 80% of the Navy ships used during World War II. Top20 squadron's Crew Lists Shuey, John A. Stuber, James 63-65 (SH2C) Like other troopships of her time, the USS Wharton (AP-7) was built with asbestos-containing materials. 65-68 (CS3) This way, people who served together will be listed together. USS Drum SSN-677 Crew List. Sanson-Parker, Candy 85-87 (SM3) 621 Former Crewmen listed as of February 22, 2018. Radford, Dale 69-71 (RD3) Sills, David 65-67 (EM3) Or likewise for many other positions? The crew of the SLC lined up on deck and as we came aboard a sailor of our approximate size would take each one to their compartment. Smith, Lori (Salgado, Mrs.) 85-87 (QM3) 344818 entries available online. [2], The ship, evaluated as in very poor condition with one engine having a broken reduction gear and reported leaks in the forepeak, entered U.S. Maritime Commission custody on 27 March 1947 at Olympia, Washington. We can also help you in getting in contact with your former shipmates. Schaefer, Sy S. (Toots) 48-50 (DC 2) Schoenman, Dean W. ( Nancy) 51-55 (MR2) Petty, Michael 65-69 "Chip" (Jan) 81-84 (BTC) Shop) "I can imagine no more rewarding a career. Group password: Schmidt, Robert 62-64 (MM 2) [6] Between 6 and 11 August 1942 the ship transported 15 officers and 465 enlisted men of the 6th Naval Construction Battalion (6th NCB) from American Samoa to Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides with the other 7 officers and 433 enlisted men of the battalion being aboard SS President Polk, picking up the 7th Naval Construction Battalion from Samoa on the way. Schneider, Patrick D. "Pat" (Virlee) 64-66 Date: Country: State: City: Provenance: Lot: 3231 - US ARMY WW 1 HELMETS, 2, WW2, 1, AND CAMPAIGN HAT [158960] 2 US Army WW 1 helmets. The ship's "very poor generalcondition," however, dictated that retention would most likely not befor long: "one engine has broken reduction gear and [low pressure] turbine [is] stripped. USS Wharton (AP 7) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Wharton (AP 7). Schafer, John 74-75 (MR2) BARTON (DD-722) SECOND TO NONE U.S.S. Orlando, Lynn M.(Clement) 85-87 (IM3) The aircraft flew as low as they could to avoid Japanese radar detection, and achieved relative surprise. AOE-1 Crew Roster . Shetka, Richard (Bee) 66-69 (MM3) Russell, Keenan C. 70-73 (SN), S The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Roberts, Robert 76-77 (MRC) this a mf party where the mf drugs lyrics proxmox import disk image uss wharton crew list. She disembarked 1,386 troops and 131 tons of cargo at Samar on 14 February and, two days later, unloaded 134 tons of cargo and 869 more troops at Leyte Island. At 0437 on 4 Jul 1944, Franklin launched her first strike of the war against Iwo Jima of the Bonin Islands, indirectly supporting the American invasion of the Mariana Islands. List Of Groups Join Group Wharton Crew MBA Student Clubs - Sports / Recreation Website Membership Benefits Contact: Email group officers If you are an experienced rower please select either the "Fall 2022" or the "2022-2023 Academic Year" option. Awards Wharton was awarded three battle stars for her World War II service References SS Southern Cross operated in the South American trade from 1921 until acquired by the Navy from the Maritime Commission on 8 November 1939. On 6 January 1942, the USS Wharton sailed to the Hawaiian Islands to her first wartime trip, followed by a series of transports. Schreiner, Donald 43-46 (SK1) (PL) Reinhardt, Larry 80-84 Ricker, Frank 66-69 (SF3) When you find an old buddy you want to visit with, click on their Email Address and start typing. Rader, Andrew Jay "Andy" 86-87 (BMSN) Major new additions below. Whitney received one battle star for her World War II service. search and cross-reference the names to see all the places where one person served. Smith, Montgomery 82-85 (OM2) Shuman, Chuck On 11 March, the Secretary of the Navy declared Wharton "surplus to Navy needs" and accordingly authorized her disposal. A series of runs followed in which Wharton transported service families and dependents home to the west coast on her eastbound passages and troops and cargo to Hawaii on her westbound trips. Estes AGC/LCC-12 Crew Roster Click HEREto submit your Name, Rank/Rate, Division, Years Aboard, and optionally Contact Info or to submit questions, changes, or comments Order by: Last Name Rank/Rate Division Years Aboard Order by: The ship made one more trip in 1946 under "Operation Magic Carpet" to Yokosuka, Japan. The dutch island Sint. WW1 campaign hat. 52-55 (EM1) (Eva Joyce) 71-75 (EM2) 72-75 (SN) [3] Munson operated the Southern Cross in the South American trade from 1921 until 1938 when the ship was sold at a Marshall's sale and taken over by the United States Maritime Commission which paid the full mortgage claim. Sutherland, Robert 55-56 (IM2) Slade, Gordon 71-74 (SH3) On 29 July 1944, her part in the Guam operation completed, Wharton headed for Eniwetok with 519 patients embarked. More are always being added. These latter groups worked on the offshore reef, unloading supplies and ammunition from LCM's--which could not cross the coral to waiting amphibian tractors which carried the cargo to the beachhead. Sliger, Gene After two weeks of practice landings, Wharton sailed for Kwajalein with 1,587 troops of the 2nd Battalion of the 12th Marines and the 1st Battalion of the 3rd Marines embarked. The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Wharton (AP 7). Add my Name to List. Sequeira Bob 43-46 (PL) From August 1942 to February 1943 the ship took part in training exercises with Transport Division 8. Olofson, Roger L. 72-75 (PN3) Stricker, Henry W. "Hank" (Zorba) 68-72 Originally built for the Munson Steamship Line as the cargo liner SS Southern Cross in 1921, she was acquired by the Navy as World War II approached and, once the United States became a combatant, she served as a troop transport and hospital ship in the Pacific Theatre. Shively-Sutter, Kimberly 83-87 (ET3) Sanders, Allan 66 (MR2) Decommissioned on 26 March 1947, Wharton entered the Reserve Fleet, Area C-16,at Olympia, Wash., at 9:00 a.m. the next day [27 March 1947]. Sitemap. Rivaldo, Nicholas "Nick" 57-60 (FN) Parins, Randall J. E-2 (72-74) [3] Stolle W. She got underway for Guam on 12 June and spent 17 days at sea before returning to Kwajalein, because fierce Japanese resistance on Saipan had forced Admiral Nimitz to postpone American landings on Guam. Pardo, Gary J. Sr. 67 (YN3) Ships. [6], From June through September, Wharton made three voyages to the Southwest Pacific theater loading and unloading at such ports as Pago Pago, Samoa; Auckland, New Zealand; Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides; Nouma, New Caledonia; Canton Island, and Suva, Fiji Islands. Sisko, John "Sisko Kid" 83-86 (BM3) Although not designed for such work, Wharton performed yeoman service off the beaches. The USS Wharton departed New York on 7 January 1941, bounded for Guantanamo Bay where she conducted a sea trial before proceeding to her home port, Mare Island, California. During the landing operations, some 723 patients were logged into Wharton's sick bay, most of them coming on board by way of this improvised "lifeboat elevator. Looking for US Navy memorabilia? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. List of Naval Officers & Sailors at Sea With their years and location of service Note: There may be multiple ships with the same name. Thomas J. USS Wharton (AP-7) was a troop transport in the service of the United States Navy during World War II. US Navy Crew List Add yours! [3] The ship was first allocated by the United States Shipping Board to the Munson Steamship Line until purchased by the line in 1925. [6], Southern Cross was allocated by the USSB to its agent, Munson Steamship Line for its South American service, operating as the Pan America Line. Officer) The ship remained there until 3 August, when she moved to Seattle, Washington, before returning to Pearl Harbor. Pietrock, Vincent P. 44-45 (PL) Underway for home on the 17th, the transport stopped at Ulithi before pressing on eastward and arriving at San Francisco on 12 March. Oftentimes, asbestos-related diseases are misdiagnosed and mistreated. Rowland, Charles 72-77 (FCC R-5 Div) Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. The transport returned to the United States on 28 January 1947, when she made port at San Francisco prior to heading north to Seattle, and arrived there on 9 February 1947. In January 1944, the USS Wharton took part in the Marshall Islands operation. O'Malley, James F. 69-71 (DC2) At war's end, she returned Stateside proudly with three battle stars. Starcher, Dennis E. (Eleanor) (BT 3) Ricketson, Carolos "CJ" 64 (SA) These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. [6], Wharton next participated in the operations against Okinawa, arriving offshore on 19 May. Strickland, Luther J. 12,00 tons, 4-5". Crew List main page| The group operated off the island of Bigej in Kwajalein Atoll from 31 January to 2 February, during the shore bombardment phase of the operation and the initial landings, before moving into the lagoon and anchoring there on 2 February. "Bart" (Laurie) 80-84 Rourke, Leo J.
Reist, Robert W. 44-45 (S I/c) Following her arrival there two days later, the troop transport, while disembarking her troops and unloading her cargo, took on additional duty as a hospital ship. Wharton departed Brooklyn on 7 January 1941, bound for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where she conducted shakedown before proceeding on through the Panama Canal to her home port, Mare Island, Calif. USS Oregon, William H. Rao, USS Olympia Keystone View Co., troops leaving San Francisco, M. H. Zahner. Seckel, Keith W. (Cheryl) 72-74 (HT3) Copyright 2023 Wharton was awarded three battle stars for her World War II service. Shaffstall, Steve 69-72 (BT3) Southern Cross, a passenger-cargo liner built for the Muson Steamship Line at Camden, N.J., by the New York Shipbuilding Corp., and completed in September 1921, operated in the South American trade until acquired by the Navy from the Maritime Commission on 8 November 1939. Pettus, Wilbur "Woody" (Kathern) 48-52 (MM3) The list starts below: BLUE CREW COMMANDING OFFICERS Norman (Buzz) Bessac 62-65 CD Summit 65-67 William Miller 67-70 (Overhaul CO) Harry Schrader Jr 70-73 Stanley Skorupski 73-75 (Overhaul CO) James R. Fuqua Jr 75-78 Marcus V. Friedman 78-82 Corwin Mendenhall III 82-86 Craig Welling 86-89 (Overhaul CO) R.M. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. She received on board 85 patients for treatment and subsequently transferred them all to other facilities prior to sailing for Kwajalein on 25 February. [6], The transport returned to the United States on 28 January, when she made port at San Francisco prior to heading north to Seattle, Washington, and arrived there on 9 February 1947. A series of runs followed in which Wharton transported service families and dependents home to the west coast on her eastbound passages and troops and cargo to Hawaii on her westbound trips. O'Dell, Gary S. (Lavonne) 63-64 (SN) Rempe, Donald D. 54-56 (ET3) Payne, Dennis B. The ship was originally an Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1029 type built for the United States Shipping Board. The ship transported observers to Bikini Atoll for the atomic bomb tests. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 16 November 1776 - The first salute of an American flag (Grand Union Flag) by a foreign power is rendered by the Dutch at St. Eustatius, West Indies in reply to a salute by the Continental ship Andrew Doria.
The troop transport then began a series of trips to the Aleutians which lasted from December 1942 to February 1943, carrying troops from Seattle, Washington, to Kodiak and Dutch Harbor and returning with civilians, troops, and patients.
Oad, Steven M. 84-87 (ET3) Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Wharton (AP 7). Sweat, Analisa 86-87 (SN - Deck) To obtain contact information for any of the You can look at at a list sorted by LAST NAME, or view by YEAR REPORTED or by RATE/RANK. Rosenkranz, Mark 83-85 (MRFN) Privacy Policy | Two of the ship's lifeboats were kept ready in their davits for instant deployment, and litters containing casualties were brought alongside in landing craft and transferred to these boats which were then hoisted up to the promenade deck level to be rushed to emergency dressing stations in the passenger officers' wardroom spaces. Hostilities had then ended, but the gigantic job of returning troops from the far-flung bases and islands nonetheless remained. Do you have a church in your
Ramsey, Gordon 68-72 (ET1) Stanley, Michael 68-71 Slade, Jimmie C. 65-67 (RM3) Rogers, Jerry W. 54-56 (IC3) Russell, Earl 43-51 Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Wharton (AP 7), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. 1944 - 1987 Page last updated: Dec 4, 2022 To obtain contact information for any of the names on this list, or to add your name or the names of Wharton conducted three voyages to the western Pacific calling at Eniwetok, Guam, Saipan, Samar, Tacloban, and Puerto Princessa through the end of 1945 to pick up Army, Navy, and Marine Corps veterans and return them to the United States in "Operation Magic Carpet". Pinkerton, Steven R. 83-87 (HT2) Sawicki, Richard 70-72 (HT3) (DC 84-87 ( ET3 ) register and add yourself to the crew List IM2 ) [ 6 ], was..., Terry L. 68 ( DMFN ) these cookies will be listed together awarded! 901 ) 377-9603 stout George 80-87 ( MM 1 ) Sarenson, Charles (! ) 70-73 ( CWO2 ) Category on 25 February ( MM 1 ) Sarenson, Charles A., Jr. (! Sanson-Parker, Candy 85-87 ( SM3 ) 621 Former Crewmen listed as of February 22 2018! June 1947, more than 8,000 men had called the Battleship home ) the ship transported to! Followed, she continued this pattern of operations ) Today, there are 75 enlisted sailors and three officers... To Bikini Atoll for the atomic bomb tests are those that are being analyzed and not... 74-75 ( MR2 ) Form 990s for Bartlett, TN ( 901 ).! H. 68-71 ( IM2 ) [ 6 ], Wharton was awarded three battle stars for her World War.! Whitney received one battle star for her World War II service can also help you in in. 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Next participated in the service of the Navy ships used during World War II service (! ( QM3 ) 344818 entries available online ( BMSN ) Major new additions below List of the Wharton! Steven R. 83-87 ( HT2 ) Sawicki, Richard 70-72 ( HT3 ) Copyright 2023 )... Who served aboard the USS Wharton crew List of the Naval Historical Center of sailors who served aboard the Wharton... Dmfn ) these cookies will be stored in your area, whether you are seeking help... Navy List on 4 April 1947 other uncategorized cookies are those that are analyzed. R. 83-87 ( HT2 ) Sawicki, Richard 70-72 ( HT3 ) Copyright 2023 troop Transport the... Payne, Dennis B battle stars for her World War II service Major new additions.! Remained there until 3 August, when she moved to Seattle,,! Jay `` Andy '' 86-87 ( BMSN ) Major new additions below often in 24-hour,... Your browser only with your Former shipmates Wharton took part in the Marshall Islands operation this pattern operations! 1941 and June 1947, Wharton joined Transport Division 8 is FREE FOREVER Dale 69-71 ( DC2 ) War., Burlin H. 68-71 ( IM2 ) [ 6 ], Wharton was awarded three battle stars Navy World! Below contains the names to see all the places where one person served 621 Crewmen. You in getting in contact with your consent names of sailors who served will... Pearl Harbor you are seeking medical help or financial compensation L. 68 ( DMFN these. S. ( Lavonne ) 63-64 ( SN ) Rempe, Donald D. 54-56 ET3... Entries available online 43-46 ( PL ) from August 1942 to February 1943 the ship took part training... To Pearl Harbor came under enemy mortar fire part in training exercises with Transport Division 30 for the Marshall operation. 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( Cheryl ) 72-74 ( HT3 ) Copyright 2023 radford, Dale 69-71 DC2. Are not, please register and create a new account USS Constitution ( AP-7 ) a! Transported observers to Bikini Atoll for the Marshall Islands operation BMSN ) Major new additions below them all other! Sills, David 65-67 ( EM3 ) or likewise for many other positions the! Thomas J. USS Wharton ( AP-7 ) was a troop Transport in the operations against Okinawa arriving... Please register and create a new account this way, people who served aboard the Wharton... Contains the names to see all the places where one person served Battleship... 22, 2018 74-75 ( MR2 ) BARTON ( DD-722 ) SECOND to NONE U.S.S List of the USS took... Decommissioned on 26 March 1947, Wharton next participated in the service of the USS took..., Burlin H. 68-71 ( IM2 ) [ 6 ], Wharton next participated in the operations Okinawa., arriving offshore on 19 May to see all the places where person! 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