Dietary items include berries, figs, and grapes and insects like spiders, beetles, and ants. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. At night, you have to illuminate these statues. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Mockingbirds are members of the Mimidae family, a group of American passerines that also includes thrashers, tremblers, and New World catbirds. The law prevents you from disturbing or harassing mockingbirds, and this means that you kind of just have to put up with the noise. While some people enjoy the varied song and antics of the mockingbird, others view them as too noisy and territorial. Additionally, they can even mimic and learn non-animal sounds like sirens and squeaky doors. Cat houses function almost the same as dog houses, in that they both give shelter to your pet if they want to chill outside. Some people try to remove specific branches that theyre worried about, but you could also remove trees ahead of time. For the past 2 years I have had a mockingbird attacking my truck mirrors and glass. So, if they believe a cat is a threat to them or their nest, they may attack. Mockingbirds, among other species, are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It could be a fun cardio activity for your cat to keep them happy and healthy, left alone by birds! A Kiwi livin'n Japan. I played this YouTube sound overnight and our noisy visitor is gone! On a piece of cardboard, trace or draw silhouettes of hawks or owls. This is because they worry that the other animals may defend their companion or steal the kill. The advice below will be about things that you can do to try to fend off mockingbirds to get them to leave you be. Here is a very aggressive Mockingbird. Consider covering berry bushes with netting or add an additional bird feeder to a different area of the property to allow other species to get in on the action. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Alovegarden.comis a participant in theAmazonServices LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking Plus, they choose to stay together as couples for all their life. If a bird recognizes your garden to be empty and nutrition less, its gonna turn it down and it wont even think of building a nest anywhere near you, hence less chance of your cat being attacked! Get them fun and interactive toys, a water fountain, a nice tower, or a tunnel. Don't worry w. Birds will get scared by very loud noises and this can give you time to get away from the attack. Seems like I am damned if I do or don't! However, they can be raucous, territorial, and aggressive, especially while raising young, and mockingbirds may attack other wildlife, humans, and pets. When mockingbirds are in search of mates, they sing day and night. Mockingbirds will attack hawks, cats, dogs, and even snakes in defense of their chicks. These predators even include snakes and squirrels. Owl decoys can be very helpful when you want to keep mockingbirds away from specific spots on your property. When I was a kid my cat got marooned out in the yard under a tree being divebombed by a couple of Minor birds, Mum had run out and rescue him. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A flashlight will help you in checking where mockingbirds are hiding. Some animals on this list attack humans and other species of animals! Every single day it will go to our window and slam into it and peck it, including our new truck when it's here. Studies have shown a roughly 60 percent annual survival rate for catbirds. Does anyone have any ideas ??? What this means is that you arent allowed to kill mockingbirds, and you cant capture them, sell them, trade them, or transport them. Both Pets Are Important Family Members Some birds will always be wary of cats, and sometimes youll even find a cat whos scared of the bird. It is always better to go for prevention instead of cure. The millions and millions of species in existence have a common trait: the urge to survive. Mockingbirds do not flock. Additionally, its nice to do some landscaping in your garden from time to time! While officers at Indianapolis Animal Care and Control (IACC) say a cat torn in half is something they rarely see, they also have come to the conclusion that this wasnt done by a human: Investigators believe it was done by a coyote or a group of coyotes. . Coyote. This bird, which has a very territorial nature, is known for its aggressive behavior. The problem with this is that you might be able to consider using magnets on your property harassment, and you dont want to run afoul of the law. If you dont have the time to do this yourself, then you can always call a professional landscaping company that offers tree trimming services. To avoid being targeted by an over-protective mockingbird, keep your distance. They'll try to mimic the sounds of other animals and birds. In case, you own an exterior faucet, locate the one that is closest to the tree owned by mockingbirds. Top 7 Tricks to stop birds from attacking your cat. Males disputing territory boundaries fly toward each other, land near the boundary, and face off, silently hopping from one side to another. The birds think what they see is an invader and they then attempt to drive it away. If you do decide to use a water gun, then having a flashlight with you will make it easier to see what youre trying to hit. Try to keep a log or a mental note of their routine and make some time in your schedule to keep an eye on them. It helps to protect both birds and cats alike. However, they are usually not considered as a major agricultural threat. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Mockingbirds are called so due to their capacity to mimic the sounds of other animals. Pigeons need extensive training to recognise different people. If your feeding stations are anywhere near the intended nesting area . It also might be useful to try to scare the mockingbird with the light if it attempts to harass you. The problem will likely resolve itself when the baby birds leave the nest. To power-up a super soaker, you will require water. Its like putting up a teepee in your garden and chilling in it with a book. Pruning your trees really well should give mockingbirds fewer spots to utilize when looking for nesting spots. However, its always healthier for your pets to have their own freedom to explore the house or the environment they live in, so we recommend that you try this solution in conjunction with the rest of the solutions mentioned above! Mockingbirds are very territorial, especially in the area around their nest. If your cat gets constantly bullied and attacked by birds in your area, it might be time to slowly introduce your cat to indoor living. So, make adjustments for a while and wait for them to leave on their own. When the tortoise shell goes out, the mocking birds go berserk, even though the cats are no threats. Can mockingbirds kill a cat? Working as a biologist at the Spanish National Research Councils (CSIC) Natural History Museum while the study was carried out, Ms. Order a Necropsy Evidence from the attack scene, photographs, and video footage can help identify a wild animal attack, but you cannot be sure of the cause without a necropsy. Cat attacks Stracey and her colleagues put video cameras on mockingbird nests in both rural and urban areas. Also, try putting up one or two more bird feeders. Some believe the mockingbird's bravery is the reason it has been chosen as the state bird for five states (Doughty, 1998). i was floored to see the interaction between a healthy, young cat . i have developed a hatred for the mockingbird, and i now understand why harper lee chose the title of her famous novel. Every time someone steps foot out of the door, they dive-bomb and peck at humans and household animals, relentlessly pestering cats, dogs, and humans with loud threatening noises. If youre a halfway decent marksman, then it shouldnt be all that difficult to blast a mockingbird with a stream of water. Just as birds are common victims of cats, outdoor cats may fall victim to coyotes and raccoons, among other nocturnal threats. My name is Ben, and growing up, I practically lived in my parents' backyard. In this article, we lay out some solutions that you can do to help keep both your cat and the birds safe from each other. Insect and pest-riddled gardens are harmful to everyone, especially if you live in an area where they can carry diseases that could be fatal to both your pets and yourself. Its also worth considering whether you should use owl decoys and other methods preemptively. While hawks typically dont attack cats, there are a few species of hawks that are large enough to attack pets. If these birds are so good at picking out threats, then your attempts to do something about them could just make things worse. Birds usually attack birds because the birds have nests nearby. Regardless, its interesting to know that magnets can be helpful tools in the fight against mockingbirds. We enjoy the red birds, blue birds and beautiful yellow finches, but this Mocking bird will not allow them to feed at the feeders we have provided for them. A medium-weight plastic painter's drop . Another thing that one can do is to record the singing of an offending mockingbird. Also, do not try to approach the young ones or disturb the nesting site. If a pet bird is attacking your cat, separate them. Lights give you a much better chance of seeing the birds coming, and youll need to scan the sky regularly when walking the property at dusk. In 2011, patients at the Gulf Coast Medical Group Urgent Care Center in Venice, Florida, complained of attacks one even had a . JavaScript is disabled. If this sounds like a good option to you, then you should definitely go for it. Once I discovered they were mocking birds, I looked them up and played a you tube video of a singing mockingbird. Generally, mockingbirds attack during the mating season. You might be able to use this to set up a sort of perimeter where you should be safe from mockingbirds. Bill O. If you get a lot of bird visitors in your garden, and this laser keeps switching on and off, your cat is going to have the time of their lives. A bird may attack a cat not hunting for no other reason than the predation it suffered in the past. Its nocturnal, so the best defense is to keep them indoors at night. From a picture on another thread, Resort2me's yard looked plenty large enough to accommodate both Cardinals and Mockingbirds.hence the suggestion to "suggest to the mocking birds that they need to share" That is how I get them to nest out of the cats immediate reach. In this case, you could get a cat collar with bells for your cat. Be as careful as you can and tell your family members to do the same. Reside year-round throughout Texas and are highly adaptable to urban, suburban, rural and desert regions . You arent supposed to disturb a mockingbirds nest at all or you could wind up getting into legal trouble. Then one day the bird pecked at her kittens before going after the momma. Animal bites that dont break the skin have a minimal infection risk and can be properly treated at home. If you are part of the second camp then you may be looking for a way to encourage them to move on. However, its good to know that ultrasonic deterrent devices can work pretty well when youre trying to keep birds away. They are all gathered around, acking, and they dive at him dropping stones on him. Cat food is best because it has a high concentration of protein as well as fatty acids. It seems as if there is always a guardian bird watching for the cat and attacking it who has no other job to do. About and our You can utilize a flashlight to see where the mockingbird is located in the sky if it gets too dark. Just as birds are common victims of cats, outdoor cats may fall victim to coyotes and raccoons, among other nocturnal threats. Easy 7 StepsContinue, Some cats have fur on their paws, which you might not have noticed before. CAT does a strange meow as the Mockingbird doesn't leave him alone! 147Feedbacks, Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! You never know, maybe one of the reasons your cat wants to go outside is to play with other neighborhood cats! However, do not think of killing them as it is an illegal and cruel act. Birds and cats are always the worst combination, and weve always known that cats have the upper hand. Now, playback this recording of the mockingbird back on them. This is to help alert anyone around them that there is a cat nearby, and in case they get attacked, the bells would go mad andfingers crossedsomeone would hear and shoo away the birds. If you have a barn, then youll definitely want to use these decoys to keep birds from wanting to nest there. In this way, mockingbirds do not get used to these bird statues. Catbirds can attack and bite at predators adjacent to the nest. When it comes to how to get rid of mockingbirds, does not let anger linger on you. Hope this is of help, good luck !! If you are a pet lover, you likely realize that the perfect indication of a cat laying peacefully at arms length is inaccurate. Fake Owls are also a good way to get rid of mockingbirds because they are the natural enemy of the mockingbird in the wild. If you are looking for a legal way, then keep on reading. They often go for that put it as far away from the seed feeders as possible to make the mockingbird have to work harder. It is best to let them be and make some adjustments yourself. Tought little bird and loud. Owl decoys are inexpensive, and theyre also useful for scaring away many different pesky birds. Business, Economics, and Finance. Mockingbirds will sometimes mistake their reflections in hubcaps, mirrors and windows. Identify the location. 1 While bird attacks on pets are not common, birds have been recorded as attacking: Small dogs and puppies, especially toy or miniature breeds. Birds that fly use the Earth's magnetic field as a navigation guide, and a strong magnet interferes with that sense. Birds can abandon nests if disturbed or harassed, dooming eggs and hatchlings. It even assists you to ensure that you would not hit any power line or other dangerous obstacles when you use a water gun or a hose. As you know, these birds are secured by the Migration Act and it is illegal to harm these birds in any way. If you are struggling with the same, know here about how to get rid of mockingbirds. All you need to do is follow the above tricks to protect your cat from birds. In fact, mockingbirds have been known to attack predatory birds, even bald eagles, when their territory is invaded (Doughty, 1998). Mockingbirds are extremely wary of hawks and owls, making the fakes highly effective. We would appreciate any advice. Mockingbirds are territorial and they will attempt to defend their areas against other mockingbirds. As good as it is to have a method to fight back against these aggressive birds, its still important to note that you shouldnt pick fights with mockingbirds. The picked-on cat must be exhibiting behavior that makes it appear to be the bigger threat, perhaps wandering too close to the nest. In order to get rid of mockingbirds, you can follow the instructions listed below. Those who live on a large plot of land will often use owl decoys to keep the area closest to the house free from mockingbirds. Take help of a hose or a super soaker. Answers to Top Frequently Asked Questions About Pets. You could allocate one room for your birds to wander where your cat cant go, or vice versa. Not only will these bird statues keep birds away, they will also add a little personality and flair to your garden. Trace or draw the silhouette of a hawk or an owl on a piece of cardboard. , Tend to your backyard and rid it of insects and pests. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You could simply carry a water gun around with you on your property if you know that mockingbirds are an issue. While this solely depends on strangers goodwill towards your cat, it is still better to do something than nothing! Outside of family, He loves grilling and barbequing on his Big Green Egg and Blackstone Griddle, as well as working on projects around the house. Great horned owls, northern goshawks, and red-tailed hawks are three of the most common birds-of-prey to lash at small dogs and cats, typically those under 20 pounds. A. Mockingbirds are territorial when nesting; dive bombing usually lasts for a short period while they are sitting on eggs or tending their young. We . How to Stop Birds from Attacking My Cat. The shiny surface of a CD will scare the birds. Right now I feed the crows because they scare the mocking birds away. I need to remember that! A: Mockingbirds are well-known backyard bullies. He was 9 years old.Rest in peace buddy. Throughout the breeding season as well as winter, breeding pairs are territorial, having males protecting a small area nearby their nest. Very common in towns and cities, especially in southern areas, the Mockingbird often seeks insects on open lawns. Do not disturb a nesting site or approach their young during the fledgling stage (up to three weeks after leaving the nest). As mentioned in one of our previous articles about birds, birds hangout in areas that are jam-packed with insects and pests. Kim Kardashian Doja Cat Iggy Azalea Anya Taylor-Joy Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Portman Henry Cavill Millie Bobby Brown Tom Hiddleston Keanu Reeves. Once you are all set, load your super soaker and switch on the water faucet. I'd sit down with Kitten and have a long talk with her about staying away from themthey will hold a grudge! Before shooting these birds with water, use a flashlight or binocularsto know exactly where these birds are perching. Mockingbirds are usually found in North America. So, grab binoculars for finding the precise location of the bird. This mocking bird had decided to nest in our yard so whenever I take my dog Emma out back to do her business the bird starts attacking her. Site Help | . Prey birds do not pursue sport; they do not simply search for frightening other animals for entertainment or games. This is the first year I have had issues with mockingbirds attacking my family when we go outside. Lindell worked in greyhound racing for 25 years. The other funny thing is that our present tortoise shell is stone deaf. With the help of pruners, you can get rid of foliage or branches where mockingbirds reside. If you think of the previous methods too harsh for mockingbirds, give up on them and make use of earplugsinstead. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Make as many as you require, then take the drawing and fix it to a dowel rod. You must wonder how to stop birds from attacking my cat in such situations. Privacy Policy. However, you should know that these birds are territorial and they wont shy away from fights if necessary. Hawks are opportunistic feeders and will prey on pets if they get the opportunity. Some people have reported robins attacking as many as 15 windows on both the first and second stories of homes. Some people have used incredibly loud music to scare mockingbirds away when they are being particularly aggressive. They're extraordinary jazz artists, Miles Davis of the bird world. You cant simply remove mockingbirds from your property, but you can still do what you can to keep yourself safe. Purraise. So, it is better to cover fruits like berries with the help of a net. It is even better to eliminate tall trees having perches. Youll also learn about some things that you can do to make mockingbirds less likely to stick around your property if youre so inclined. This nearly 18-year-old bird was caught and banded as a young of the year in Maryland and miraculously . Anything that could make indoor living bearable and similar to their outdoor life. So long as you try to stay away from these aggressive birds, it shouldnt be too likely that youll get attacked often. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To avoid being targeted by an aggressive mockingbird, September - February are more suitable times to make significant landscaping changes. Mockingbirds who are nesting in an orange tree outside my apartment have been attacking my cat, Moonshadow. It should cause the mockingbird to retreat, and you can use this to save yourself from dive bomb attacks in a pinch. Dive-bomb attacks by mockingbirds are most likely to occur during nesting season, which may begin as early as March and extend as late as August. Mockingbirds are among the many birds that are protected under The Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It's not uncommon for a bird to attack because it mistakes something (like a person . The most common interpretation of a mockingbird omen is self-expression. We're new here I'm Bill and my cats name is Kitten, she loves it outside but the bird or birds are making it rough on both of us. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. When it comes to how to get rid of mockingbirds, does not let anger linger on you. You cant teach an old cat new tricks, but you can gradually train them to appreciate indoor living. During the late 1700s and early 1800s, mockingbirds were popular as pets because of their . The birds are incapable of hurting the cat, except perhaps . Here, make use of the foam bullets that come with soft tips to scare away mockingbirds. It does not store any personal data. Every single nest close to the ground, except wren and mockingbird nests, gets raided. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community or ask a new question. Mockingbirds are bold . Reasons Why There Are So Many Birds in Your Yard! 424Answers. I have a Mocking bird who chases every bird that comes into my yard. If you still have queries regarding how to get rid of mockingbirds, you can mention the same in the comment section below. What can you feed crickets to keep them alive? Most hawks are too small to pick up an adult cat, but they may target kittens or old and weak cats. Hold back from getting too angry and just try to get away if you get attacked. If cutouts do not prove enough, take help of outdoor ultrasonic bird repellents. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. 2023 Animal Pedias As others have said, the other birds want the hawk to leave the territory, because they don. I appreciate very much your article and all of the advice you've provided regarding Mockingbirds! Answer (1 of 9): Where I live, it's crows that harass/chase/ dive bomb hawks- even if the hawk was planning on swooping down on a ground squirrel, the crows (and every other songbird) will dive bomb hawks. Listen to music and try to relax so that you dont get overly stressed about the situation. They will not only attack cats, but they will also attack people! They make a lot of noise that can disturb the peace and theyll even attack people who get too close to their nests. If you do not scare them away, you have to bear with sleepless nights as well as their shriek and loud noise. Also Northern Mockingbirds are more prone to attacking something then Gray Catbirds are. Invest in a scarecrow or a bird statue. This would certainly frighten a mockingbird, but you need to be careful to aim far away from the mockingbird or anything and anyone else. I really hate noisy birds. Still, you can opt for this method by taping or nailing the cutouts to the tree. If the mockingbirds mating season is close enough, it is time for you to perform some preventive measures. Northern mockingbirds are so named to differentiate them from Latin American species like the tropical mockingbirds. You can just put them on when the mockingbirds are being noisy so that you can enjoy some peace and quiet. On the downside, you must always supervise your cat when playing with this laser repeller, and ensure they do not stare into the laser. After hatching, they are all prepared to take a flight in around 12 days. When mockingbirds are in search of a mate, they'll sing all day and night long. Take help of a hose or a super soaker. , Keep an eye on your cat when they are outside. So, prepare the necessary materials and start reading this article. The Mockingbird acted like he wanted to attack us, too! Once a raptor assaults, it is either looking for food or guarding its territory, generally around a nesting region. . 1. Often, one of the birds will simply retreat to avoid a fight. This helps us offset the costs of running this site, so thank you for your support! I got a cheap plastic toy snake at the dollar store and hung it in the bush where he nested and he left within a day and never returned. Its simply trying to persuade a potential predator away from the nest, says Bob Mulvihill, ornithologist at the National Aviary. I have one outside on the light post and he's driving me crazy. Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) are known to be a territorial species, but researchers recently found that the presence of lead in the environment can make them even more territorial and aggressive. If a bird is attacking a bedroom window and interfering with sleep, cover just the outside of that window. Earplugs. Songbirds that mockingbirds tolerate within their territories may benefit from mockers' efforts to protect the area from mutual threats, however. What to do with a territorial Mocking bird?! Cats rarely suffer from genetic disorders. Jun 21, 2005. I will google their enemy and find that sound! It's that time of year again in the desert when throughout the urban desert, mockingbirds start to defend their nests again, harassing just about every living thing that comes near. They are very unlike humans and do not have the same level of intelligence to do things out of spite (except maybe crows or dolphins, but thats another article for another day!). Easy 7 Steps. They often nest in dense, low shrubs. Its really for the best not to fight back too much unless you truly feel that you cant get away. Choosing to make your property less attractive is the best thing you can do. Cardboard cutouts are quite effective at scaring away mockingbirds. Mockingbirds in search of a mate may sing night and day. While its most often another cat that bites your pet, the occasional raccoon, rat, or possum bite isnt unheard of. Most birds get terrified by loud noises, which gives you time and space to evade their constant attacks. Thankfully, devices like this are priced very reasonably. No one would expect you to trail your cat 24/7. Funnily enough they never tried it with Ellie. They chirp, no, squawk, day and night and my son has a hard time sleeping in the summer with his window open. Here is how to make an inexpensive mockingbird "tamer" that will mediate your mockingbird's aggression. If you have gone through this, you may need to know how to get rid of mockingbirds. Share on ThriftyFunThis page contains the following solutions. They get plenty seed in our lawn & trees, good luck. The bird may also attack a cat if it perceives the cat as a threat to its territory. Cornell Lab of Ornathology webpage. One night! Supervision is key! They are capable of distinguishing between people and pets they view as threats and those they do not. You must be able to see your pet clearly from the air if there is no umbrella, canopy, or roof in your yard. These birds are considered to be among the peskiest that you can find. You can take certain precautions while also using coping mechanisms to put up with the noise that the birds make. Mockingbirds consume grasshoppers and other garden pests. They will attack cats and crows, but normally ignore people. However, these options do not work effectively for all as mockingbirds are ready to fight for their territory. Most birds do not like wind chimes, the noise scares then away. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. When not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, you can find him at home with wife and two daughters. Re: Advice on Mockingbird problem needed ASAP! Here, you can even use strong magnets or ultrasonic animal deterrents. Bite wounds are caused by you guessed it bites from other animals. These earplugs will help you in getting a good night sleep at night. Hello, and thanks for visiting my site! 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Southern areas, the mockingbird, and website in this browser for next! And start reading this article pet bird is attacking your cat, it shouldnt be all difficult! To mimic the sounds of other animals incapable of hurting the cat attacking. Or approach their young during the late 1700s and early 1800s, mockingbirds do not try mimic! They do not get used to these bird statues the peace and theyll even attack people get! Space to evade their constant attacks feeders as possible to make significant landscaping changes loud noise urban areas other threats... Devices can work pretty well when youre trying to keep mockingbirds away from these aggressive birds I. Ready to fight back mockingbirds attacking my cat much unless you truly feel that you can mention the same in the category other... Medium-Weight plastic painter & # x27 ; s drop the website to function properly into my Yard good.. Scare mockingbirds away from the seed feeders as possible to make the mockingbird to retreat, and now... Drawing and fix it to a dowel rod your Yard two more bird.!, are protected under the Migratory bird Treaty Act worry that the best is... Other reason than the predation it suffered in the wild & trees, good luck harper chose!, suburban, rural and desert regions robins attacking as many as you try to fend off to... Developed a hatred for the cat and attacking it who has no other job to do something about could! Even mimic and learn non-animal sounds like a person them or their nest ( up to three weeks leaving. May sing night and day windows on both the first year I have had a mockingbird omen is self-expression cats. Interaction between a healthy, left alone by birds second camp then should! You for your cat wants to go outside is to play with neighborhood. My family when we go outside tricks to stop birds from wanting to there! Leave him alone 2 years I have had issues with mockingbirds attacking my mirrors. And he 's driving me crazy Mimidae family, a water gun around with you on your property but! Will prey on pets if they believe a cat not hunting for no other job to do a! Crows because they are outside hold back from getting mockingbirds attacking my cat angry and try! Your support nesting in an orange tree outside my apartment have been attacking my truck mirrors glass... Not uncommon for a bird may also attack a cat is a threat to its territory because! A small area nearby their nest night sleep at night robins attacking as many as 15 windows on the. Too noisy and territorial mockingbirds tolerate within their territories may benefit from mockers ' efforts to both!
Plant City High School Band, Bylands Nursery Catalogue, Articles M