[1] In Daviess County, where Whigs and Democrats had been roughly evenly balanced, Mormon population reached a level where they could determine election results. Joseph Smith vehemently denied Bennett's account, speculating that Boggsno longer governor, but campaigning for state senatewas attacked by an election opponent. [37], Black and others filed complaints against Smith and the other identifiable Mormon participants. 11. Although county officials could only legally act within the county, this judge authorized Hinkle to defend Latter-day Saint settlements in neighboring Daviess County.[54]. Gen. Doniphan's Recollections of the Troubles of that Early Time. [104], It is also believed that Smith's imprisonment had become an embarrassment, and that an escape would be convenient for Boggs and the rest of the Missouri political establishment. [53][56] Millport, Grindstone Fork and the smaller Missourian settlement of Splawn's Ridge were also plundered and had some houses burned. [23] These "dissenters," as they came to be called, owned a significant amount of land in Caldwell County, much of which was purchased when they were acting as agents for the church. In 1834, Latter Day Saints attempted to effect a return to Jackson County with a quasi-military expedition known as Zion's Camp, but this effort also failed when the governor failed to provide the expected support.[15]. In his famous Salt Sermon, Sidney Rigdon announced that the dissenters were as salt that had lost its savor and that it was the duty of the faithful to cast the dissenters out to be trodden beneath the feet of men. King to answer the charges. Much of the literature about the Danites is sensationalist fiction, such . Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints live freely and happily among their neighbors, sharing smiles and goodwill with everyone they see. King found that there was sufficient evidence to have the defendants appear before a grand jury on misdemeanor charges. "The Year of Decision: 1846". 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Mormon (The) 10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism [pamphlet] 41 Unique Teachings of the LDS Church; 1838 Mormon War in Missouri (The) 3,913 Changes in the Book of Mormon; A. Adam is God? He stated that General Parks reported to him that "a portion of the men from Carroll County, with one piece of artillery, are on their march for Daviess County, where it is thought the same lawless game is to be played over, and the Mormons to be driven from that county and probably from Caldwell County." Activity Planning This involves making a road . [53] On October 18, these Mormons began to act as vigilantes and marched under arms in three groups to the Missourian settlements of Gallatin, Millport and Grindstone Fork. (youtube). At 8:00am, Joseph sent word to Far West to surrender.[94]. If ye are faithful, ye shall assemble yourselves together to rejoice upon the land of Missouri, which is the land of your inheritance, which is now the land of your enemies.[6]. Agnes Smith, a sister-in-law of Joseph, was chased from her home with two small children when her home was burned. ISBN-10: 0826207294. Reynolds discovered a revolver at the scene, still loaded with buckshot. General Parks arrived with the Ray County militia on October 6, but his order to disperse was ignored by the mob. Jacob Stollings, a Gallatin merchant, was reported to have been generous in selling to Mormons on credit, but his store was plundered and burned with the rest. Parks wrote his superior, General David Rice Atchison, that "a word from his Excellency would have more power to quell this affair than a regiment. They also sent a request for assistance to Governor Boggs, noting that the mob had threatened "to exterminate them, without regard to age or sex". They moved into a blacksmith shop which they hoped to use as a make-shift defensive fortification. After the inquiry, all but a few of the Mormon prisoners were released, but Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Lyman Wight, Caleb Baldwin, Hyrum Smith and Alexander McRae were held in the Liberty Jail in Liberty, Clay County on charges of treason against the state, murder, arson, burglary, robbery and larceny. The presidency responded by urging the dissenters to leave the county, using strong words that the dissenters interpreted as threats. [74], Most Mormons gathered to Far West and Adam-ondi-Ahman for protection. A committee sent to De Witt ordered the Latter-day Saints to leave. A number of Missourians left the scene to obtain guns and ammunition and swore that they would "kill all the Saints they could find, or drive them out of Daviess County, sparing neither men, women or children". We'll get more acquainted with Steve and learn more about his background. At that time, opponents of the Mormons used a pattern that would be repeated four times,[14] culminating in the expulsion of the Mormons from the entire state. Lucas' terms were severe. If they choose to remain, we must be content. Citizen groups and vigilantes meet in upper counties and resolve to assist Daviess and Carroll counties in bringing alleged Mormon criminals to justice. It should also be noted that none of the participants in the raid ever cited the order as justification for their actions. "[46] After more than a week, a company of armed Mormons assisted Lathrop in rescuing his wife and two of his children (one had died while prisoner). 2) August-September 1838: The Danites aggressively worked to defend the Latter-day Saints against anti-Mormon vigilantes. [105], Daviess County residents were outraged by the escape of Smith and the other leaders. Expert-Importance-53 21 days ago The Mormons did absolutely nothing wrong in Jackson County/Independence while they were there (1831-1833). When events in Daviess County caused Missourians to see the Mormon community as a violent threat, non-Mormon public opinion hardened in favor of a firm military response. This is not a forum for general discussion of the article's subject. Other Mormons, fearing similar retribution by the Missourians, gathered into Adam-ondi-Ahman for protection. [53] On October 18, these Mormons began to act as vigilantes and marched under arms in three groups to Daviess County. "Autobiographical Remarks by Ebenezer Robinson (18321843)". A militia under the command of Samuel Bogart was authorized by General Atchison to patrol the no-man's land between Ray and Caldwell Counties known as "Bunkham's Strip" an unincorporated territory 6 miles (9.7km) east to west and 1-mile (1.6km) north to south. Finding 10-year-old Sardius Smith hiding behind the bellows, William Reynolds of Livingston County shot and killed the boy, saying: "Nits will make lice, and if he had lived he would have become a Mormon"[79], In all, 17 Latter Day Saints were killed in what came to be called the Haun's Mill Massacre. Many of Boggs' constituents felt that he had mis-managed the situation, by failing to intervene earlier in the crisis, and then by overreacting on the basis of partial and incorrect information. He's still alive, ain't he?"[121]. [13] Latter Day Saint refugees began to flee to Adam-ondi-Ahman for protection and shelter against the upcoming winter. On June 19, the dissenters and their families fled to neighboring counties where their complaints fanned anti-Mormon sentiment. Members of the Latter Day Saint movement, founded by Joseph Smith, had gradually migrated from New York to northwestern Missouri since 1831, mainly settling in Jackson County, where tensions with non-Mormon residents led to episodes of anti-Mormon violence. [86], Colonel Hinkle rode to the church leaders in Far West and informed them of the offered terms. David W. Patten, also known as Captain Fearnot, attacked Gallatin. Click the image for an enlarged map illustrating the Battle of Crooked River. Initial reaction by Missourians was mixed. The Mormon War is a name that is sometimes given to the 1838 conflict which occurred between Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and their neighbors in the northwestern region of the US state of Missouri. [102][103], During a transfer to another prison in the spring of 1839, Smith escaped. [56], During the days that followed, Latter Day Saint vigilantes under the direction and encouragement of Lyman Wight drove Missourians who lived in outlying farms from their homes, which were similarly plundered and burned. William Bowman, one of the guards, was dragged by his hair across the town square. Hinkle and Murdock refused, citing their right as American citizens to settle where they pleased. Agnes Smith, a sister-in-law of Joseph, was chased from her home with two small children when her home was burned. The third major and perhaps most significant conflict of the 1838 Missouri Mormon War occurred near this location along Crooked River on October 25, 1838. The Settlement of The Peculiar People in Jackson County. [112] Other historians are convinced that Rockwell was involved in the shooting. which rallied the Mormons and allowed them to drive off their opponents.[36]. Above is a depiction of the Haun's Mill Massacre, where a mob killed seventeen men, women, and children. Published March 09, 2022 05:36:49. [26], The "Election Day Battle at Gallatin" was a skirmish between Mormon and non-Mormon settlers in the newly formed Daviess County, Missouri, on August 6, 1838. [51][53] Ignoring this counsel, a Mormon judge in Caldwell County called out the Caldwell militia, led by Colonel George M. Hinkle. On June 19, the dissenters and their families fled to neighboring counties where their complaints fanned anti-Mormon sentiment. [54] [44], As tensions built in Daviess County, other counties began to respond to Carroll County's request for assistance in expelling the Mormons from their county. Early Mormons and Mass Poisoning. All of the conflicts in the Mormon War occurred in a corridor 100 miles (160 km) to the east and northeast of Kansas City . Parks wrote his superior, General Atchison, that "a word from his Excellency would have more power to quell this affair than a regiment. Tensions rose in Clay County as the Mormon population grew. In this 1842 letter, Mormon dissenter George M. Hinkle rashly accused Joseph Smith of plotting to poison the Missourians' water supply. [47], On September 20, 1838, about one hundred fifty armed men rode into De Witt and demanded that the Mormons leave within ten days. [64] Instead of staying in the strip, Bogart passed into southern Caldwell County and began to harass Latter Day Saints, who were forcibly disarmed. Even militia commanders such as Clark, Doniphan, and Atchison who were sympathetic to the Mormons came to see a military response as the only way to bring the situation under control.[74]. [4] An unknown number of non-combatants died due to exposure and hardship as a result of being expelled from their homes in Missouri.[5]. Also, the War Maniac investment under the Advanced Arms Category can increase your troop attack. During a period of nearly four months, August through the end on November, 1838, seven major confrontations took place, and the Saints were required to defend themselves. If they choose to remain, we must be content. Citizens in Saline, Howard, Jackson, Chariton, Ray, and other nearby counties organized vigilance committees sympathetic to the Carroll County expulsion party. During the conflict, 22 people were killed (three Mormons and one non-Mormon at Battle of Crooked Creek,[1] one Mormon prisoner fatally injured while in custody,[2] and 17 Mormons at Hauns Mill[3]), and an unknown number of non-combatants died due to exposure and hardship as a result of being expelled from their homes in Missouri. Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, and other leaders left at Far West warned the veterans of Crooked River to flee. Lathrop's wife and remaining children died shortly after their rescue. [95], Joseph Smith Jr attempted to negotiate with Lucas, but it became clear that Lucas considered his conditions to be non-negotiable. [74], None of the Missourians were ever prosecuted for their role in the Haun's Mill Massacre. [48], The besieged town resorted to butchering whatever loose livestock wandered into town in order to avoid starvation while waiting for the militia or the Governor to come to their aid. General Parks arrived with the Ray County militia on October 6, but his order to disperse was ignored by the mob. The Mormons believedafter a revelation recorded on June 6, 1831that if they were righteous they would inherit the land held by others ("which is now the land of your enemies") in Missouri. [1], Forcefully deprived of their homes and property, the Latter Day Saints temporarily settled in the area around Jackson County, especially in Clay County. In 1834, Mormons attempted to effect a return to Jackson County with a quasi-military expedition known as Zion's Camp, but this effort also failed when the governor failed to provide the expected support.[14]. You can also get a slight stat buff from the equipment investments. [76], On October 29, this large vigilante band of some 250 men assembled and entered eastern Caldwell County. [61] None of these claims, however, purport to be eye-witness accounts. The church . A Militia under the command of Samuel Bogart was authorized by General Atchison to patrol the no-man's land between Ray and Caldwell Counties known as "Bunkham's Strip" an unincorporated territory 6 miles (9.7km) east to west and 1-mile (1.6km) north to south. [58], During the days that followed, Latter Day Saint vigilantes under the direction and encouragement of Lyman Wight drove Missourians who lived in outlying farms from their homes, which were similarly plundered and burned. [83] The mob gave no quarter. [74], While the State Militia gathered, Missouri unorganized Militia continued to act on their own, driving Mormons inward to Far West and Adam-ondi-Ahman. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri [Volume 1] [ ] Used - Good at the best online prices at eBay! On October 24, 1838, three Mormons were captured by the Missourians and a troop was organized to go free them. Surrounded by the state militia, the mood in besieged Far West was uneasy. The Livingston men became thoroughly imbued with the same spirit, and were eager for the raid feel[ing] an extraordinary sympathy for the outrages suffered by their neighbors[80], Although it had just been issued, it is unlikely that the governor's "Extermination Order" would have already reached these men, and in any event it would not have authorized them to cross into Caldwell County to raid. To William Wines Phelps, a fellow Latter-day Saint and witness to the events, Hinkle wrote: "When the facts were laid before Joseph, did he not say, 'I will go'; and did not the others go with him, and that, too, voluntarily, so far as you and I were concerned?"[93][94]. ISBN-13: 9780826207296. McBrier's house was among those burned. Doniphan already had troops raised to prevent fighting between Mormons and anti-Mormons in Daviess County. Joseph Fielding Smith - Mormon Pioneer Trail [1] Joseph Fielding Smith, sixth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the nephew of its founder, Joseph Smith, was born in Far West, Missouri, on 13 November 1838. Exaggerated initial reports indicated that nearly all of Bogart's company had been killed. [61], Many Latter Day Saints were greatly troubled by the occurrences. On the Mormon side, Gideon Carter was killed in the battle and nine other Mormons were wounded, including Patten, who soon after died from his wounds. As a result of the war, nearly all Mormons in Missouri, estimated at more than ten thousand, were forced to leave the state. The Missourians had the advantage of position and fired, but the Mormons continued to advance. The willingness of both Missourians and . They moved into a blacksmith shop, which they hoped to use as a makeshift defensive fortification. Back in 1987, Steve wrote an amazing book called The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri. On October 24, Marsh and Hyde left the fellowship of their fellow Latter Day Saints and traveled to Richmond, in Ray County. Talk:1838 Mormon War Connected to: {{::readMoreArticle.title}} From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. King, on charges of treason, murder, arson, burglary, robbery, larceny and perjury. They asked if the rumor was true and demanded that he sign a document disavowing any connection to the vigilance committees. The Missouri Argus published an editorial on December 20, 1838, that public opinion should not permit the Mormons to forcibly be expelled from the state: They cannot be driven beyond the limits of the statethat is certain. He stated that General Parks reported to him that "a portion of the men from Carroll County, with one piece of artillery, are on their march for Daviess County, where it is thought the same lawless game is to be played over, and the Mormons to be driven from that county and probably from Caldwell County." Media in category "1838 Mormon War" The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total. General John B. Clark: The Mormon War is a name that . Tensions rose in Clay County as the Mormon population grew. Sheriff Morgan was ridden through town on an iron bar, and died shortly afterward from the injuries he suffered during the ride. Austin A. [26][28][29], On July 4, Sidney Rigdon gave an oration, which was characterized by Mormon historian Brigham Henry Roberts as a "'Declaration of Independence' from all mobs and persecutions. One woman died of exposure, the other (a woman named Jenson) died in childbirth. The church relocated from Kirtland to Far West, which became the new headquarters of the church. Journal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph Smith and the other arrested leaders were held overnight under guard in General Lucas' camp, where they were left exposed to the elements. But if you've never heard of it, don't feel bad. King found that there was sufficient evidence to have the defendants appear before a grand jury on misdemeanor charges. The militia promptly arrested Smith and the other leaders. [102] Mormon residents were harassed and attacked by angry residents who were no longer restrained by militia officers. I was surprised to find out he was mapping Mormon history sites in Missouri as an undergrad. The conflict was preceded by the eviction of the Mormons from Jackson County, Missouri, in 1833. Tensions between the members of the Latter-day Saints and neighboring settlers, who took issue with certain . Mormon War Date August 6 - November 1, 1838 Location Northwest Missouri, United States Result Mormons stripped of property and expelled from Missouri More acquainted with Steve 1838 mormon war vigilantes crossword learn more about his background misdemeanor charges cited the order as justification for their in! Of Joseph, was dragged by his hair across the town square, Many Latter Day and! 102 ] [ 103 ], on charges of treason, murder arson. That None of these claims, however, purport to be eye-witness accounts days ago the Mormons absolutely! The Battle of Crooked River to flee surprised to find out he mapping! 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