My seventeenth fanfiction. The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) | FanFiction Wiki | Fandom in: Alternate Endings The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) Edit Lincoln: Hey Ronnie Anne, Sid and Adelaide! (Lincoln quickly ducks so that his hair tuft is not sticking out.). Rate Animation Adventure Comedy Lincoln has his hands full when all ten of his sisters ask him to cover for them at the same time./Lincoln and Lori go on a double date with Bobby and his little sister, Ronnie Anne. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT BOBBY WAS TALKING ABOUT! You got autographs and selfies. That is until your sisters convinced you to come outside and kiss me. (tosses paper out the window) Move over, rookie! Leni: Just because he did it those times, doesn't mean he did it today! Luna: (points at Lola) Like you're the one to talk! ", (Lincoln goes to interrogate Lori, but returns revealing that Lori gave him an atomic wedgie to prove her innocence), (In the bathroom, Lana, Lynn Sr., and Big Bertha are searching for the bowl's barricade). Clyde:(comes in with the dessert cart.) Clyde: Good evening, Monjour et Senoritas. Wait, how do you know? (Dad hands her the object) Paper? (NSL fanfic) 24 parts Ongoing (Lori chases after Lincoln, who hides behind the chair; he trips, and Lori catches him and holds him up by his shirt.). Feb 27, 2020 - Ronnie Anne and Lincoln by InklingBear on DeviantArt. Luan: Don't worry, I'll do that. Ohh, mints! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. You wanna dress up like Ace Savvy, you do it, because I know you love it! Lori: Well, you did worser things to her! Ronnie-Anne:(giggles) Oh, they're so cheesy! Ooh, what's that with the whipped cream on top? Lori: Man, what happened today with Lincoln was literally hilarious! Lincoln: Hi, Ronnie-Anne. 11 minutes of torture, rudeness , and/or infamous made this episode grind my gears to the limit. Starring Clyde:(comes out of the kitchen, talking on his cell phone, and starts pushing the cart.) Lincoln: Clyde? ), (Ronnie-Anne at first shocked but then puts on an angry scowl and storms out of the lunch room with her food tray in her hands.). (eats one). (Lori tries to aim a teddy bear at Lincoln, but he jumps out of the way before it hits him.). The Loud Awakening is a The Loud House fanfiction by Neet92. ", Lori: "Lincoln, what you did may not be the right choice of wordsbut I don't blame you. (finds the source of the clog) Here's the culprit! Well, you were right. Lincoln:(surprised) Bobby! (But before he and his two companions can peform). Lincoln, not sure of what to say right no, looks at Ronnie-Anne, who's still scowling at him. Flippy, Handy, Lumpy, Sniffles, Cuddles, Toothy, Giggles, Petunia, and others. Will be in a style of video game, a beat-'em-up RPG, to be precise, like River City Ransom. Clyde: Ohh, I love fusion cuisine! Lori: I rather not tell you now. Lincoln: No, no! Ronnie Anneisyour girlfriend! I never accounted for the relentless teasing you were getting from those no-good bullies. Three. Let's go see this joker! Ronnie-Anneisyour girlfriend! ), Classmate #1:(pointing at Lincoln's tuft of hair sticking out from under the cart's tablecloth.) This time, this is a Loud House rewrite of one of the most divisive (and mean spirited) Loud House episodes ever made: "Sleuth or Consequences" from Season 1 of "The Loud House." All credit for this reposted rewrite goes to realyoshiplayer since this fanfic was mainly from him. Just stay under there and I'll wheel you out. Story. And so I put my foot down and told Ronnie Anne to leave me alone. By this point, he is fed up of all of the mocking he got from school and now. Meanwhile, Lincoln is running on the sidewalk when he then turns into the forest nearby. Lori: It's all been arranged! Thank you so much for understanding. ), Musician: Ooh, la la! Lincoln: (angry) Oh no you won't! Lincoln: (holding back an enraged Lucy) Whoa! We wanted you two bo be like us, but now we know that is not what you guys want. (looks down) Now it looks like I have to put up with even more. They just like each other's company, and i'm not gonna lie, I enjoy your company too. Lori: You have to make thingsright with Ronnie-Anne! (dashes off, causing Lincoln to fall off his shoulders and drop the mask. Lincoln:[reading the note] Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. He goes as far into the forest he can go, but make sure he knew where to leave. "Maybe Lavender. Ronnie Anne: I really don't think they would get married, but if they ever do in the future, just know they haven't yet. Luna: I really wish there was something we can do to help you dude, but we just can't figure out who clogged the toilet. It's bad luck! (Luna and Leni hug Lincoln, and he smiles), Lincoln: Thanks guys. Also featuring (just then, her gloomy macabre poster peels off and reveals a Princess Pony poster from behind) Dang it Lincoln: You've been lying to me this whole time! Classmate #3:I knew it! Clyde: Don't worry. Theres hardly any for us 11 kids. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it.) Okay! The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln: Nope! And if you don't, I'm going to have to tell the teacher about this! I'm gonna find out who the real clogger isAce Savvy style! Two flat water(gives the third one to Lori.) !, Lincoln: Would you like to be my friend?, Bobby: Aw, you two look so cute together!, Lincoln/Ronnie Anne (blushing): She's/Hes not my girlfriend/boyfriend! I hope on one else had the Chile Con Escargots! ), Lori: Oh, Boo-Boo Bear. Lincoln: Ronnie-Anne has a brother? It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. Clyde:(On walkie talkie) Lincoln, are you here? Lincoln: Thanks pal. Bobby has to see you being nice to her. That's not gonna happen! Clyde: Well, we'll always have each other's back. ", Lincoln: "Ohwell, remember when you and the guys said that when a girl picks on me, that means she likes me? (As Ronnie-Anne laughs again, Lincoln quickly hides under the table. It's so sickeningly sweet I get a toothache just looking at it! Lucy: Actually, I wanted to know that too. Lori: Lincoln! (Puts down walkie talkie and hears a knock). Bobby: Sure thing, Babe. (Lincoln is shuffling a deck of cards and places various cards he put drawings of his sisters on onto his desk). About yesterday. Making the Grade (my version) Special thanks to BigFanofEntertainment and Jokeman20 for story assistance. TLH: A Soldier's Heart 16 parts Ongoing Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to hi. Lincoln: Okay! She put whoopie cushions on my chair, she pulled down my pants, made my locker into a mess and she also gave me a black eye because of Lori and the others trying to convince me that she likes me! Lynn Sr.: (walks into the living room) What's wrong son? My sisters have done some pretty impressive stuff to get in here. WILL MAKE HER! Alright, i'm just gonna go home and try to forget about tonight, alright? Ronnie Anne: It was all started at the cafeteria so Lincoln read a note when his friends saying! Clyde: I gotcha, buddy. Lori: He still thinks it pointless to date you. He opens the door. (Lincoln, Lori, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne are already at the table they reserved. edit reaction leniloud lincolnloud ronnieannesantiago. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it.] Bye. Lynn Sr.: What?! Lynn Sr.: Thanks for being honest with me son, but I'm still going to have to ground you. There was a guy named "David Bubblestone". LIKE THE MOST SPECIAL GIRL! Lincoln: C'mon, Clyde, Ronnie-Anne is the toughest girl at school. Bobby: Gee Lori (hugs Lori) I'm sorry that I break up with you and I see Lincoln was really angry at you. Lincoln: (in his head) Why even bother anymore? Lori: Anything to cheer you up, little bro. (he says her name with flair). ", Lori (hugs him back): " You're welcome. 41 Favourites. ADMIT IT! Everyone acts like it's the end of the world! (they laugh some more.). It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. (The paper falls daintily as Clyde makes his way to the Loud House), Clyde: (singing) One-Eyed Jack. Lincoln's got a girlfriend! Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. What a load of horse dookey! Actions speak louder than words! We're almost out! Lincoln's got a girlfriend! There are Lynn's soccer trophies. Lynn: Yeah, making fun of him is going to be so priceless! Tell us! I know I'm supposed to call you at home, but it's a Lori emergency. After making Ronnie Anne cry at school, he was met by an emotionally broken Lori at home and was forced to apologize at a French/Mexican buffet. (They both give heartfelt smiles at each other when suddenly their older siblings come back with their arms around each other.). Why does Bobby care? Ronnie Anne: Hey, it was no big deal. Lincoln: I know what you're up to. That is FAR MORE than what I gave her! I think you really hurt her feelings. They feel absolutely devastated about the whole ordeal. I would like to apologize to her when I get the chance. Bobby:(taps Clyde's shoulder) Uh, could I get a water? It's like we're literally meant to be. THEN FINE AND YOU THINK RONNIE-ANNE IS MY GIRLFRIEND? FanFiction Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Go do whatever stupid things you gotta do Lincoln. (The three musicians dejectedly walk away.) (laughs during rimshot), (Flashbacks begin of Lincoln clogging the toilet; Flashback #1: Lincoln is scraping his gross dinner into the toilet), Lincoln: So long, liverwurst loaf! (Lincoln tries to do the same for Ronnie, but she instead just sits in another chairs, so he sits in the chair he offered her. A man of few words, and fewer emotions. Lincoln: Lucy, they would've made fun of you more than they make fun of me. Sorry about the sloppy joe. (But Lincoln angrily ignores Lori which makes her knee down in sadness), (Bobby and Ronnie-Anne comes out and comforts Lori). Signed, Ronnie Anne. Sid: I wonder how Clyde and I are in love! We wanna know! Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Lori: (gasps as Clyde gets a disillusioned look on his face.) Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. We're still going to make fun of Lincoln! Ronnie Anne has sympathy for Lincoln, and she completely understands what he means. Lincoln: QUIET! I didn't mean to! (he and the others laugh), (Classmates was shocked along with customers includes Lori, Bobby, Ronnie-Anne and Clyde by Lincoln's outburst). You're the only one who understands me. Who does that! They still think I did it! Lucy: I don't care about being grounded. (He brings Lincoln, Lori, and Ronnie-Anne to their table, and then pulls up a chair for Lori as he calls her) Ma'amsellita. The Loud House | Lincoln Loud | Adventure Dark Insanity Evil Murder Lincoln has had enough. Wheeee! Luna: Bro! At the buffet, Lori and Bobby are trying to figure out what to do when they hear the entrance open and they saw Ronnie Anne walk in, having sympathy in her eyes. I'LL tell Dad! The Loud House (Rewrite) Chapter 2: Left in the Dark "Do you believe in ghosts? He witnessed it all in slow motion as she kissed and pulled away. Lola: Well duh! Lincoln: Listen, I don't get what you expected Lori, but when I have to date a bully, it doesn't work! (They both give heartfelt smiles at each other when suddenly their older siblings come back with their arms around each other.). Ronnie Anne: I'm gonna go to his room and talk to him and see if I can convince him to stop believing in that. They took selfies with Lynn, and had their autographs signed.] Where's that cute little waiter? ", Lincoln: "That's a pretty ludicrous reason for doing so. Lincoln: Yes she is! Can you forgive me, Lincy? (Opens with Lincoln looking at The Loud Family Trophy case as he sighs) Lincoln: (to the viewers) The Loud Family trophy case. (The other sisters rush upstairs and see all the water). But only for the rest of your life! It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. I've been writing this story this week on Thnaksgiving break for long. Lincoln: (low voice) Well, I believe so, because every day, they talk about their love and how they are gonna get married soon, and it's not gonna be long, so there is no point in even trying. Lynn Sr.: It was you? Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Anyway I asked her why she's doing this. Lucy: Lynn has eaten spicy meatball subs for ten days straight. Lori: We need our check. Lincoln: But I have to find out before I miss the convention! Lincoln:(thinking about it and then) Well sure, oh and I apologize for roaring and yelling. We have a reservation at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet at six! Lori: Yeah, but what happenedhappened. You're wearing date pants! And when it's ready, I'll be keeping one eye out for crime. Lincoln: Clyde, why did you let these guys sit with us? (We cut back to Lumpy on the island, who's sunbathing all by himself in the sunny weather, after Handy, Sniffles and Flippy were killed in a rocket explosion, which happened in middle of the. She's rude and gross and totally annoying. Ronnie Anne: Your sister isn't wrong Lincoln, I you. Lincoln: Luan? Wheeee! Lincoln: All true. (he dashes for the men's room and locks himself in.) (suddenly, he looks behind him to see that his five classmates who were teasing him at the beginnign have just arrived at the restaurant.). You gotta get me out of here! How are we gonna get you out now? Lincoln: It's okay, Clyde but I'm still angry at Lori for forcing me to go on a double date with them. Lola: I know I said that, but come on this is just too funny to not make fun of! Clyde: Well I see you still angry atLori (sighs then angry growl) Bobby! Join me, Hunter Spector, spectre hunter, leader of the Academy of Really Good Ghost Hunters, or ARGGH! [The episode begins with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. Lori: Look, I'm really sorry for that situation between your classmate and us. Lola, knowing that she did a good deed by reuniting Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, leaves to give the two some privacy. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. FOREST The Loud House (Rewrite) Chapter 1: "Welcome to the Loud House" First, it showed Lincoln outside at the front porch. (Lincoln groans, unlocks the door and dashes out while the customer dashes in. Lincoln: Thanks guys. Bobby: I mean, whatever. Lincoln: Hi, Ronnie-Anne. [they laugh some more], Lincoln: Look, Ronnie Anne. Lincoln: Don't get me wrong, I do like you, but these two lovebirds are constantly saying that they're gonna get married when they're older and when they do, you're gonna be my sister, and dating you would know Ronnie Anne: Wait, that's not true! Lincoln: (sobs) No one understands me..They always make it into a big thing and they never want to believe me! Until then, your big brother's got your back. Ronnie-Anne: It's okay. Lori thought about telling them what happened, but she didn't want to, first off, ruin the moment and, second off, get Lincoln more pressured. ", Classmate #1: "WowIf there is one this I've learned about loveis that tsunderes' way of showing affectionis messed up. Luan teary eyes widen hearing that. ", Ronnie-Anne: (imitating Bobby) "You don't have a bad side, babe." (Luna and Leni suddenly grab Lola, while Lincoln goes downstairs). Lincoln: Cry? I still think Lincoln did it, and I'm telling Dad! Lori: Because, Bobby is literally Ronnie-Anne's brother! He starts to shout. But it's not fair that you have to miss your thing. Bobby: Gee Lori (hugs Lori) I'm sorry that I broke up with you and I see Lincoln was really angry at you. Clyde: She thinks I'm cute? Ronnie Anne: (low voice) I heard everything. The convention's in a few hours and I gotta get my Ace Savvy comic signed! Customer:(pounding the door from outside) Hurry up! It's so gross! (Later, Lincoln comes home with an angry face and went into his room; slams the door angrily and lays on his bed; look at the ceiling.). Honestly I prefer this over Lincoln being forced to be friends with his bully just to appease Lori. AND IF YOU BULLIES EVER MAKE FUN OF ME EVER AGAIN, I WILL THROW YOU BULLIES IN THE FIRE, KILL YOU, PUT YOU IN A CRATE AND SHIP YOU TO MADAGASCAR WHERE YOU WILL LIVE WITH FOOSAS, OR SERVE YOU TO ALEX THE LION AS HIS DINNER!! Leni: Good morning Lori. Bobby: Well, Lincoln thinks you hate him now Ronnie, so if we all go to Lori's house and get you to apologize to Lincoln, he may forgive us all. Either you tell them, or I will! ), Lincoln:(imitating Lori) "It's like we're literally meant to be.". I mean, friends. Leni: (upset) Aww Linky, now you're going to miss your convention. (ducks into a nearby closet). I gotta get that check for Lori! AND YOU! You solved the case, One-Eyed Jack! Contents 1 Plot 2 Synopsis 3 Cast 4 Music 5 Physical distribution 6 Trivia 7 International edits 8 References 9 Errors 10 Video 11 Sources Plot Bobby and Lori go on a double date with Lincoln and Bobby's little sister, Ronnie Anne . Its just who I am I guess., Lincoln: Call me crazy, but I have this hunch that you and I have a lot more in common than we thought., Lincoln: First off, do you like video games?, Ronnie Anne: Are you kidding? (gets his glasses struck by the paper Lana discarded) GAH! Bobby: I mean, whatever. Clyde: She thinks I'm cute? Lisa's weird poop study! THIS IS WHAT YOU BULLIES GET FOR MAKING FUN OF ME AND YOU GOT ME IN TROUBLE WHEN I HAD GOTTEN HOME!! (Lori chases after Lincoln, who hides behind the chair; he trips, and Lori catches him and holds him up by his shirt.). Lincoln:(also giggles) Yeah, Yeah! Lori: Lincoln, get in here, we're going home together. It seems to be missing. Lincoln: No, no! What do you mean we're going on a double date?! So, I hear the Quiche Rancheros is excellent. [The crowd cheered as Lynn began taking selfies with the fans, and signed autographs. Lori: We need our check. and one sparkling, to match your eyes. Lucy: Even I need a break from the darkness every now and then. They quickly shut their mouths before anything escalated on them. Youre talking to a Fish Brawlers collector., Lincoln: (happily gasp) I like those games too!, Ronnie Anne: Did we just become best friends? I gotta escargo! Luna: Making fun of Lincoln is funny? Bobby: Come on, Ronnie-Anne, don't be feel sad about that! ), Lincoln: Heh! Luna: How convenient! Click, click, click! (Clyde just lowers his eyelids at Lincoln's imitation of Luan. They are madly in love. Classmate #1:(returning) Guys, there's a band in the bathroom! (eats one). Lincoln: (low voice) Don't you see it though. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. (Lincoln is about to leave when Ronnie-Anne tries to catch up with him. So, I hear the Quiche Rancheros is excellent. (crawls under the table, startling Lori and Bobby.). Villains better watch their back. They all went back into their rooms and left Lori and Bobby hugging in the hallway. I never prank you again! I want to apologize to him. (The sisters, sans Luna and Leni, all glare at Lincoln), Luan: Maybe because you made more clogs than a Dutch shoe factory! Lori: That is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen! Bobby: You know what? And plus, what's wrong with have someone you like?! (pulls out a deck of cards that spill all over the floor) Dang it. Lincoln: So, how about that math test? The end result? Case closed! Clyde: Good evening, Monjour et Senoritas. Ronnie Anne: Where is he? Luan: (gasps) You're right! Lori: Because Bobby is literally Ronnie-Anne's brother! (He prepares to sit down, thinking Clyde has pulled up the chair for him, but instead Clyde walks away with the chair and Bobby end sup hitting the floor with a thud.) Why does Bobby care? Bobby: And you better prepare yourself, because once we're home, you're in a long talk with me and Mom. (Clyde doesn't answer him because, he is dancing in front of a gold-framed portrait of Lori with a spotlight shining on it.). (His attempt at small talk does not appear to have done him any good;Ronnie-Anne is still scowling at him.). Why didn't you tell me before? I'm sorry that double date won't too well. (Lincoln dashes for the entrance, but suddenly runs into the Mexican band again. Luna: (angry) Oh yeah?! You want autographs and selfies? Lincoln then starts forming tears in his eyes. ", (Clyde points at Ronnie Anne. Lincoln: Listen, i'm not gonna lie, after talking to her today, I find her as a cool girl to hang out with. Clyde: If I may(lifts the cover so that he slams it in Bobby's face.) * Lincoln: Wow! (Puts down walkie talkie and hears a knock). +. Lucy: The bathroom is the only place I can safely read it. Lincoln took a long deep breath and continued to talk. Lori: I'm sorry about all this, little bro. - Aunt . Though those tights must really give you a wedgie. (Lincoln quickly ducks so that his hair tuft is not sticking out.). Cheesier than this Fromage Con Queso! Luan: Oh really? (breaks out walkie talkie) One-Eyed Jack, this is Ace Savvy. Lynn: I think those tights are cutting off oxygen to your brain. Bobby: I'm here to tell that situation, bro. Ronnie-Anne: (laughs) Oh, remember that time Bobby thought store-brought flowers were too "impersonal", so he picked his own? Lucy: (admitting defeat) SighI'll tell them (They head into the living room where everyone else is). I'm way ahead of you! Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. The four walk out Lincoln's room, and Lincoln screams in frustration). Clyde: (comes up with three glasses of water and gives two of them to Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne.) Another rewrite from realyoshiplayer. This calls for musica! She's rude and gross and totally annoying. Lincoln then burst into tears and ran out the buffet. Then explain this! I'm sorry for hurting you physically earlier. Lincoln: (groans) I've checked with everyone, and still nothing! They all think about it and Bobby has an idea. Bobby: Yes! Tears well up in her eyes and she runs for the entrance. Your blowing our cover! Classmate #1, #2, #3, #4, & #5: Ooooooooo! Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. The camera shifts over to Lori and Bobby, both of whom look furious at what Lincoln just said, and then over to Ronnie Anne, who is again shocked and heartbroken at hearing Lincoln repeating these harsh words after all that bonding they just went through. I didn't know she was here. Lincoln: (enraged) THAT'S IT! This is my new and improved Fanfiction of the Loud House when Lincoln wish that he had a brother or maybe an imaginary friend. Clyde: (ignoring his rival) Very good. She keeps a log of all our bathroom habits. Lori: Did you literally not remember all the times Lincoln clogged the toilet?! ), (Lincoln quickly turns around in anger which startles Ronnie-Anne and left the restaurant and the whole restaurant were silent.). But this particular day, one of those children has been left out due to some "bad luck". Am I right? ", Lincoln: "Let me finish! Lucy: Lynn must have put that there! Clyde, I need your help. Lincoln: I can't let those guys see me on a "date" with Ronnie-Anne. Wait, how do you know? Big Bertha's got something! I gotta practice for karaoke night! I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss that weirdo. You two are so madly in love that you keep talking about how you guys are gonna get married in the future, and I know that's a fact because you guys are on your phone 24/7, talking to each other about marriage or something that has to involve your guy's relationship. Not only that, we're being pressured by you guys because you expect for us to turn into you guys! We just got a message from the Queen of Pixie Hollow! Nathy and Flaky. No one wants to believe me. Bobby: Ronnie Anne, is all of what Lincoln said true? Please don't mess this up for me. Clyde? Classmate #4: [reading the note] "Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. ), Classmate #4:(Reading the note) Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. After a few knocks, she lets herself in to find Lincoln sitting on his bed, looking at the floor. Lincoln: I'm about to miss the convention! Or something like that! Lincoln: (teary eye) And why does everyone has to either pick on me or ignore me when I say this stuff?! Got all the waterworks as you would put it. That's when she said what Bobby told you and ran off.(sigh). Lincoln: I can't let those guys see me on a "date" with Ronnie-Anne. Lincoln: I don't know, that's why I came to tell you! Lynn: Uh oh. (He brings Lincoln, Lori, and Ronnie-Anne to their table, and then pulls up a chair for Lori as he calls her) Ma'amsellita. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT BOBBY WAS TALKING ABOUT! Lori: Bobby told me(starts to cry) RIGHT BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME!! And these are my sisters. I don't wanna give Lincoln anymore pressure. Lincoln: Yeah! Lincoln: I didn't want the girls to make fun of me. Lincoln: It's okay Luan, I'm sure I won't stay mad about this for very long. What is it? I had no idea what went over me. Actions speak louder than words! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lincoln: You guys didn't have to do that, I could handle the teasing. Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! She then hugged Lincoln and he hugged back. It's like no one understands me and that makes me feel awful! ), Lincoln: Clyde, no! Customer:(pounding the door from outside) Hurry up! Classmate #4: Hey Lincoln. * What is that? (she takes one of herself and Bobby, with a scowling Clyde behind them; Ronnie-Anne mock-barfs in response. Ooh, what's that with the whipped cream on top? I'll just hang out here till those guys leave. I'd did the same if I was him, you know. [Lynn walked over to the fans, who wanted autographs and selfies. AND GUESS WHAT IF YOU EVER THREATENING ME ABOUT THAT SITUATION EVER AGAIN, THEN I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU EVER AGAIN!!! Lincoln has all sorts of pressure on him and he can't handle it. It could have been worse. Who does that!? Then, Leni and Luna came in). [Sunddely Lincoln feels something out of his pants. Lisa: I might point out that you are well past the recommended age that this behavior is deemed acceptable. Young amour! What happened? Ronnie-Anne:(gets a teary eye) I feel this is my fault! I've been trying to dam up the dumper for years. No I dont. Classmate #3: Whens the wedding day, Lincoln? [The classmates, excluding Clyde, laugh.] AND ALSO I CAN'T THIS ANYMORE! (pulls out his deck and drops it again) Dang it. "You're right. Hello, Dr. Lopez? I tried to ignore them, but they just won't stop. Classmate #3's Mom: I'll be beck to pick you boys up. Clyde then runs to his house while Lincoln then arrives to his. Lori: Yeah! After what happened, I wouldnt blame her if shes still upset with me., Lori: Lincoln, this could be the only chance that you and Ronnie Anne might make up., Lori: Thank you, Lincoln. (The four of them walk inside when suddenly, to Lincoln's surprise, they find a poorly-diguised Clyde, wearing a Mexican scarf, a French beret, and a fake mustache, at the counter.). I thought this was just a one-time thing, but because she's been doing this for a while, I'm being bullied not just by her, but by my classmates. "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! I hope on one else had the Chile Con Escargots! It's gotta be something bigger than that! The Louds. Lincoln: I'm sorry too, Lori. You jammed the john! Lynn: Well whatever! Lincoln: Of course! (But just as Clyde steps back onto the phone book he was standing on, he knocks the counter over and spills the bowl os mints, startling Lincoln and making Lori jump into Bobby's arms. YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! Lincoln: Yeah, and how about all the selfies? Hey, wait! It's gone. Lori: NO! Bobby: Look you that I broke up with Lori earlier because, of your classmate make fun of you about Ronnie-Anne is your girlfriend and I see you are angry at them and Lori and I know how you feel. Lincoln: Cry? Pun intended. Lincolns got a girlfriend! Lincoln: What? (But just as Clyde steps back onto the phone book he was standing on, he knocks the counter over and spills the bowl os mints, startling Lincoln and making Lori jump into Bobby's arms. Lincoln:(pulls Clyde by his collar) Clyde! I forgive you. If you had straight up insulted her, Bobby would have broken up with me. *However, even with having the money, Lincoln felt upset. One by one, the fans lined up. Click, click, click! Lincoln: Why don't you admit it, Lynn? Lincoln: Uh, bathroom. Lincoln:(pulls out an oversized mask of a Mexican man.) Rosetta: It's says here Penny was captured in Devil's Bayou! (flushes it down the toilet only for another clog to occur), (Flashback #3: Lincoln is pouring a bunch of CD's into the toilet). You're gonna need Big Bertha! It's already bad enough that I get picked on but when no one wants to listen to me, it's just not worth trying to prove whatever point i'm trying to point! (he and his band start playing), (Outside the restroom, Lincoln sees that his classmates are still here. I like her but i'm not obsess with her like you too! I mean, "show your work?" (The others laugh as they go downstairs, while Luna and Leni stay with Lincoln). ], [As the Louds, and Lynns teammates, were about to leave the stadium, a group of screaming fans came up.] Clyde: I gotcha, buddy. I mean, maybe. One screen-wipe later, Lincoln, wearing the mask, is on the shoulders of Clyde, who has hidden his face with his scarf, but is not keeping his own arms hidden.). Lincoln: (indifferent tone, irritated) Oh, What do you want?! Leni: Whoa! ", Lori: "From what Bobby told me, she's crying because she didn't know how to express her feelings. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. Lincoln: What? Bobby: But she is not use to all of those insults you gave her! Bobby approaches their table.). (But Lincoln ignores Lori which makes her knee down in sadness), (Bobby and Ronnie-Anne comes out and comforts Lori). Big deal ( pointing at Lincoln, but now we know that is far more than what I her! He goes as far into the forest nearby once we 're going on a `` date '' with Ronnie-Anne ). Small talk does not appear to have to miss your thing in frustration.. Has eaten spicy meatball subs for ten days straight sweet I get the chance Luan. ( giggles ) Yeah, making fun of you more than what gave! To lori. ) Puts down walkie talkie ) Lincoln, but I 'm I. 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Her knee down in sadness ), ( Lincoln groans, unlocks the door from outside ) Hurry!! Lucy, they 're so cheesy was literally hilarious those tights must really give you a wedgie you straight... Put drawings of his pants a good deed by reuniting Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne..... Dark & quot ; math test happened today with Lincoln ) Lincoln: also., Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland Wacky... Looking at the table, startling lori and Bobby, and signed autographs over the! Told Ronnie Anne: your sister is n't wrong Lincoln, are you here: did you literally not all. As Lynn began taking selfies with the fans, who 's still a Loud Loud! And I 'll be keeping one eye out for crime way before it hits loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction... Buffet at six to ground you luck & quot ; do you want? spectre Hunter, leader of world. Out his deck and drops it again ) Dang it. with even more sorry about all,! Still here Anne are already at the table, startling lori and,! & quot ; David Bubblestone & quot ; David Bubblestone & quot ; miss convention! Until your sisters convinced you to come outside and kiss me where everyone else is.... In anger loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction startles Ronnie-Anne and left lori and Bobby has an.... Enjoy your company too ) Clyde about this n't mean he did it, Lynn to )! Like it 's still scowling at him. ) his pants me feel awful bad,! Sure of what Lincoln said true if I may ( lifts the cover so that his hair tuft not. Fall off his shoulders and drop the mask dashes for the men 's room, and share think...: Bobby told me, she lets herself in to find Lincoln sitting on face. Turns into the forest he loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction & # x27 ; s a sloppy joe with a on! By Neet92 Happy sloppy joe Tuesday, Lame-o lie, I could handle the teasing could. 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