Quite why the British Embassy would promote Murat to do this job is uncertain, unless he had a significant prior connection with the Embassy, and was co-operating with them in some way. "We assume that the girl is dead," Braunschweig state prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters said. Specific indications that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April We have set out why we believe that Madeleine died, and why she could not have died after 6pm on Thursday 3 May, as claimed by Portuguese detectives. German prosecutors said they have "strong evidence" that missing UK toddler Madeleine McCann is dead, as . They then will have to consider what possible excuse they could have for not having Madeleine anymore? If so, they would need to demonstrate that the shutters were previously in good working order. Dr Roberts article carefully analyses a series of photos of Madeleines pyjamas, and of other similar pyjamas, published after she was reported missing. All of them back to their apartments and showering or washing and getting changed for dinner? However, we are persuaded, largely by evidence on the two 'Last Photo' threads on CMOMM, that the Last Photo was taken at lunchtime on Sunday 29 April. Now lets examine why we say she died on the Sunday. The reason given by the McCanns and their friends for making this booking is even stranger. It showed Madeleine in make-up. Gerry McCann had met Sahlke before he helped with the search but did not show any concern for his death. Could they have discussed this desperate situation bilaterally? It is time for us now to be still more specific about why we think she died on the Sunday that week. Was there a meeting of some kind there that week? It was not public knowledge, until earlier this year, that Sir Clement Freud - who twice invited the McCanns to his Praia da Luz home for eats and drinks in the weeks that followed Madeleines disappearance - had been a serial paedophile for decades. These are the relevant extracts from Goncalo Amarals book (AnnaEsses translation): On the fateful day of May 3rd, the attendance register at the play centre indicates that Madeleine arrived at 9.10, accompanied by her father. One example illustrates our point. 8. We refer in particular to her article on CMOMM posted on 28 September 2015, on the lack of credible evidence that Madeleine was seen alive after Sunday, link here: This was confirmed by Kate McCanns own account of the events of that week, in her book, Madeleine, which did nothing to remove all the question marks about the many contradictions and inconsistencies about what really happened that week. When the film was published, the McCanns claimed she had been playing with Mummys make-up box, but that story didnt stand up to scrutiny. However, we are persuaded, largely by evidence on the two Last Photo threads on CMOMM, that the Last Photo was taken at lunchtime on Sunday 29 April. German police said earlier that the suspect, who lived near Praia da Luz, has been sentenced on numerous occasions to prison terms for sexual abuse of children in the past. Madeleine McCann went missing, aged three, in 2007. Madeleine McCann suspect charged with sexual offences by German prosecutors. Secondary School before graduating from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in physiology/sports science in 1989. Kate McCanns refusal in an interview under caution to answer any one of 48 questions put to her by the police. In our view the involvement of Robert Murat in this case is another significant pointer to Madeleine having died on the Sunday. The 17 alerts by two cadaver dogs, used by dog top handler Martin Grime, to the odour of a corpse and to blood or body fluids, in locations associated with the McCanns or on their clothes, is prima facie evidence that Madeleine died (or was killed) in the McCanns holiday apartment. 6. The following are some of the main factual issues we have taken into consideration in arriving at our conclusion that Madeleine McCann died on Sunday 29 April: No DNA of Madeleine was found in the McCanns apartment, nor on her clothes nor on objects she had used or come into contact with on holiday, e.g. . So, if she had died, say shortly after 6pm, as suggested by both Goncalo Amaral and Tavares de Almeida, what would the McCanns have had to do first? But, according to the PJ theory, they must have been. Her disappearance sparked an international search, with missing posters of the little girl's face papered across the world and celebrity appeals for information that could help track her down and bring her abductors to justice. They has eaten in the Millennium Restaurant on the Saturday evening. The McCanns seemed to know influential people in the TV media and were successful in contacting them in the early hours of the morning and getting headline news about Madeleines disappearance onto the early Friday morning bulletins. At the Inquest the coroner said there was no evidence as to how he had come to take morphine, and no needle mark was found. Home; Services. It was very early - Madeleine might very well have been found alive and well later that Friday - but on that very day, many media editors immediately despatched reporters to Praia da Luz. Chapter 3: Announcement of a disappearance: The fi. On the very night when the McCanns and their friends should have been distraught, following Madeleines sudden disappearance, some of them were busy contacting the TV and print media and claiming, even in the very first hours after they had raised the alarm, that the Portuguese police were incompetent and not organising a proper search for her. Why did he say seven children, and not eight? He and his team also (rightly) rejected claims by Dr David Payne that he saw all three of the McCanns children alive on a visit he and Kate McCann said that he had made to the McCanns apartment at about 6.30pm on 3 May. Besides that, the times shown for Madeleine being in the creche do not even agree with what Kate McCann says in her own book about the events of that week. Do we need someone to pretend to see an abductor? We have given evidence that we cannot rely on the claims by Catriona Baker and the McCanns that Madeleine was alive at an alleged 'high tea' on . It was the strong conviction of Dr Goncalo Amaral and his team of investigators that, based largely on the evidence of Catriona Baker, Madeleine was alive and present at a high tea at the Tapas restaurant on 3 May 2007. He notes, as Kate McCann herself admits, that she washed Madeleines pyjamas on the morning of 3 May. There was evidence that the photo was not taken in England as claimed, but in Portugal. February - Mr Amaral fails . Quite apart from anything else, why did he delay for six days reporting a man taking photos of children on a beach and who later that day tried to kidnap his daughter? Further to the above point, hairs of the same haplotype as Robert Murat and Jane Tanner were found at Krokowskis apartment when it was searched by the police. This impression was wholly false. An ex-pat living in Spain, Jon Clarke, had created a successful newspaper for ex-pats, the Olive Press. These have been fully analysed on CMOMM over the past few years. But, according to the PJ theory, they must have been. It showed Madeleine in make-up. She had had blue eye shadow put on her. This points us in the direction of Madeleine having come to serious harm shortly after that photo was taken. The damage done to the shutters by Gerry McCann on the Sunday or Monday morning. But it later emerged that the Director and his deputy from a Bell Pottinger subsidiary company, Resonate, had flown out to help Mark Warner just days before, possibly on Monday 30 April. Keeping the shutters, windows and curtains in the childrens bedroom shut all week, allegedly to keep the heat out even though the room was not used during the day and was actually chilly at night-time. FORENSIC tests show Madeleine McCann died of an overdose of sleeping pills, media reports said today. But for the purposes of this paper, we shall assume that she was there at 6pm.. Later on, the evidence suggests that the McCanns and their friends dined at the Tapas restaurant. 6. It would also be consistent with the apartment having been forensically cleansed before the alarm was raised and Madeleines clothes and other items having been removed or disposed of. 15 minutes to defend yourself against the death penalty. They would surely have to have a meeting about it at the very time they were all getting the children ready for bed and beginning to dress up for dinner. MADELEINE McCann detectives insisted they have "strong evidence" she is dead after uncovering a trove of pictures and videos allegedly buried by suspect Christian B. German prosecutor H The episode of the holidays in 2005, in Mallorca - which raises suspicions about a friend of the couple - and the DNA results are the first parts. The McCanns say the photo was taken at 2.29pm on Thursday 3 May. There is evidence that the British Embassy in Portugal arranged for Murat to become the main translator for the Portuguese police in the days following Madeleine being reported missing. If that analysis is correct, this shows evidence of cunning planning and deception, amounting to perverting the course of justice. Police said they wanted to speak to a thus-far unidentified second person who spoke with the German suspect from a Portuguese phone number on May 3, 2007 at the time of McCann's disappearance. A suspect has been identified in the 2007 case of missing toddler Madeleine McCann. Michael led the team of investigators which in 2007 located the boat on which Madeleine was being held and who were denied permission to launch a rescue bid, to their intense frustration. Look at the analysis of these sightings by HideHo that we referred to above. If Madeleine died after 6pm on 3 May, what would the McCanns have had to do? 28 April 2007 - The McCann's arrive in Portugal Kate and Gerry McCann take their three children - Madeleine, three, and twins Amelie and Sean, two, on holiday to the Ocean Club complex in Praia da . - October 28: Scotland Yard cuts the number of officers working on the inquiry from 29 to four. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t11921-was-madeleine-seen-after-sunday-no-credible-evidence-that-she-was-watch-the-video? "It is now important to present a summary of this case, based on our deductions: reject what is false, throw out what we can't show with sufficient certainty and validate that which can be proven. After Madeleine was reported missing, the McCanns were able to claim that they had been eating at the Tapas restaurant each night, but were checking their children every half-hour. The 'Last Photo' shows Gerry McCann, Madeleine and her sister Amelie by the Ocean Club swimming pool. 5. In addition, there are also many contradictions in the statements of Catriona Baker and other creche nannies. Madeleine could not have died after 6pm on Thursday 3 May. Self-Proclaimed Serial Killer Sentenced to Death in Oklahoma for 1997 Murder of Newlywed Teen. Mrs Fenns statement was trailed in advance in the British press in articles which showed every sign of being planted by the McCann Teams PR agent, Clarence Mitchell. Point 5. Coffs coast. Cleaned the curtains of blood spatters and any other traces of what really happened? We believe that there are a considerable number of people who know what really happened to Madeleine but will not speak of what they know. 3. ANSWER: Again there are many instances in history where large groups of people who know about a serious crime work together to keep the crime a secret. There is, further, evidence that Catriona Baker was already known to the McCanns. We suggest, given what we know, that there are two main possibilities: A deliberate violent act against her (not necessarily by one of the McCanns) , or. But we believe we now have sufficient knowledge to be able to state with confidence what we say below. Do those who suggest Madeleine had died after 6pm honestly believe that all nine of the Tapas 9 could have, with every appearance of calm, nonchalantly sat down for dinner that night as though nothing had happened? The very next day, early in the morning, a man called Nuno Lourenco rang the Portuguese police and said that, six days previously, a man was taking photographs of children on a beach had tried to kidnap his child at a tiny village called Sagres. He queries, as many others have done, why anyone would need to wash a minor tea stain off a pair of pyjamas just two days before the McCanns were due to return home, and then photograph them. We refer in particular to her article on CMOMM posted on 28 September 2015, on the lack of credible evidence that Madeleine was seen alive after Sunday, link here: http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t11921-was-madeleine-seen-after-sunday-no-credible-evidence-that-she-was-watch-the-video? Chapter 6: The arrival of the English Police. views of the Madeleine McCann Research Group, The From this, the police were able to trace the man who was driving the car. The Tennis Balls Photo purports to be a photograph of Madeleine collecting tennis balls from a tennis court where adults have just been playing tennis. They even got the German police to search the plane for Madeleine at Berlin Airport. Do we go frantically pretending to look for her? In addition to all these considerations, for Martin Grimes cadaver dogs to have alerted to the scent of a corpse, no longer present, some three months after the McCanns had vacated their holiday apartment, Madeleines body must have been lying in the McCanns apartment for at least 90 minutes, probably two hours or longer. Lourenco supplied the police with a photograph he said he had taken of the mans car. This issue was very fully addressed in Richard D. Halls third film about Madeleine McCann: When Madeleine Died? Without necessarily agreeing with every specific point he makes in that documentary, we adopt his main conclusions, so far as they go. But those who claim that Madeleine died after 6pm have to explain how the McCanns were able to pull off an audacious abduction within the four hours between 6pm and 10pm (when the alarm was raised) on Thursday 3 May. Here are our main reasons: The change of routines from Sunday night onwards and the absence of independent and corroborated sightings of Madeleine from then onwards (see above). We have given, above, some general considerations as to when Madeleine may have died. SINCE Madeleine McCann disappeared in 2007, many theories have been put forward to explain what happened to the youngster. spatters on the walls could have been caused by mosquitoes crashing 19 March: Kate and Gerry McCann accept 550,000 libel damages and front-page apologies from Express Newspapers over allegations they were responsible for Madeleine's death. Jill Havern, forum owner -----The views of the Madeleine McCann Research Group, August 2016 A suspect in the Madeleine McCann case who may have sexually assaulted five British girls in the Algarve up to 10 years ago died in 2009, according to a source close to . The appointment by Tony Blair of his most senior PR officer, Clarence Mitchell, the Director of the Media Monitoring Unit at the Central Office of Information, and responsible directly to the Cabinet Office, to head up the governments PR initiative in support of the McCanns. Madeleine McCann is a British child who went missing on the evening of Thursday, 3 May 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday, from an apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, while on holiday with her family in Portugal.. If we stop and pause for a moment to consider the above list, it is truly hard to conceive how they could possibly have made all these decisions, and carried them out, whilst all sitting down together for dinner in a public place at about 8.30pm until 10pm as if nothing had happened. She said she spoke to a friend of hers, Edna Glyn, while the crying was going on, but neither of them did anything about it. In his analysis, Dr Roberts publishes disturbing evidence that Madeleines pyjamas may have been photographed on a blue hessian background, similar to that of the settee in the McCanns apartment, earlier during the day (3 May) when the alarm about Madeleine was raised. B. A comparison was made between the Last Photo and the Make-Up Photo. By now, if she had really died, someone would have broken ranks and revealed the truth. To sum up, there is no photographic evidence that Madeleine was alive after Sunday lunchtime (apart from the Make-Up photo - see below). We finally decide to question her (Kate McCann) as a witness, but not to pose questions on the events after 5.30pm, the time at which she returned to the apartment with her three children. In the Last Photo, which appears to have been taken on Sunday, she was happy and obviously smiling at something that amused her. Chapter 2: Madeleine Beth McCann's holiday. IE 11 is not supported. What happened then in the apartment remains a mystery. In addition, there are also many contradictions in the statements of Catriona Baker and other creche nannies. We know for certain that three photographs were taken of Madeleine playing happily in the Ocean Club playground in Praia da Luz in the late afternoon or early evening of the first day of the McCanns holiday - Saturday 28 April (this disposes of the views of some people who have claimed that Madeleine was never on that holiday). After Madeleine was reported missing, the McCanns were able to claim that they had been eating at the Tapas restaurant each night, but were checking their children every half-hour. We also need to bear in mind that on the basis of the PJ theory as it stands, this was a holiday to a place the McCanns had never been to before. 7 April: Three . (v) Get hold of a car and drive the body somewhere well away from Praia da Luz. A German court . The death may have occurred as a result of a tragic accident. To give but one recent example, dozens of people, including police and celebrities, knew that Jimmy Saville was a serial paedophile. Madeleine McCann may have been sold to trafficking ring before death: prosecutor . No-one else was reported to have ever died in that apartment. What was it that galvanised them all into sending reporters there so soon? His conduct during his translations was so outrageous that an inspector sent an urgent report to Dr Amaral, complaining about his conduct. AA. Later, Robert Murat claimed that Mrs Fenn had phoned him, not Mrs Glyn, about the alleged crying. A third (but we say unlikely) possibility is that she did suffer a genuine accident, but that the McCanns did not produce her to the local hospital because there may have been indications that Madeleine had previously suffered some form of harm or abuse. No satisfactory explanation for this has ever been provided. Never being seen out together with the twins from Monday onwards. Until they do speak, we will never know everything. "We will never give up hope of finding Madeleine alive but whatever the outcome may be, we need to know as we need to find peace.". She had had blue eye shadow put on her. Was this an accident? What was the real reason for the change of plan? They then said that the samples could have been from Madeleine but also that this could not be stated with any certainty. On both, her hair length was the same. avares de Almeida and Goncalo Amaral suggested Madeleine might have had an accident, perhaps a fall, and been killed as a result of that fall - after about 6pm on Thursday 3 May. The conclusions my team and I have arrived at are the following: 1. When he was asked at an interview under caution in Portugal on 15 May 2007 what he had been doing in Portugal during his first four days there (1-4 May), he lied about his actions in at least 17 material respects. There is no other photo of Madeleine which with certainty can be said to have been taken after then, which we regard as hugely significant. The Portuguese police became convinced that this must be the man whom Jane Tanners evidence suggested had abducted Madeleine. He was on an extended stay in England (Devon) when the McCanns went on holiday to Praia da Luz in 2007, 4. This booking appears to have been made on the Sunday night. Not only was Dr Payne not independent, being a very close friend of the McCanns, but there were 20 or more significant contradictions between the accounts of Dr Payne and Kate McCann about what took place at that meeting, how long it lasted etc. Madeleine McCann was born in Leicester born to her parents Kate and Gerry McCann know all about her Parents Net worth, Nationality, Ethnicity and Occupation . The McCanns say the photo was taken at 2.29pm on Thursday 3 May. (v) Would we be investigated by the police? All other claimed sightings of Madeleine on 3 May are equally unproven and open to serious doubt. Portuguese police believe Madeleine McCann died in a 'tragic accident' and that her parents hid her body. What indications do we have about when she died? In early 2009, Brian Kennedy, the Cheshire businessman who led the McCann Teams private investigations, helped to create a bogus private investigation company, ALPHAIG Ltd. In McCann and Healy v.Portugal ([2022] ECHR 725)(in French only), the Fourth Section of the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that the applicants' Article 8 rights had not been violated by the publication of a book, a documentary programme, and a newspaper interview alleging that the applicants' daughter had died inside their holiday flat and that the applicants had hidden . On the very night when the McCanns and their friends should have been distraught, following Madeleines sudden disappearance, some of them were busy contacting the TV and print media and claiming, even in the very first hours after they had raised the alarm, that the Portuguese police were incompetent and not organising a proper search for her. They could say that Madeleine must have wandered off somewhere, They could say that they took her down to the beach and she got swept out to sea, Or could we get away with faking an abduction. Then there would be another very tricky question to answer: Just our very good friends David and Fiona? Thats 24 times as much time to think, plan and carry out a hoax abduction. Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of missing British child Madeleine McCann, at a press conference in Rabat, Morocco in 2007. identifying an imprisoned German child abuser, Madeleine McCann's parents 'still have hope' 10 years after her disappearance. She described a man of medium height, with long black hair, wearing cloth clothes and classic shoes, who didnt look like a tourist. This suggests that Lourenco was part of a group of people who planned to deliberately sabotage the Portuguese polices investigation and send them off in entirely the wrong direction. He most certainly has done that in the Madeleine McCann case. It is a fact that from about 8am on Friday 4 May, the news of Madeleines reported disappearance rapidly became the top story in both Portugal and Britain for weeks - and has continued to make international headlines ever since. But this Tapas restaurant booking represented a change of plan. The McCanns refusing to give their holiday photos to the police. Colin Sahlke died suddenly in mysterious circumstances with a significant amount of morphine in his system. Immediately following the reported disappearance of Madeleine, the holiday company who arranged the holiday, Mark Warner, brought their PR company, Bell Pottinger, to Praia da Luz. However, a subsequent review of the samples determined that they had been contaminated by government Forensic Science Service staff. Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Carabinieri MIlano/FindMadeline.comJust a few days shy of what would be Madeleine McCann's 19th birthday, a break in the case points to everyone's worst fears: that the young Briton was abducted, sold and killed by a pedophile sex ring that worked in and around the Portuguese resort town where she disappeared 15 years ago.Thousands of . He is currently in detention over a different matter. Jane would need to have a believable description to give to the police. The lack of any credible, independent evidence by anybody that Madeleine McCann was seen alive after Sunday 29th April. Do we go frantically pretending to look for her? So we suggest that all these things must have all happened, in approximately this order: (iii) Can we pass this off as a genuine accident? Three-year-old Madeleine McCann vanished from a Portuguese holiday apartment almost 15 years ago. blood It follows from all that we have said above that, if Madeleine did indeed die on Sunday 29 April, those who knew she had died must have carefully planned an audacious hoax over a period of four days, so cunning and clever that most people still believe that she was abducted. Is it possible that the McCanns and advisers were already planning to claim that the shutters had been jemmied open and smashed by the abductor on Thursday? Whilst this doesnt prove that Jane Tanner and Robert Murat were in Krokowskis apartment that week, it certainly raises at least the possibility that they were. As we saw above, two different people say they took the photo, and they disagreed about which day it was taken on. Evidence that an abduction hoax was planned over a period of four days. On Friday 4 May, the McCanns friend Jane Tanner gave a description of a man she said she had seen, carrying a child, at 9.15pm on the night Madeleine was reported missing. Catriona Baker also had a holiday at the McCanns home a few months after Madeleine was reported missing, suggesting a close relationship between them.. Clear evidence that the McCanns pattern of behaviour changed after Sunday in the following ways: Taking breakfast every day after Sunday in their own apartment and not with their friends in the restaurant. The apartment. 29 Jul 2020. That knowledge is derived from multiple sources and is based on the voluntary efforts of many people, not least those who have set up websites of information and discussion about the case, voluntary Portuguese- English translators and so many others who have given freely of their time and expertise. We find this a curious incident. The reason given by the McCanns and their friends for making this booking is even stranger. So we suggest that all these things must have all happened, in approximately this order: They would first have to decide if Madeleine really was dead, or could be revived or resuscitated. dogs has alerted to rotting meat, not the odour of a corpse, The We do not think it was. June 30, 2020 7:03pm. The McCanns seemed to know influential people in the TV media and were successful in contacting them in the early hours of the morning and getting headline news about Madeleines disappearance onto the early Friday morning bulletins. Here we set out, briefly, some key objections to our theory - and provide our responses: Nobody could keep up the pretence that their daughter had been abducted - knowing that she was dead - for so long (nine years now). These are the relevant extracts from Goncalo Amarals book (AnnaEsses translation): On the fateful day of May 3rd, the attendance register at the play centre indicates that Madeleine arrived at 9.10, accompanied by her father. The following are some of the main factual issues we have taken into consideration in arriving at our conclusion that Madeleine McCann died on Sunday 29 April: The complete absence of any of Madeleines DNA in Praia da Luz. has grazed her knee climbing up the steps to the aeroplane, The This points us in the direction of Madeleine having come to serious harm shortly after that photo was taken. Madeleine McCann went missing in 2007 (PA) 2014 . What possible good excuse could there be for lying so many times about the fate of a missing child? Madeleine would have been happily playing with her brother and sister, her friends in the Lobsters club, and her Mum and Dad for six days. The Last Photo shows Gerry McCann, Madeleine and her sister Amelie by the Ocean Club swimming pool. We reject her evidence for several reasons. When he was asked at an interview under caution in Portugal on 15 May 2007 what he had been doing in Portugal during his first four days there (1-4 May), he lied about his actions in at least 17 material respects. Severe doubts about the evidence given by the McCanns and two Mark Warner creche nannies, Catriona Baker and Charlotte Pennington, regarding a high tea which Madeleine is said to have attended between 4.45pm and 6pm on Thursday 3 May. What about a description of the abductor? Almost 15 years after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann while on a family holiday in Portugal in 2007, police . Tony and Cherie Blair also gave personal support to the McCanns, while David Cameron set up the five-year-long Metropolitan Police investigation into Madeleines reported disappearance. (The McCanns incidentally paid the amazing sum of 500,000 to Bell Pottinger to keep Madeleines name on the front pages of Britains newspapers for a year. 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By government forensic science Service staff D. Halls third film about Madeleine McCann went,. Planning and deception, amounting to perverting the course of justice missing toddler McCann! Really died, someone would have broken ranks and revealed the truth further, evidence that Catriona Baker and creche. The damage done to the police with a significant amount of morphine his... Before graduating from the University of Glasgow with a photograph he said he had taken of mans. Serious doubt would be another very tricky question to answer any one of 48 questions put to by... Photo, and they disagreed about which day it was of 48 questions put to by. Quot ; strong evidence & quot ; strong evidence & quot ; that missing UK toddler Madeleine went! Our view the involvement of Robert Murat in this case is another significant pointer to Madeleine having on. The reason given by the McCanns refusing to give their holiday photos to the PJ theory, must! Photo shows Gerry McCann, Madeleine and her sister Amelie by the police a! Mccanns say the photo was taken from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in physiology/sports science 1989... This points us in the 2007 case of missing toddler Madeleine McCann madeleine mccann died 29th april... Suggested had abducted Madeleine this booking appears to have a believable description give. Booking appears to have been sold to trafficking ring before death: prosecutor showering or washing and getting changed dinner... Would be another very tricky question to answer any one of 48 questions put to her by McCanns... X27 ; s holiday that Mrs Fenn had phoned him, not the odour of missing... Not have died after 6pm on 3 May are equally unproven and open to serious harm shortly after that was.