We will deliver a progressive and cost effective law enforcement service as well as identifying and meeting the challenges of our increasingly diverse community. For more information on our procedures for reporting bias incidents or crimes, please click here. Entire Site. addyb95b62123c513e30da2f82e475b5b8d3 = addyb95b62123c513e30da2f82e475b5b8d3 + 'SBPDNJ' + '.' + 'net'; What is O.P.R.A. http://www.identogo.com/FP/NewJersey.aspx, Arrive in person to the South Brunswick Police Records Window at 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction, Make a request to us by mailing a $5 check made out to. or obtains phone service using your personal information. Your doctor will have to complete his/her section and you can bring the completed form with a check for $4 written out to "N.J. MVC" to us during normal business hours (8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.) and a placard will be issued while you wait. SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ The South Brunswick Police Department recently celebrated the 7th Annual Heroes and Helper event, where they honored 12 students for their accomplishments. VALID INCIDENT TYPES, DESCRIPTIONS AND EXAMPLES
Copyright 2022 to 2023 Township of South Brunswick, New Jersey, All Rights Reserved. You can also fax a request to 732-274-2342 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. Entire Site. NEW! Property that is missing, leaving items in restaurant, or missing from home. Property that is missing, leaving items in restaurant, or missing from home. 2016 - 2023 The following Records Bureau personnel can be reached directly by calling (732)329-4000 and their extension: Alessandra Villano - Ext. All other residents requiring fingerprinting that do not have hard copy fingerprint cards should go to Identigo at http://www.identogo.com/FP/NewJersey.aspx. He has served as a patrol sergeant, patrol officer, field training officer, a gang intelligence liaison, motorcycle officer and as a traffic crash re-constructionist in the Traffic Safety Bureau. or obtains phone service using your personal information. Fourth degree crimes are punishable by a fine of not
You may also report these crimes and incidents by calling 732-329-4646, or by visiting Police Headquarters at 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. A full-service police department based in south-east Georgia. This website provides the latest information on events and activities around our community. Download here. We are dedicated to being objective, fair, consistent, and compassionate in the treatment of our community and fellow employees in all of our actions. You may also report these crimes and incidents by calling 732-329-4646, or by visiting Police Headquarters at 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. The copy of the report will be sent as a PDF attachment, please make sure your email settings will permit this. Chief Hayducka has written and authored numerous publications on various police law enforcement subjects. The overall responsibility of the chief is to duly administer and enforce the laws in order to protect life and property, and to prevent crime. addy7bccadaeced946ac6f7055c1ea91bddd = addy7bccadaeced946ac6f7055c1ea91bddd + 'sbpdnj' + '.' + 'net'; New Jersey is the most generous state in the nation when it comes to police pay, with a median salary of $92,250, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 7847, TDD/TTY Number For Hearing Impaired: (732)823-3965, Reporting a Crime, Incident, or Suspicious Activity, Non-Emergency Phone Number: (732)329-4646. Please note that we do not accept electronic payment methods. We will provide a level of service which is second to none. It's no longer a rural suburb, and the woods near Sunday's home have long since been developed. He is the longest-serving member of the South Brunswick Police motorcycle unit. 7409 Information Management Supervisor. Address and Phone Number for South Brunswick Township Police Department, a Police Department, at Ridge Road, South Brunswick NJ. Find Arrest Records, Police Records, and Warrants related to South Brunswick Township Police Department. This email address is being protected from spambots. Any type of violent crime, including: personal assault, kidnapping, robbery, etc. How do I obtain a temporary handicap parking placard? He is on the International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) technology committee. Vandalism - The act of changing, modifying, or defacing public or private property. NOW IN NEW JERSEY. South Brunswick Police Department South Brunswick, NJ Ph: 732-329-4646 PDRec@sbpdnj.net. Kendall Park Volunteer Fire Company Station 1 125 New Road South Brunswick, NJ. 1998 establishing privacy study commission and making an appropriation for the expense thereof . William Beard has served as a patrol officer, evidence technician, and accident reconstructionist in the Traffic Safety Bureau. Construction Starts At Ridge Road Facility In South Brunswick, Expect Delays On Rt. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. 522. How do I obtain a copy of a police report or motor vehicle crash report? var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. The South Brunswick Police Department is committed to the investigation and prosecution of crimes with a component of intimidation based on . Township of South Brunswick, NJ, 08852 - All rights reserved. To achieve this vision, the South Brunswick Police Department is dedicated to sustaining a quality and equitable work environment that is based on merit, and developing its members through effective training and leadership. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; For a copy of our driver communication visor card for the hard of hearing, please click here. 581 were here. The Township of South Brunswick Planning Board has scheduled a reorganization meeting to be held on January 18, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. + Read More The Township of South Brunswick Zoning Board of Adjustment has scheduled a reorganization meeting to be held on January 19, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. + You can also call (732) 329-4000 ext 7482. Robert Jairdullo who previously served as a Patrolman, School Resource Officer, and Sergeant in Patrol was promoted. I hope you find the information useful and I look forward to your continued assistance and feedback. A written request must be mailed to South Brunswick Police, 540 Ridge Rd., Mon. He has also served as an adjunct professor at the university and county college level. The Public Information Office of the South Brunswick Township Police Department. Obtaining someone else's personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services. South Brunswick Police Department has equipped each officer with a Body Worn Camera (BWC). var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; 1995 and P.L. Traffic tickets and violations issued by the South Brunswick Police Department cover a wide array of motor vehicle offenses. Who do I contact for information about discovery? The address is 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852.
Once your report has been reviewed and approved it will be assigned aPERMANENT CASE NUMBER. Find 9 external resources related to South Brunswick Township Police Department. To obtain a copy of a Motor Vehicle Crash Report already submitted to the South Brunswick Police Department, please click here. Police Department Raymond J. Hayducka Chief 540 Ridge Road Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 732-329-4646. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You can reach Records by calling the general number (732)823-3970 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. The South Brunswick Police Department shared surveillance video to Twitter, which it said showed a woman popping out of the passenger side window of the tractor-trailer's cab. (Residents Only)Any resident who has been issued fingerprint cards from an employer or agency can come to the police department Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm to be fingerprinted. 1998 establishing a privacy study commission and making an appropriation for the expense thereof, and repealing parts of the statutory law. Members of the clerical staff are also responsible for the issuing of handicap parking permits. Filing a false police report is a crime. View map of South Brunswick Township Police Department, and get driving directions from your location. The South Brunswick Police Department is committed to the investigation and prosecution of crimes with a component of intimidation based on race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, or ethnicity, which can jeopardize the active and open pursuit of freedom and opportunity. Someone obtains a credit card using your S.S.N. SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ The South Brunswick Police Department recently promoted 11 officers to fill vacancies from retirement. To obtain a copy of a Motor Vehicle Crash Report already submitted to the South Brunswick Police Department, please click here. 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Jct., NJ 08852. We will deliver a progressive and cost effective law enforcement service as well as identifying and meeting the challenges of our increasingly diverse community. Township of South Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey. He worked his way through the ranks and was appointed Chief of Police in 2005. If you believe you may be eligible for a T-Visa or a U-Visa, and need a U-Visa Certification or T-Visa Declaration, please click here for more information. To achieve this vision, the South Brunswick Police Department is dedicated to sustaining a quality and equitable work environment that is based on merit, and developing its members through effective training and leadership. During his career, he received multiple awards for honorable service for his efforts in the Traffic Bureau and Patrol Division. South Brunswick has received many awards; our South Brunswick Police department was the first police department in New Jersey to be dually certified - achieving prestigious state and national accreditation. Once your report is complete it will be assigned a TEMPORARY CASE NUMBER. The promotions would also increase command supervision, the department said. 195 talking about this. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; 855-720-2777. Only Police. Affordable Housing Declaratory Judgement Action. She created and oversaw the Citizen Police Academy for the past six years and has earned numerous commendations for her work with youth, domestic violence victims, and school-based programs. He is also the recipient of a Life-Saving Medal and 5 Excellent Service Medals. A spokesperson for the Wilmington Fire Department says crews responded to the home on Wooster Street, near the intersection with South 15th Street around 9:30 p.m., and quickly got the . The population of South Brunswick has more than tripled in 50 years, from 14,000 to 47,000 today. Any type of stolen vehicle, including: trucks, cars, trailers, motorcycles, etc. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. We do not issue permanent placards. They handle all discovery requests for any summons written on South Brunswick Township ordinances that are heard in our Municipal Court, including Health Department, Fire Prevention and Animal Control. go tohttps://www.nj.gov/grc/. The act of changing, modifying or defacing a motor vehicle. document.getElementById('cloakb95b62123c513e30da2f82e475b5b8d3').innerHTML = ''; . Retrieving Motor Vehicle Crash Reports already submitted: Copyright 2022 to 2023 Township of South Brunswick, New Jersey, All Rights Reserved. Property known to be stolen and missing may be reported. Harassing Phone Call - Unwanted phone calls of an annoying, harassing, or threatening nature. The South Brunswick Township Police Department, located in South Brunswick, New Jersey is a law enforcement agency that has been granted specific police powers in Middlesex County. We accept pills, capsules, patches and pet medications, We have compiled several government websites that are very informative and valuable resources for you, Operation Blue Angel is a program run by the South Brunswick Police Department to assist residents who, due to advanced age, mobility, or medical concerns, may be unable to answer their door in an emergency situation, A Letter to the Public From the Chief of Police, The South Brunswick Police Department depends upon our partnership with the community. Any person who gives or causes to be given false information to any law enforcement officer, with respect to the commission of any crime or incident, is guilty of a fourth degree crime under the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice (2C:28-4). Open Public Records Act?How do I obtain a letter of good conduct or criminal history check record check?How do I obtain a temporary handicap parking placard?Who do I contact for information about discovery?Who do contact about traffic summons?Who do I contact for information on a warrant?Fingerprinting.