I dont have a picture of it, but my many great grandfather was on this ship. Passenger Lists: Ship "Lyon", 1632 List of passengers on the ship "Lyon", 1632. SOUTHCOTE, Richard (1)
I married into the Phelps family from that set of emigrants. No record as to freeman. The ship's captain refused to sail up the Charles river as planned, because he feared running the ship aground in waters that he had no charts for. This was the final voyage of the ship, Lyon. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Died 1652 (Gen.Reg.). Somerset.
Freeman 5 Nov 1633 (Pope). Ref: Banks Mss. His name was Thomas Hamscomb (Hanscom). I n his letter of March 28, 1630, to his wife, written from t he "Arbella", off the Isle of Wight, after noting the saili ng of the "Mary and John", Winthrop wrote: 'and the ship wh ich goes from Bristowe (Bristol) carrieth about eighty pers ons', This was the "Lyon" and she probably sailed from tha t port to accommodate passengers living in the West Countie s -- Lancashire, Cheshire, Warwick, Gloucestershire, and So merset. This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted
The Lyon hit a reef April 10, 1633 (Peirce was 'driving') and it sunk, replaced by the Rebecca, built in the colonies. Andrew Warner, of county Essex, bound for Cambridge Mrs. Nicholas Clark, of (possibly) Nazing, Essex, bound for Camb ridge (Dup of Lyon 3), Lyon sources: http://english-america.com/spls/631ma002.html#Lyon. After being at sea for twelve weeks, they cast anchor at Boston Harbor on Sunday Evening, September 16, 1632. The matter is still being followed up. Settled
English immigrant ship Lyon. In 1630, 1631
Phone: 1-978-388-3054. 1631. Freeman 13 May 1640(M.C.R., I, 377). Thomas Miner was onboard. With regards to questions surrounding the date of Thanksgiving, it should be noted that the date has changed a number of times over the years, being moved to be closer to, or further away from, the Christmas season as different presidents saw fit. The Lyon left Bristol, England August (23) 1631 with her Master, William Peirce, arriving in Nantasket November 02 1631 This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted for his skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of the Puritan leaders. From http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon4.htm: Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). It is certain that she was larger and more comfortable than the Mayflower (which as we know was unfit for another voyage, after the famous one in 1620 carrying the Pilgrim Fathers, and was broken up) and that the cost of the voyage was not a problem, as most of the passengers were able to afford such comfort as was available in those times; many indeed were people of some substance. Call us at (858) 263-7716. In 1630, 1631, and 1632 she made four v oyages hither in quick succession under his command with th e regularity and safety of a ferry, and on one of them save d the new settlement from starvation and death by her timel y arrival with provisions and anti-scorbutics. Of Captain William Peirse, her Master, more particulars are known. Like White he was a conformist, though
about 73. Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. E-Book Overview Peter Harrison examines the role played by the Bible in the emergence of natural science. He was then a re sident of Ratcliffe, parish of Stepney, London, and at tha t date was about thirty-one years old. Dorset. sponsor of the earliest Massachusetts settlement (Plymouth excepted), was the inspiration of a movement which culminated
Dorset. 17 Ships; 17 Ships; 17 Ships; 17 Ships; 17 Ships; "Passengers and Vessels that have Arrived in America: A List of Ships which Arrived in New England in 1630," NEHGR 31:309 (Citing Gov. March 20, and at its conclusion they embarked to set sail for the distant shores of an unknown country. 366). F. Cade & Sons, Wine Merchant and Mineral Water Manufacturer. Robert Charles Anderson, Director of the Great Migration Study Project, was educated as a biochemist and served in the United States Army in electronics intelligence. A voyage of the Lyon, sailed 1630-1632.. Lyon, sailed June 22, 1632 "16 [September 1632], being the Lord's day.] Presumably he was master of the Eagle when she was bought for
Williams had come to a position as a separatist, believing the Church of England to be corrupt and false. $1,630 - $2,107/mo. He was an agressive theologian. This
This was the final voyage of the ship, Lyon. Probably Somerset. 36 pg 171. Laws, etc. 7/59 pg 33 or from Wilt shire, bound for Chelmsford, & Woburn. The salient details for each of these sailings are summarized below: George Bonaventure, Thomas Cox, master. Already his son, Samuel Maverick had
study to segregate them from the 'Old Planters' and the more recent emigrants who came with Endicott. The West Country was free from it. DYER, George (4)
TERRY, Stephen (3)
Dec. 2 1630 Roger Williams and his wife, Mary, were aboard the ship Lyon sailing to the New World. . Removed to Windsor (Pomeroy Gen.). Appendix C p.106-107
message: 'We had a comfortable passage and I found that love and respect from Capt. From this time these hills took the names of Windmill, Beacon, The order of the Court what treats both and pills best natural way to increase penis size of Assistants, Governor Winthrop presiding, That Trimontaine shall be called sex drive pills males Boston, was passed on the 7th of September, old style, or, as we now count it, the 17th of . Wm. Two sons, Samuel and William, had large active interests in Massachusetts, and although the date of their leaving England has not been discovered, it is certain that they did so, for their names appear in New England records. Perhaps it is an imaginary composition, fashionable at that time, but the decorative effect is very present, with these ancient buildings and this great glowing sky haloed by the light of a setting sun. Died 1663 (Pope). forty passengers are generally known as the Dorchester Company, from the place chosen for their settlement, and
People are usually friendly mostly. ROCKWELL, William (4)
Somerset. 36 pg 66), James, William (From Walthamstow, Essex, bound for Boston. We have many stories, not least that of Native Americans, who say the Natives kept the settlers alive by giving them good for their first couple of years. Kebayoran Lama consists of the word Kebayoran (Betawi for kabayuran, meaning "stockpiles of bayur wood (Pterospermum javanicum)") and Lama (Indonesian for "old"). It is not known whether he or his vessel ever returned to these waters, nor anthing of his later career, but
Home; Our Practice; Services; What to expect. The Ship Lyon, 1630. were promoting religious intolerance in Massachusetts. Dorset. Removed
to Windsor (Stiles). Freeman 4 March 1632/3 (M.C.R. I know it was some time after the Mayflower. The other clergyman, the Reverend John Warham, was fourteen years the junior of Maverick, and of a different
Four Lyon trips: 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632. Freeman 4 March 1632/3 (M.C.R., I, 367). A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. published Boston 1930
WATHAM, Rev. Judith Gater, baptized Hillmorton 19 March 1588/9, daughter of Michael Gater. Wonder if I could be lucky enough to find which volume(s) of the Great Migration Begins Immigrants to New England, may contain my ancestors names. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ricktallm Geni requires JavaScript! Removed to Windsor (Stiles). The Mary and John. Francis Higginson was one of the passengers. Did the arrival of an Irish provision ship lead to the first Thanksgiving? Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about May 1635. Aurlie Godet Universit de Paris, France. Freeman 1 April 1634 (ibid., I, 368). 1. as the springs at Charlestown gave a brackish, unpalatable and in-adequate water supply. Mayflower, William Peirce, master. WAY, Henry (6)
There were 120 passengers, including 50 children, on the voyage. This page was last modified 02:50, 10 December 2020. Listed with a Richard Benjamin. They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Lands End.. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I), and Royal College of Physicians of London (HTML at EEBO TCP) ROSSITER, Brian (1)
http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon4.htm. With them were two clergymen of the Established Church, one the Reverend John Maverick, at that time, Vicar
Ref: Banks Mss pg 50) (Dup of Lyon 4) Cogsworth, John of Halstead, Essex, wife Mary Curtis, William of Nazing, Essex, his wife Sarah and childr en Thomas, Mary, John, and Philip Elmore, Edward and wife, children Richard and Edward Glover, Charles Goodwin, William of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child Eliz abeth Goodwin, Ozias of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child William Grant, Seth Heath, William, wife Mary, children Issac, Mary, Anna (Fro m Amwell, Little, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury as per p g 66) (From Little Amwell, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury . The Lyon hit a reef April 10, 1633 (Peirce was 'driving') and it sunk, replaced by the Rebecca, built in the colonies. (Pope). She
Many were related or became related by marriage. He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. In November, while returning to England, it was wrecked on a shoal a few miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake River (Virginia). star trek fleet command swarm ships locations; houses for rent las vegas no credit check; consulado de guatemala citas; the lyon ship 1630. (M.C.R., I, 366). This is over ten years after the pilgrims settled at Plymouth. RICHARDS, Thomas (6)
GAYLORD, William (4)
He made
The Lyon's Whelp sailed with the Talbot; the Rev. It is known that the captains name was Pierce and that the Lyon sailed from London about the 2nd of June, 1632 and arrived in Boston on Sunday, the 16th of September following . Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. Freeman 18 May 1631. Removed to Windsor
Ref: Banks Mss 36 pg 50) (Dup of Lyon 4), Cogsworth, John of Halstead, Essex, wife Mary, Curtis, William of Nazing, Essex, his wife Sarah and children Thomas, Mary, John, and Philip, Elmore, Edward and wife, children Richard and Edward, Goodwin, William of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child Elizabeth, Goodwin, Ozias of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child William, Heath, William, wife Mary, children Issac, Mary, Anna (From Amwell, Little, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury as per 36 pg 66)(From Little Amwell, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury. There were 120 passengers, including 50 children, on the voyage. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. . Settled Dorchester. 1630: 6 NOV 1689: England, Essex, Braintree: Mary Wadsworth: 1632: 8 FEB 1712: England, Essex, Braintree: Sarah Wadsworth: abt 1626: 4 OCT 1648: England: Died August 1666 aged
If you find a ship you would like to research you will find the URL link under the site name and also at the bottom of the page. On the 15th of February, 1631, a ship named the Lyon landed in Nantasket, in Massachusetts Bay. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. It sank after the 4th voyage. Lyon's Whelp, John Gibbs, master. In "Ancestors". Ref: Banks Mss. Talbot, Thomas Beecher, master. is evident from the testimony of Governor Winthrop. They had five days of east wind and fog, but no disaster. She was then about nine or ten years of age and described herself as 'a romping girl' of
Map People (20) Related Events (58) Pic Name Birth Death Birthplace . Passengers took an oath of allegiance to King Charles I administered by Captain Mason before the ship sailed for the New World. (Blake, Stiles). He was a native, probably, of Crewkerne, Somerset, born about 1592; had taken holy orders and came under
Somerset. One of her daughters m. Rev. is credited with being the first female, of all the passengers, to set foot on the peninsular of Shawmut, now the
He was a passenger on the English ship Lyon. Just know that traffic on 405 is a variable that has . NEGR 40/195 pg 182) Benjamin, John of Heathfield, Sussex and wife Abigail (Fro m Haethfield, Sussex, bound for Cambridge and Watertown. baptized 'Anne' in the years calculated from her age at death. Genealogy Trails Perhaps he spelled his last name as Swete. Jane Coulter of Wapping, a hamlet of Stepney. pg 66) Holman, Edward of Clapham, Surrey James, William (From Walthamstow, Essex, bound for Boston . 3rd Voyage of the Lyon to America. Im looking for any all information, ships manifest, passenger list, etc. Devon. . In 1630 some of my ancestors came to America on this ship - and others in the Winthrop fleet. He was then
In 1641 he was killed by the Spaniards while o n a voyage to the island of New Providence, Bahamas Group , whither he was taking passengers for settlement. They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Land's End.'. Categories: Great Migration Ships | 1630s Sailings. in the fortunes of the various groups which reached our shores in that year. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). Unfortunately it doesn't list any Sacketts but then again it doesn't li st everybody just about 12 of them in the article) This was on page 3: . Origin unknown. Died 1672 (Blake). to Windsor (Stiles). Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. 'He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. The officia l connection of the "Lyon" with the Winthrop Fleet is of th e same character as related of the "Mary and John", as bot h were doubtless approved by the Governor and Assistants. It is not necessary to state that this
Freeman 1 April 1634. Benjamin, John of Heathfield, Sussex and wife Abigail (From Haethfield, Sussex, bound for Cambridge and Watertown. Juror 1630. (M.C.R., I, 366). him and remember my kind salutations to him and his wife.' over three counties, were moved by the same urge to emigrate which animated those of the Winthrop Fleet, but it
M.DC.XXX. Is there a passanger manifest for the ship Talbot? Virginia was the first colony to have a formal accusation of witchcraft in 1626, and . Devon. her passengers, indicating his knowledge of their destination in the limits of the Massachusetts Bay Patent and
The well-planned and financed expedition was lead by Governor John Winthrop, who transported seven hundred Puritan immigrants from the religious turmoil in England to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the spring of 1630. BACK -- HOME
One of the passengers on this vessel was John Eddy of Boxted, Essex, whose affiliations place him within the Massachusetts Bay Companys orbit; this ship may have been the latest arrival of the Winthrop Fleet. They had been twelve week s aboard and eight weeks from Land's End. I am a descendent of Samuel Eddy who arrived on the Handmaid in 1630 and I am doing research for the Eddy Family Association. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser, FamilySearch Terms of Use (Updated 2021-09-27) | Privacy Notice (Updated 2021-04-06), 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Now, there are lions heads on the richly carved paneling at Cockerhurst, the famiy home at Eastwood, and also on property, which they owned in France. wife, as a William Peirce, mariner of White-chapel, was licensed in 1615 to marry Margaret Gibbs. Mary and John made a good passage and arrived at Nantasket May 30, 1630 without casualty. Learn how your comment data is processed. Blake History of Dorchester, Mass. This ship left London 25 April and the Isle of Wight 11 May, arriving at Cape Ann 27 June and Salem 29 June 1629. p.109
The Winthrop Fleet of 1630 is now considered unreliable ( 18 ) September.! They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Land's End.'. The Reverand John White, Vicar of Dorchester, England, who has been generally and rightfully acclaimed as the
. at Charlestown. as they remained a distinct body of colonists, and there are contemporary records to identify most of them, it
more than a century. BASKOM, Thomas (1)
In November, while returning to England, it was wrecked on a shoal a few miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake River (Virginia). MOORE, John (1)
quality. This page has been accessed 8,083 times. Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). The Lyon hit a reef April 10, 1633 (Peirce was 'driving') and it sunk, replaced by the Rebecca, built in the colonies. Juror 1630. Several stockpiles of timber (including bayur wood) were built there in earlier time.Bayur wood is known for its strength and resistance to termite attack.. History. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. May 24, 2019 - Ship Lyon 1630 Sailed in the Winthrop Fleet I have many ancestors who came at this time to the new world London 1630) The Lyon's Whelp was the name of . freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). None of the various parents of all these Annes can be recognized as coming to Boston with her, either by name or
Somerset. Mr. Ship- man, one died unmarried, and she has the honor of being the mother of Hon. Henry C. Deming, of Hartford, who has been so favorably known in Connecticut as an orator and public debater in both branch, es of the legislature, and at the bar. He had sailed to Plymouth in 162 3 as Master of the "Anne" of London, bringing the last lo t of passengers to the Pilgrim settlement. James Calvin_Sly/James Calvin Sly : James C. Sly (8 aot 1807 - 31 aot 1864) tait un pionnier mormon , membre du bataillon mormon pendant la guerre amricano-mexicaine , claireur des premiers sentiers de l'ouest utiliss pendant la rue vers l'or en Californie , gardien du journal en 1848 et 1849 , premier colon occidental amricain de plusieurs communauts et missionnaire mormon . The Winthrop Fleet in 1630 Eleven Ships Sailed to Massachusetts Bay Colony. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). That they were authorized to settle in the limits of the
Given that the European settlers almost wiped out the original population of North America, it seems hypocritical to 'celebrate' this event. Samuel Skelton were two of the passengers.
http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon2.htm, http://english-america.com/spls/631ma001.html#Lyon, http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon3.htm, http://english-america.com/spls/631ma002.html#Lyon, http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon4.htm, http://horsethief.info/newengland/lyon.htm, http://members.aol.com/dcurtin1/gene/lyon.htm, http://english-america.com/spls/632ma001.html#Lyon. . Settled Dorchester. Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. Im trying to find out how the Bryants came here. This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted for his skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of the Puritan leaders. He becam e a Town and Colony official and was engaged In coastwise s hipping thereafter. Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 80). I would like to know more about the Mary and John too. At least eighteen vessels carrying passengers sailed from England for New England in 1630, not all of which were part of the Winthrop fleet. Before 7 Jan 1672 ( 18 ) September 1634, Suffolk, England on April 10, 1634 with master. Ship & Passenger Information at the Wayback Machine. The ship corresponds to the general appearance of the Whelps in that she is a three-masted ship having one gun deck with a grating or flying deck over the waist and eight broadside gun ports. creation of independent religious bodies and severely condemned the subsequent action of Winthrop and Cotton who
Dorchester. John (4)
Removed to Windsor (Stiles). the voyage overseas, and the name changed to Arbella. Member: 8 Apr 1630 : of the Winthrop Fleet with Arbella Mary & John : Migration: . The Winthrop Fleet consisted of eleven ships. Unit Lyon Creek: RENT FREE UNTIL FEB 2023 . SYLVESTER, Richard (1)
The figure for taverns was 15 per cent; and in Rome there were many inns known as venues for male-male sexual encounters, some with rooms set aside for the purpose. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. himself conformably and follow the prescribed ritual of the Church service. He took up his r esidence in Boston in 1632 and was admitted freeman May I4 , 1634. The identity of this ship is not established as
famous church official, later to be Archbishop of Canterbury, was a strict disciplinarian in matters of conformity
67 The same phenomenon could be found in Ottoman territory: a set of queries sent to Rome by a priest in Tunis in 1630 included the question whether Christians working in inns . So, too, perhaps, should the Handmaid, which arrived at Plymouth on 29 October with sixty passengers. Text Size:side effects of wearing incorrect glasses nh state police logs 2021.
(Terry Gen.). Ref: Banks Mss. The Lyon class was a set of battleships planned for the French Navy (Marine Nationale) in 1913, with construction scheduled to begin in 1915.The class was to have comprised four ships, named Lyon, Lille, Duquesne, and Tourville.The first two were named for cities in France, and the latter pair honored the French admirals Abraham Duquesne and Anne Hilarion de Tourville. PINNEY, Humphrey (2)
of London. Four Lyon trips: 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632. I read the second paragraph cruise ship bringing sex pills on The present situation demands the use of all conceivable means for the procurement of additional labor, because it is the fighting men who benefit first of all does loosing weight make penis bigger by all armament enhancing are uncircumcised penis bigger measures. 36 pg 47, Throckmorton, George and John, from Essex, bound for Boston, Salem and Providence RI. In 1972 he discovered his early New England ancestry and thereafter devoted his time and energies to genealogical research. Trying to find out which ship Nicholas Simpkins sailed on circa 1630 on was 1st commander of Castle Island Boston in 1635, Wounded f this book has picture of the Talbot ship Iam looking for a picture of it. the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Laud, then Bishop of Bath and Wells. (M.C.R., I, 368). From http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon2.htm: The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her M aster, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31 Rev. This page was last modified 17:38, 7 August 2020. There is no known list of passengers coming on this ship, just before the arrival of the Winthrop Fleet . in Dorchester; 23 removed to Windsor, Connecticut with Warham, in the migration of 1635/36, and four settled elsewhere
CHAMPION, Gen. EPAPHRODITUS, son of Col. Henry, bap. It may seem a wild guess, but a very reasonabale one, that the Lyon belonged or was partly owend by the Vassel family of Eastwood, Essex. in her, as did Edward Rossiter, another Assistant, as leaders of this Company, and thus further confirmation is
"The Planters of the Commonwealth in Massachusetts, 1620-1640," (Image snagged from Ancestry.com). CHAPTER CXXVII., 1629 Partisan Opposition to the Government, p. 1629 Knights of the Golden Circle, 1629 The Draft, 1630 Riots in New York, 1630 Colored Troops in New York, 1631 Mor- gan's great Raid, 1631 Meade and Lee in Virginia, 1632 Operations of the two Armies in Virginia, 1632 Raid in western Virginia, 1633 . Freeman 1 April 1634 (ibid.,
His name was John Swett. Were often NOT included 4 children named in his will dated 15 Jul 1673 wife and! New England, he not only secured recruits in his own city and county but in the adjoining counties of Devon and. Removed to Windsor (Pope). A minor, stepson of Thomas Ford (see below). Today Lyon Shipyard is a thriving organization that has a solid focus on . He was strongly against separation and the
In The Planters of the Commonwealth, Banks introduces his passenger list: Excerpt from Essex and the LyonThe people who sailed in her to New England in 1632 and the Land to which they went by Winifred Ashwell, published in 1981 by the District Museum, Braintree, Essex, England. Additional information on the merchant or financier behind this voyage would be useful. John Winthrop recorded the arrival in Salem of four vessels which had set out together in late March: Arbella (on 12 June), Ambrose (13 June), Jewel (19 June), and Talbot (2 July).