Tobin believes Garret is drunk, despite the man's objects. He draws him a map but warns him that she will probably kill him on sight. He yells over his shoulder that he'll be back. Lastly, a messenger brings devastating news. The captain doesn't believe Garret's claims and asks him to finish a saying, in which Garret does effortlessly. They had a mutual hatred for the Blackfist warrior Rebb, and formed an alliance despite their distrust of one another. Wolf lied and told his companion, Toru Magmoor, that Talon was dead. She is brave, fearless, and determined in her quests. She claims to Gwynn that her goal is simply peace between Blackbloods and humans. Work Search: To save her beloved Garret (Jake Stormoen), Talon is forced to summon a Blackblood Priestess named Yavalla (Jaye Griffiths) into the world. She is joined by Garret who wants her to admit her lies to him. When Gwynn became Queen she wanted things to remain the same between them, but her actions led Talon to believe that she was nothing more than a tool in Gwynn's war against the Prime Order. The first thing Talon thinks when she sees Gwynn is: I cut off my ears for someone like you, once. Garret commands the guards to stay with him and the prisoner, while the others kill Talon. Gwynn instructs Janzo to find a way to fix Garret. When she learned Garret was alive she was thrilled and hugged him, but he had been conditioned by the Prime Order to hate her which resulted in him stabbing her. Garret's initial resistance to the abuse, combined with the mental manipulation from Sana, was a testament to his love for Gwynn. He obeys and opens a satchel holding several vials of red liquid. She then recited what Myron had told her before, that they only kill to survive. I've always been stronger than I appear, faster than I seem. She lies that she is a barmaid looking for work, though Wythers is reluctant to believe her. Garret eerily remarks that won't happen if he takes her headfirst. She also begins carrying an additional dagger in her boot. Sana admits that she isn't any nicer to him then she is to her other patients. Garret was born to a watchman, Wythers, and a washerwoman. Gwynn stands and rushes to him, throwing her arms around his neck. She soon begins to uncover the secrets of her people and learn of her her role in an ancient prophecy. Garret also maintained a secret affair with Gwynn. She reminded Talon that their whole village could have been exposed by her fight and that they dont ever fight. by ; in salvadoran facial features; on May 23, 2022 . She promises them that Garret will be loyal to them by the end of the week. The Outpost Season 2 Episode 4: Regarding the Matter of Garret Spears. He tells her that she's someone he's always loved. The Blackbloods took control of Gallwood and Talon seemingly sided with her people which hurt Garret, Janzo, and Gwynn. When The Hive overran Gallwood, Garret fought valiantly to protect her. She is jaded from years on her own and doesn't easily trust others. He lives by a code of honor, duty, and morality that has been with him since he was a child. They are about to be ousted when a large explosion rocks the ground, distracting everyone from the mere couple. In "Nothing Short of Heroic", Talon is captured by a Prime Order captain when Garret rides up claiming hail to the three. They throw him to the ground. They were friendly and her mysterious agenda for being at Gallwood intrigued Garret and held his interest. Portrayed by Garret's hand goes to his dagger and he stabs Talon in the side. He admits that he was hoping he would get to see more of The Capital, but she tells him he's still healing. Upon returning to a state where he isn't conditioned, Garret's clothing shifted drastically from what it was before his conditioning. He is emotional and tells her about the painting they showed him of the royal family - but it had a different little girl in it. He asks her for her help in getting revenge but she retorts that the Garret she knew wouldn't have done something so rash and stupid just to get even. After the deaths of Rosmund and Yavalla, Gallwood knelt before Talon to signify their choice of leader. Relatives Human The Three put Garret's localities to the test by commanding him to kill Wythers. He leans against the bars telling her that she just a selfish little girl playing dress-up. Set right after ep 1x08. This is why when Zed betrayed her she was enraged and instantly fought him. A moment passes and he gestures to Garret to drink up, now annoyed. Grey goos vodka - Der Gewinner . You stood by me in every bad decision I've ever made and you're my best friend. Upon believing the false truth that Gwynn had been lying to him, Garret's facial expressions are blank and ghastly. A month after the Seven were defeated, Luna became one of the bridesmaid to Talon, with the other being Warlita. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However, he still choices to propose to her, and after returning to the Outpost with her ancestor Aster, she says yes. A month after the final defeat of The Seven they get married with their High Priestess friend Wren officiating the ceremony, and Zed crowning Talon as Queen. She saved him from the Tormentor's wrath and freed him from the prisons. She often wears pants and tops that allow her to move and be flexible in case she needs to fight. Meanwhile, while Garret hunts for Dred, Gwynn prepares the Outpost for war. Lomack continues to sleep to which Garret insults him, calling him a pig face. She did wear a dress after Gwynn burned her clothes, but she has yet to be seen in another. He is quick with tall tales and flirtations, playful embellishments, and is often curious. They are two women in an Outpost and a world, full of men that wants to destroy them. She opens the portal to the plane of ashes and is sucked through. They were each other's sparring partners, and Garret was the only person who challenged Talon physically - even though she defeated him multiple times. She clarifies that she was asking about Garret, to which Janzo tells her that there is no change as Garret is still an idiot. Wythers stood several feet from Garret but didn't speak. He takes her inside the Outpost walls and to the gate keeper, Marshal Wythers who will determine if she is allowed to stay. She admitted that she was pretending to be on Zed's side since Zed was the only thing keeping Gwynn alive. When Talon does get betrayed those that did the deed have a tendency to suffer. She doesn't have a choice but to fight him. Mid-sentence she slams his head against the bars saying that was for Gwynn. As she begins to open up around Janzo, Talon is seen to be a kind woman who is curious about the world and where she comes from. When this proved to be untrue, they grew closer and Talon was Gwynn's only real friend at the Outpost. He believes that he was fooled by them. She drops her sword and stops fighting back. First appearance Talon served as interim base commander of Gallwood Outpost in Rosmund's absence, which brought her closer to Garret and a reformed Zed. After Gwynn was infected by Yavalla and left, Talon did everything she could to save her friend from the clutches of The Hive. But the fight was enough for Sana to see her oil-black blood. Garret became Captain of the Border Guard at Gallwood Outpost and worked closely with Cornelius Calkussar. She reminds him that they have to do this so they can leave together in peace. He asks about Captain Spears, to which she bitterly tells Orlick to lock Garret away and double the guards. Naya is imprisoned for her crimes as Janzo continues to come to her defense. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, AU set during the s2 finale "This is our outpost", taking place from Garret finding Janzo unconscious in the tunnel up to Gwynn deciding to greet the Blackbloods. When she was just a child of 9 years old, she witnessed a gang of ruthless brutal mercenaries known as "The Bones" slaughtered her entire village, The Vale of Galanth. Occupation When Garret reclaimed his morality he was crushed to have killed his own father and sought revenge for those who forced his hand. He no longer wore armor or weighted clothing, instead opting for light and simple garments. Janzo grabs a pot of hot water and throws it in the guard's face. When the medication wore off, he was unable to go through with killing Gwynn. He loads his belongings into a boat explaining that he has to stop the people who did this to him. The Three tell Garret that they think he is ready for his first task. Another revelation about Blackbloods is made. He sees now that something is wrong with him and Talon approaches the cell. According to Dred, the real Rosmund had a misshaped face from being kicked by a horse as a child. She bitterly tells him he's no good with a knife. Janzo is wildly unimpressed, takes a moment, and writes that Garret was held captive in the Capital. When Two asks what Garret has to say, he pledges himself with all his heart and blood to serve only them. They begin kissing again once he does. In reality, she consults a forger that pieces together the letter using three different dispatches. She has taught herself several forms of martial arts and may have been taught by experts. The series is executive-produced by Dean Devlin (producer of Stargate) and Jonathan Glassner (showrunner of Stargate SG-1 ). Though their reasons appeared vastly different, their mutual disdain for them brought the pair together. He fired an arrow at her but the magic her mother passed onto her glowed and a portal appeared. He yells at her that she can scream but no one is going to save her. With the awakening of The Seven, the two would often discuss and share their ideas and plans on how to handle operations in and out of the Outpost. Wythers wasn't active in Garret's life and didn't show much affection toward his son. Garret claims they don't have much time and mounts his horse. He asks where Everit took Garret after the ambush at Dun-Ebdin, to which Garret replies to see the holy three and bask in their glory. She asks why he has to leave, to which he emotionally tells her that after everything he's done he can't stay. She is saved by the heroic Outpost captain she comes to know as Garret Spears. Garret is a prepossessing, charming man with a deep sense of loyalty. Talon almost always has a plan or tricks up her sleeve. A collection of one shots featuring various characters from The Outpost. She eventually gets him into a submissive chokehold and puts him to sleep. She was taken with the creature and approached it when it was shot by a group of young boys. He asks Sana to leave and she obeys. Talon quickly broke her promise to Wythers and Garret to stay out of trouble, though she never truly intended on keeping it. He also began wearing Prime Order armor. Many people call her "beautiful" and "stunning". When investigating or fighting, he opts for a brown leather jacket over a lightweight shirt and a simple holster for his swords. Calkussar had destroyed most portraits but Gwynn snuck one out of the palace as a keepsake of her childhood friend. Garret and Gwynn try to make their escape when Tobin arrives. Garret falls backward in the cell. Dred admits he didn't consult The Three before killing the Blackblood people. Sana forces the man to leave and the Tormentor asks why she's being so kind to Garret. He goes out of his way to help her, even though it doesn't always have something in it for him. His painful past has left him harboring guilt, anger, and an air of distrust for newcomers. Janzo gives him a look as he just told him its a shrine. Janzo harbors romantic feelings for Talon and once believed her to be perfect and beautiful, however, Talon hasn't shown much romantic interest in Janzo or anyone. Garret lives by a code and he finds a way to do what needs to be done without betraying his friends." They exchange a longing look as he tells her that he missed her. While Zed was Wren's military advisor, Talon is more like a sister than an advisor to the High Priestess. A smart move and something a Queen would do. After Talon helped Luna hone her Dragman skills, the cycle of mentorship had been completed. Sana manages to save Garret from the Tormentor's cruelty. He then referred to Talons ears as being too recognizable. A year after her captivity, Gwynn is still healing. Before the purge, the capital was the royal palace. Garret sat on the bed in surprise, clearly trying to process the information. She confessed to Talon that had always been the two of them, and relayed that Talon is her best friend. Years after her entire village is destroyed by a gang of brutal mercenaries, Talon travels to a lawless fortress on the edge of the civilized world, as she tracks the killers of her family. He had struck a deal with the Tormentor for a bigger cell in exchange for placing doubt in Garret's mind about Gwynn being Rosmund. Zed and Garret have an uneasy relationship due to their mutual feelings for Talon. This creates an inferiority complex on Janzo's part. where does taylor sheridan live now . Janzo says that he's right that commands Munt to punch Garret in the face, which he does. Janzo realizes this is why Garret is so messed up and throws the vial into the fire, much to Garret's pain. She then took a barely awake Garret back to her chambers. More troops flood into the camp forcing Garret and Talon to mount their horses and escape. Talon was taken in by the family but had trouble adjusting to their lifestyle. He usually has bruises or cuts on his body from his time with The Tormentor. loud house fanfic longest piece of literature. Sana tries to fend off the Tormentor and his men when they come for Garret but is knocked aside. Even after his death, Talon moves into his old home and relies on his texts to aid her. For her mother to sound frantic was unthinkable, and yet, that was the undeniable tone in the Vulcan woman's voice. With enough negative and positive conditioning, Garret began to believe Sana and The Three's lies. Tobin asks who the man was, to which Munt and Janzo simultaneously say, "Garret". Talon doesn't want to kill Garret but he assures her she won't have too before attacking her. Toru signaled to their leader, Everit Dred, that they had won. He saved her life and brought her into the Outpost. Jake Stormoen Janzo helped Talon recover from critical injuries. She had to use the hot iron to cauterize his wounds and save his life. He spends his spare time training and has a very muscular appearance. It was his sword that inspired her to seemingly complete the prophecy when the Prime Order attacked the Outpost for the second time. Despite being cured, he was still angrier than usual and more on edge than he was before. However, his protectiveness over Gwynn and often drove them apart. Janzo doesn't know who this Sana person is, but he's assuming she's the same person who spewed the nonsense about Gwynn. Janzo asks if Gwynn rejected him and if that is why he's going to run into the arms of Talon, calling him predictable. He ca n't stay always been the two of them, and that. 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