For Thunderbird there is an add-on (Toggle Word Wrap) available. If you really want to use it, here are the steps you have to perform: 1) Select the [CYGWIN-INSTALL-PATH]\bin-folder as git.exe folder. a perl script. Use Check now if you want an answer right away. the section called git-config(1)) Default is false. Of course, it doesn't know every technical term that you do, so correctly spelt words will sometimes show up as errors. Helper Select a credential helper program. With some graphic cards, however, this sometimes doesn't work properly so that the cursor to enter text isn't always visible, the redraw does not work or the background is flashing. The current working directory with which the script is run. You may not want to emphasize current branch of a local repository in revision graph. If this option is enabled, the following description and example will apply. How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a Site Maintenance - Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 - 05:00 UTC (Thursday, Jan Were bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow, TortoiseGit clone option is unavailable in right-click context menu. The Settings Dialog, Dialogs 3 Page. The default is 50000, minimum is 50. This is especially needed if you installed the developer version of msysGit ("Full installer (self-contained) if you want to hack on Git" with the filename msysGit-fullinstall-*.exe), in this case it is necessary that the [MSYSGIT-INSTALL-PATH]\mingw\bin-folder is on the path (i.e. With this setting, the icons are grouped together by application type per working tree. Just click on the arrow to drop the combo box down, move the mouse over the item you want to remove and type Shift+Del. The default value is 3. The high-churn binary folders are also excluded. For TortoiseGitPlink.exe this is the standard TortoiseGit bin directory. Please edit to add further details, such as . Set this to true to make TortoiseGit also check for new preview releases. The parameters will be specific to the plugin, but might include your user name on the issue tracker so that the plugin can query for issues which are assigned to you. But . Changes from the repository successfully merged into the working tree without creating any conflicts. the section called git-config(1)). Two parallel diagonal lines on a Schengen passport stamp, List of resources for halachot concerning celiac disease. Defines if the log should follow renames, i.e. The Git progress dialog shows the output of the executed git.exe commands. If you enter a shorter message than specified here, the commit button is disabled. Called after the commit finished successfully. How to make chocolate safe for Keidran? the section called Context Menu Settings)). TortoiseGitPlink does not have any documentation of its own because it is just a minor variant of Plink. This option is only available when you use the default status cache option (see below). The default is false. You can select the font used to display the text, and the point size to use. If you don't want that and use the default instead, set this value to 0. the section called git-mergetool(1)). TortoiseGit uses accelerators for its explorer context menu entries. However, then a manual refresh (e.g. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Set this value to true to show the icons again. Thunderbird or Outlook). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If you don't send patches as attachments, you might need to make sure that no auto line wrapping takes place. The Exclude Paths are used to tell TortoiseGit those paths for which it should not show icon overlays and status columns. You can choose which type of cache TortoiseGit should use according to your system and working tree size here: Caches all status information in a separate process (TGitCache.exe). The Settings Dialog, Merge Tool Page. Disadvantage: Status information of files and folders is not shown in Explorer. This is also available for download from the PuTTY website or included in the TortoiseGit package. This could be a batch file, an executable file or any other file which has a valid windows file association, e.g. Enter the full path to git.exe here. This enables some workarounds which enables TortoiseGit to be used with MSYS2 Git (do not enable this for the Git for Windows package!). Defines how many spaces to use for expansion when a tab character is found in the file content. Note that the context menus still work, even though the overlays are not shown. This dialog allows you to set up hook scripts which will be executed automatically when certain TortoiseGit actions are performed on the client side. The Shell variant only shows differences of the filesystem to the git index (does not include revision specific information, e.g. Finally, setting up SSH on clients is a non-trivial process which is beyond the scope of this help file. Just enter the same data as in your mail tools (MUA). there are multiple levels; settings in higher levels override values in lower levels. Disadvantage: only one folder is cached and for big working trees, it can take much more time to show a folder in explorer than with the default cache or with shell mode. Optionally, the Windows 8+ spell checker can also be used (needs to be enabled manually at the moment). How to add a context (aka right-click) menu to the windows explorer that, when clicked, opens the git-bash console in the current explorer folder?By default,. Push Default Selecting this means to always push to this remote (cf. You can even disable all icon overlays, but where's the fun in that? Defines how many spaces to use for expansion when a tab character is found in the file diff. From here you can view the log file content, and also clear it. You can download language packs on the TortoiseGit download page or help translating. This option determines how the Win7 taskbar icons of the various TortoiseGit dialogs and windows are grouped together. Then fill in your Name and Email, making sure to use the same email that you used to sign up for Assembla. We recommend that you use TortoiseGitPlink.exe. None of the previous answers to this question on this forum have corrected the problem (Hide Menus for unversioned paths is NOT selected). This is the default for TortoiseGit (unless some different method is configured). You might need to remove the cache files and tortoisegit.index in the .git folders after changing this value. If there is only a single remote, an up-arrow symbol () will substitute the remote name part of each remote branch. If you frequently find yourself comparing revisions in the top pane of the log dialog, you can use this option to allow that action on double-click. Load/saves log cache in .git folder (, tortoisegit.index) to boost performance of subsequent use of log list. This avoids closing the dialog by accident that kills running git process. The revision of the original file, if available, The revision of the second file, if available, The window titles are not pure filenames. If only tick Pull option in "Settings\Context Menu", you will see it in context menu. The Settings Dialog, Issue Tracker Integration Page. The default is true. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Note that not all controls in all dialogs are shown in a dark theme. This covers commit, rebase, notes, annotated tag. More information here. Username A default username, if one is not provided in the URL. In revision graph, use local branch color for current branch. TortoiseGit provides overlay icons showing the file status, a powerful context menu for Git and much more! Note: you need to rename files one by one. URL Define a context-specific configuration based on URL pattern. This applies both to the file content, and to the author and revision information shown in the left pane. If there are too many overlay handlers installed and TortoiseGit does not show any overlays, you can try to delete some of the installed handlers from the registry. The default (recommended) setting is Close manually which allows you to review all messages and check what has happened. This dialog allows you to configure some of TortoiseGit's dialogs the way you like them. None of the previous answers to this question on this forum have corrected the problem (Hide Menus for unversioned paths is NOT selected). If you right click and drag folder/file in Windows Explorer, a context menu will be shown when you drop. The default is true. How much does the variation in distance from center of milky way as earth orbits sun effect gravity? Note2: If you modify a lot on file, git can not figure out it is a rename/moving. Users sometimes ask how these three settings interact. Called after the user clicks OK in the commit dialog, and before the actual commit begins. The log file is located at %LOCALAPPDATA%\TortoiseGit\logfile.txt. An external diff program may be used for comparing different revisions of files. The file contains the text in UTF-8 encoding. By default, TortoiseGit uses the Windows home directory which is normally located under c:\Users and Cygwin uses its own home directories which are located under [CYGWIN-INSTALL-PATH]\home. You set the endpoints by specifying the colors for the newest and oldest revisions, and TortoiseGitBlame uses a linear interpolation between these colors according to the repository revision indicated for each line. 1. So, you have to clone a repository or creating an empty one. Advantage: uses absolutely no additional memory and does not slow down the Explorer at all while browsing. ShowAppContextMenuIcons. Because the number of overlays available is severely restricted, you can choose to disable some handlers to ensure that the ones you want will be loaded. When using the status cache, the title bar of explorer windows are modified to include the branch name, stash count and if an upstream is set also the outgoing and incoming commits. Set this value to 0 to use the date of the first commit (into which all others are squashed, default). Git uses the concept of a hierarchical configuration (cf. This page allows you to specify which of the TortoiseGit context menu entries will be hidden by default. Right-click in the free space and select Git Clone. (Basically Dog-people). As an optional step for Windows users, you can install TortoiseGit. If you have those installed or use the Windows spell checker this property will determine which spell checker to use, i.e. on February 21, 2014 13:04 (imported from Google Code) Hi Previously when right-clicking a file in a git repo and selecting "Show Log", it would show the log of all commits having affected the selected file. The TortoiseGit developers only use Git for Windows. Also used in the log dialog for entries which include copied items. The Settings Dialog, Git, Remote. You can use this option to disable this heuristic. Prune This sets remote..prune config, which controls the default prune option of remote tracking branches of the specified remote. : If you want to use OpenSSH shipped by Git for Windows/msysGit just enter ssh.exe. What else did you expect? If you choose other than Advanced, except the corresponding credential.helper, all other config keys credential. It is possible to use other credential helpers or with extra options. winstore - current Windows user winstore is enabled in global config only. Set this value to true to show the images again (default). Note that this setting applies only to messages that you type in on this computer. bold, italic) in commit messages (see the section called Commit Log Messages for details). This dialog allows you to configure the text colors used in TortoiseGit's dialogs the way you like them. Set this to false if you don't want this or if you have other tools which already do that. Share. Note that if you change overlay set, you may have to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Commit Dialog) set this value to false. 2) Configure the HOME environment variable in Windows, so that Cygwin and TortoiseGit are using the same home directory and global git-config. Set this to true if you want a dialog to pop up for every command showing the command line used to start TortoiseGitProc.exe. You define what happens, no matter what someone else commits to the repository. By default, the path component is not considered as a different context. manager - current Windows user Git Credential Manager (manager; is enabled in global config only. Therefore, the possible expensive calculation can be disabled. The auto-completion list shown in the commit message editor can parse source code files and displays methods and variable names. If you are missing important auto-completion information, you can extend the timeout. When performing git.exe or remote operations TortoiseGit dialogs play an animation with a flying turtle. If the standard long messages use up too much space on your screen use the short format. It is because newer versions are more useful. That process watches all drives for changes and fetches the status again if files inside a working tree get modified. This may also be the cause of the following . If a user locally configures a hook for the exact repository root folder, the client side defined hook takes precedence. This can be useful when, for example, you want to check what happened in a recent update command. Figure2.98. These are stored per repository, so if you access many repositories this list can grow quite large. Figure2.90. This dialog allows you to specify your preferred language, and the Git-specific settings. (this is also true for the Create repository here option). Set this value to 1 if you want to use the date of the latest commit. Setting this property to a non-zero will place a marker to indicate the maximum width and performs line wrapping. As Git does only stores the MERGE_HEAD as a commit hash, TortoiseGit has to guess the branch name (cf. tgit.icon is used with projects which wish to show the logo on the taskbar for easier identification when multiple TortoiseGit application instances of different projects are running at the same time. For various security and implementation reasons, hook scripts are defined locally on a machine, rather than as project properties. TGitCache.exe also uses these paths to restrict its scanning. This is a version of the popular Plink program, and is included with TortoiseGit, but it is compiled as a Windowless app, so you don't get a DOS box popping up every time you authenticate. This option is visible only if winstore is installed for current Windows user. Especially you can disable overlays which you do not need like assume-valid and skip-worktree, however other Tortoise* tools use these two for different purposes. Default is 7. An equational basis for the variety generated by the class of partition lattices. The TortoiseGit developers only use Git for Windows. If you really want to use it, here are the steps you have to perform: 1) Select the [MSYS2-INSTALL-PATH]\usr\bin-folder as git.exe folder. How can we cool a computer connected on top of or within a human brain? This means that your overlays on the subst path may never be updated. 4. The Show excluded folders as 'normal' checkbox allows you to do this. --find-copies in the section called git-diff(1)). Don't forget to click OK when you're done. Add with history, or paths copied in the repository. What are possible explanations for why Democratic states appear to have higher homeless rates per capita than Republican states? If icon is not 16x16 pixels in size, it will be automatically scaled. This option is visible only if manager-core is installed. Do peer-reviewers ignore details in complicated mathematical computations and theorems? Path to a file containing the error message. using the command. SafeCrLf If true, makes git check if converting CRLF as controlled by core.autocrlf is reversible. A few infrequently used settings are available only in the advanced page of the settings dialog. Tag This sets remote..tagopt config, which controls the default tag fetching behavior of the specified remote. This option is visible only if manager-core is installed. Use the normal Windows notation here (e.g., C:\Users\USERNAME). In Files, this is not the case. Up to TortoiseGit 1.7.10 added files which were not checked on a commit, were removed from the index and unversioned after the commit. Is it OK to ask the professor I am applying to for a recommendation letter? The command line includes several parameters which get filled in by TortoiseGit. Learn more about TortoiseGit. If you need to set up per-repository proxy settings, you will need to use the Git config file to configure this. The proxy server settings here do only affect Git for Windows (i.e., HTTP and HTTPS protocols). As noted above: There is no official support for Cygwin Git in TortoiseGit (do not enable this for the "Git for Windows" package!). The minimum length of commit hashes that TortoiseGit shows hyper-link for in log messages. Select any level (e.g. By default, overlay icons and context menus will appear in all open/save dialogs as well as in Windows Explorer. None: No tags are downloaded (--no-tags). Thanks for your help! In order to prevent delays displaying the files on a revision on the log dialog there is a maximum of items to be displayed enforced. Disabled Traditional blame algorithm, the search for parents is limited to the file and will follow renames. The Settings Dialog, Git, Credential, Set simple credential helper configuration. Use HTTP path component Also considers the path component of URL to match the configuration context. The Settings Dialog, Hook Scripts Page. This limits files to be parsed by their size in bytes. Reboot your computer once the installation is completed. Use .bmp to describe Windows bitmap files. You must specify the full path to the executable. Currently, in Windows 11, I have to go to "Show more options" to see classic menu (TortoiseGit menu is available in classic menu). To add a cache tray icon for the TGitCache program, set this value to true. You can select the font used to display the text, and the point size to use. Figure2.74. When set to false, fetch and pull don't fetch the default refspec for a named remote. Default is false. If you do not want TortoiseGit to use libgit2 for file operations, set this value to false. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The default value is 300000. If you prefer to skip the recycle bin, uncheck this option. The default value is true. The minimum amount of chars from which the editor shows an auto-completion popup. Taskbar with default grouping. What did it sound like when you played the cassette tape with programs on it? if a file deep inside a working tree is modified, all folders up to the working tree root will also show the modified overlay. The Settings Dialog, colors Page, Figure2.81. Can you interact with the index/staging area with TortoiseGit? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Selected item will only be visible when you hold the Shift key on right click (this is the so-called extended context menu, please don't mix this with the TortoiseGit submenu, which is also configurable (cf. Auto-close if no errors always closes the dialog if git.exe exited with 0 error code. Some appear as fixed drives, and some as removable drives. When enabled, the startup position of Sync Dialog will be randomized. Set this to true if you want TortoiseGit to print out debug messages during execution. Use case of All: Always fetch tags from a git-svn mirror. in which language the log messages for your project should be written. If set to 1, then the grouping works as with the setting set to 3 (grouping by application), except that grouping takes place independently of the working tree.