The double loss of Annie and William was a staggering blow to Sarah. He reasoned that forces might be best explained in terms of warps in a higher dimension. Not far from the Bacon-fleur-de-lis windows, Sarah exhibits the most ornate stained glass window in the entire House. The better sort,. Next, she observed 7 horizontal squares, 7 vertical squares and 7 diagonal squares, rendering the number 777. For example, 52 x 88 = 4,576. On a superficial level, the inscription on the left is Sarahs way of saying Open Sesame to our mindsand, Welcome to my puzzle. The inscription in the right window is Sarahs way of saying Once you solve my puzzle, pass the truth on to others.. The Winchester Mystery House was built by Sarah Winchester, who had married Winchester Repeating Arms Company heir William Wirt Winchester in 1862. CSICOP adds there are 13 coat hooks in the seance room, 13 drains in the sinks, and 13 stars in the leadlight window Winchester herself designed. If Sarahs Spider-web is also a higher dimensional model for the structure of the universe, it is quite consistent with the fundamental workings of String Theory as 24 governs the precise number of ways the vibrating String can stretch, bend and contract. Moreover, most daisy species have 13 branches growing out of their stalks (when they mature), and they possess another remarkable featurethe head of every daisy flower forms a Fibonacci Spiral consisting of 34 tiny florets spiraling clockwise, inward, from the outer ring to the centerand, 21 florets spiraling, outward, counter-clockwise from the center to the outer ring. Moreover, Bacon applied the theme of concealment to everything he touchedincluding his own life (the same was equally true of Sarah Winchester). Later, when the English Alphabet expanded to twenty six letters, the Pythagorean (1 through 9) Table became the paradigm used by modern numerologists. However, in order to conceptualize the higher dimensional geometry of the universe, Sarah knew that we would need to step-up to a three dimensional view of the spider-web windowwhich is why the 13th bathroom has six spider-web windows. [12] The belongings in Winchester Mystery House were left to her niece, Marian I. Marriott, who auctioned off almost everything. William Wirt Winchester was born on June 22 1837, in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, to Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Winchester. Moreover, the name Winchester appears precisely 27 times in the Shakespearean works. Astonishingly, the, continuation of this line crosses precisely at the location of the Great Pyramid at, Giza, which had not yet been constructed at the time of the completion of. We further recall how Bacon designed the text so that the word shake, the 46th word from the beginning of the Psalm is connected to the word spear, the 47th word from the Psalms end, by exactly 111 words. of Connecticut and Jane Ellen Winchester This line is from Act 4, Scene 5 of the Shakespearean play Troilus and Cressida. She was born the daughter of Leonard Pardee and his wife Sarah W. (ne Burns), in Summer 1839 in New Haven, Connecticut. The room measures 11 ft. x 11 ft. x 11 ft. Moreover, the darkly stained beam has 46 lightly colored vertical rule lines which divide the gauge into 47 evenly spaced segments. Her apparent motive for the move was to live in close proximity to her numerous Pardee relatives, most of whom had come to California during the 1849 Gold Rush, and were scattered from Sacramento to the Bay area. Additionally, Sarah cleverly provides subtle hints of Pans presence as we detect glimpses of his horns blending in with the Windows overall design. Sarah knew that we would notice the outside perimeters of the web (unlike the webs we observe in nature) form a four-sided squareand she has purposely embedded four pieces of glass into the outer-most edge of each of the four sides, i.e. The ark was destroyed by fire in 1929.[10]. equate to 555, another crucial Kabbalistic-Masonic number. [11] She was buried next to Sarah's husband and an infant child in Evergreen Cemetery. Sarah knew that most people would simply shrug their shoulders and walk away. Going back to the windows we now have the answer to our original question. After his death, his wife, Sarah, became notable for building Llanada Villa, later known as Winchester Mystery House . Also, 13 and 31 possess the unique quality of generating (reverse) palindromic twins when they are squared, i.e. Sarah Lockwood Winchester (ne Pardee; 1839 September 5, 1922) was an American heiress who amassed great wealth after the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, and her mother in law, Jane Ellen Hope. We multiply: 7 x 12 = 84. Pardee = 31 = 4. Family He was born on June 22, 1837, to Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope in Baltimore, Maryland. The present pay is $2.50. Additionally, the reverse palindromic twin of 13 is 31thus, 31 x 777 yields the same result, i.e. April 3, 1992 . The Untold Truth Of The Winchester Mystery House. Ralph Rambo, Lady of Mystery, published by THE PRESS, San Jose, California, 1967. At the time of Sarahs birth, the Pardees were a respectable, upper middle class New Haven family. She goes as far as suggesting there was never any psychic, that Winchester dismissed construction crews for months at a time, and that she may have used the endless turmoil of building as a reason to turn away visitors. However, both Richard and Sarah resolve to overcome their plight with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out. For Richard, this is meant figuratively, but for Sarah, the interpretation took on a more literal meaning. One architectural device Sarah used to illustrate her view of the relationship between the numbers 11 and 56 is her arrangement of the decorative wooden posts that align the exterior railings of the two, third floor balconies above the front porch of the House. As we saw with the wrought iron gates in front of the House, Sarah displays two, eight petaled daisies. Well ahead of her time, Mrs. Winchester employed many high tech inventions of her day. William married Sarah Lockwood Pardee on September 30, 1862. While Sarah and the Bacon girls were attending the school, Dr. Bacons sister Delia, also a New Haven resident, attracted considerable fame and attention for writing her famous treatise that Sir Francis Bacon (with the aid of a circle of the finest literary minds of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Age) was the actual author, editor, and publisher of the original works of Shakespeare. Moreover, like a Masonic lodge the House is emblematic of Solomons Temple. From its inception, Yale (and New Haven) was a hub of progressive, Freemasonic-Rosicrucian thinking and activity. Traversing the labyrinth is truly dizzying and disorienting to ones sensibilities. Moreover, she has employed a brilliant device in the Shakespearean Windows to drive home the connection between Shakespeare, Hiram Abiff, Francis Bacon and herself. There was a lock of her husband's hair, a lock of her daughter's hair, and their obituaries. The significance of the 16 radiants is multi-layered. His work within his Rosicrucian circle, during the writing of the Fama Fraternitatus (the first of Bacons three Rosicrucian manifestos), reflects his use of the code name F. Sarahs Sanctum is shaped like a cube, emulating the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of Solomons Temple. The property was called Llanada Villa, and would later become known as the Winchester Mystery House. Additionally, the staircase has 7 turns. The sacred knowledge of architecture was bequeathed only to the initiate who had proven to be worthy. Later, in the thirteenth century, the Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci translated Phi into real numbers. Workers have reported being touched and shoved by invisible hands, and one tour guide is even sure she's seen Sarah Winchester herself heaving a perturbed sigh after finding a tour group in her bedroom. Be aware that the window is only showing us a two dimensional view of Sarahs spider-web (to be discussed later). Sharon Springs, Schoharie County, New York 13459 . There are no existing records or any other form of factual information to establish Sarahs date of birtheven the year remains unknown. However, she also keyed on the Master number 11, as it applies to her name. According to Winchester Mystery House employees (via The Mercury News), it's still home to some active spirits including a dark-haired man seen pushing a wheelbarrow through the halls or stopping to repair things. First, Sarah wants us to achieve a better understanding of her by comparing her with Cressida and Richard II. The New Haven Register, dated 1886, lists Sarah as having been removed to Europe. No other information has survived to tell us exactly where Mrs. Winchester went during those years or what her activities consisted of. After passing through the pillars the initiate then symbolically ascends a Winding Staircase leading into the Temple. Moreover, the Baconian-Masonic preoccupation with secret encryption techniques using numbered cipher systems most certainly influenced young Sarahs world view. But this facsimile of the 24 inch gauge is made to scale, spanning a length of approximately 16 ft. It is the Senior Deacon who acts as the initiates guide throughout his initiation in all three of the Blue Lodge Degrees. Writing in theSmithsonian, historian Pamela Haag says shebecame obsessed with the Winchester Mystery House and spent a good amount of time researching the actual history behind the stories. The Crescent Hedge as seen from Sarahs bedroom window There are stairs to nowhere, chimneys that don't go all the way outside, balconies on the inside, rooms built inside rooms, and doors with nothing behind them. [5] They read: BABY ANNE, SLW, and WWW. These three inscriptions add up in the Pythagorean Cipher to 52. By the time Sarah Winchester died of heart failure in 1922, at the ripe age of 82-years-old, her eccentric estate had 160 rooms, 2,000 . Front Cover of the Crescent. Naturally, Sarah knew that we would eventually look up at the magnificent ceiling of her Ballroom. With the exception of the decorative middle panel that supports the 13 globe chandelier, we observe 9 main panels. In all Masonic lodges, one is always regarded to be traveling from west toward the source of light in the east. The codes used by Bacon were generally a mixture of five different tables: Simple Cipher, Kaye Cipher, Reverse Cipher, Short Cipher and the Pythagorean Cipher. Additionally, Sarah covered the walls of her bedroom with special wallpaper displaying the Triquetra symbol. As we saw with the front wrought iron gates, we are again left with two 7s. The fact that Sarahs puzzle still stands, preserved as she left it, is a testament to her intent that someone would eventually arrive to pick up her torch. Her reason for this has to do with the fact that all Masonic initiates must enter the Lodge room through its northwest corner. 4444. Sarahs bedroom is located on the south side of the second story. To make matters more interesting, Sarah has the window facing north with no perceivable source of light. As earlier noted, the number 777 is extremely important to Kabbalists, Rosicrucians and Freemasons. Death . Practically a small town unto itself, the Winchester estate was virtually self sufficient with its own carpenter and plumbers workshops along with an on-premise water and electrical supply, and a sewage drainage system. Sarahs Masonic-Rosicrucian interest in labyrinths would have drawn her to Chartres with its 11 circuit labyrinth, a puzzle-like feature that stresses the discipline of the initiatic tradition of the ancient mystery schools. When they are properly realigned, a stunning, new pattern emerges. Soon after Williams arrival, the Winchesters moved to New Haven where the enterprising Oliver, along with his partner John Davies, founded a successful clothing manufacturing company. Has the wait been worthwhile? Sarah made certain her legacy was well within reach and capable of being understood. Partial collapse left it dangerously unstable, and it was torn down. Michio Kaku, Hyperspace, published by Anchor Books DOUBLEDAY, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland, 1994. Moreover, the Sun symbol is the insignia of the Senior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge. With regard to Cressida, most people presume that Sarah is alluding to the young maidens flirtatious nature. In fact, the traditional, orthodox, scholastic view of Cressida is that she is a whore. But this is not the point that Bacon (writing as Shakespeare) is trying to make, nor is it the point Sarah is trying to make. Someone worth $1,000 a day can't have too many bars on her windows. The arcane knowledge of Phi, and its relationship to architecture was adopted and guarded by the Knights Templar, only to go underground after their downfall in 1307, remerging as the Invisible College of the Rosicrucian movement. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Viewed through that lens, perhaps Sarah Winchester started building her house to throw away the family fortune. In 1880, Oliver Fisher Winchester died, leaving the succession of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company to his only son. The truncated pyramid, with its hovering capstone and All Seeing Eye represents the unfinished work of the quest to mirror the divine blueprint in accordance with Proverbs, 25it is the final piece of the universal puzzle yet to be set in place. Moreover, Enoch and George were Knights Templar Freemasons. As we shall see, Sarah provided numerous coded messages to confirm her connection with Bacon. They welcomed a daughter, their only child, four years later; sadly, she only lived six weeks. In addition to being the Key to Phi, 13 is also the dominant unifier of the three, primary Winchester numbers (i.e. The Winchesters were as close to royalty as could be found in that part of the world then. Maybe Sarah Winchester wasn't as batty as everyone thought. An important part of the puzzle goes back to Rosicrucian beginnings in ancient Egypt . Courtesy of the History Museums of San Jose. Last Known Residence . Sarah uses the 11, 11, 11 cube for several reasons. There's another theory about Winchester's motivations that has everything to do with revenge and nothing to do with the supernatural. Biography ID: 14897703 . It should not surprise us that Sarah chose to start the initiates journey of discovery with words from this particular play. These levels are called Degrees. Its no secret that the backside of the U.S. One Dollar Bill is a masterpiece of Masonic code and symbolism. Sarah, however, wasn't obsessed with building due to fear of being haunted; in fact, most of the anomalies in the house were due to quick repairs made after the 1906 earthquake destroyed much of the house.[3]. This is important as it reveals the close bond Sarah felt for her daughter. Without the application of the Winchester Algorithm, the Spider-web windows would be meaningless. Sarah Pardee adopted all of Bacons encryption Tableshowever, the 1 through 9 Pythagorean Table was her primary cipher of choice. Since her death, the sprawling Winchester Mystery House has become a popular tourist attraction, known for its staircases that lead to nowhere, along with its many winding corridors and doors that lead to walls or sudden drops. Now, lets go to a higher level using the 777 symmetric triplet. Given her social status, a predilection towards Freemasonic tenets, and a mastery of the European languages, Sarah could easily have been admitted into any of the permissive French Masonic lodges. It is highly probable that Mrs. Winchester found the symbol too risqu for her usethus, she devised a new symbol representing Tubal-Cain in the form of the Letter C with two balls. Francis Bacon and Sarah Winchester both understood that the only way to reveal all that nature conceals is through the transcendental science of numbers. If by mere accident this happens so sound like a familiar name, that is because Sarah was the wife of gun mogul William Wirt Winchester. The Folklore about Sarah says that, after Williams death in 1881, the highly distraught Mrs. Winchester sought the advice of the then famous Boston medium Adam Coons. As already noted, Sarah was weaving her tapestry of numbers long before she began the construction of her house. The Historical Society of Washington, D.C., is a community-supported educational and research organization that collects, interprets, and shares the history of our nation's capital city. Now that weve had at look at the superficial significance of the Shakespearean windows, lets analyze the matter more deeply. Given her direct exposure to the Baconian Doctrine, along with her passion for the Shakespearean works, it was inevitable that Sarah Pardee was drawn like an irresistible force to a more than passing interest in the new theorem. "Captive of the Labyrinth: Sarah L. Winchester, Heiress to the Rifle Fortune." the 47th proposition of Euclids Elements known as the Pythagorean Theorem) and to the name Hiram (Simple Cipher). Again, Roosevelts offer was turned down. Lets take it still higher by multiplying 12 by 7 squared (49). Sarah also wants to underscore the relationship between the moons reflective light and the Astral Light AKA the Akashic record. And, if someone were to try to describe cubes, spheres and pyramids to us, we would tell them they were crazy. The most obvious Baconian devices in the Tiffany Window are Sarahs Tubal-Cain symbols. Furthermore, why would odd features built into a house confuse evil spirits? Notwithstanding their mutual love, their union was destined by numbers. The circle isnt intersected or divided, nor does it have any of the web-like characteristics we see distributed over the rest of the windows surface. 1 33 1. Request Permissions, Mark W. Grabowski, Douglas W. Owsley and Karin S. Bruwelheide. And, as we have seen, higher dimensional dynamics involve simple multiplication. The reason we know about Sarahs algorithm is because she incorporated an ingenious calculating device into the House that clearly demonstrates how higher dimensional math works. In one of the rooms, light and dark floorboards seem to change color when the sun hits them in a certain way. 12. Lets start with the allegations about Sarah and Adam Coons. The American poet Alexandra Teague's book, This page was last edited on 1 October 2022, at 17:29. At 5:12 a.m. on April 18, 1906, the San Francisco Bay Area was rocked by a major earthquake. Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. You would be unable to cross over a line. Which begs the question who was in charge of whom? And, why would spirits have an inability or need to keep track of time? Upon her arrival in California, Sarah began holding her own sances every midnight so that she could receive the next days building instructions from the spirits. The "Ark" was located near the eucalyptus grove at Winchester Road, south of what was to become the intersection of Anza Boulevard and U.S. Highway 101. Most of the place just doesn't make sense. In fact, Escher, like Sarah, shows us seemingly impossible stairs and pillars. This is precisely the effect Sarah wanted the inscriptions to have on us. Thus, in a world governed by higher dimensional dynamics, the difference between 7 and 11 is the Fibonacci prime number 13. William died in New Haven, Connecticut, on March 7, 1881, of tuberculosis. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. Note: DEATH: CAUSE tuberculosis William Wirt Winchester (1837 u 1881) was the second president of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company from 1880 to 1881. Sarah Lockwood (Pardee) Winchester of San Jose, Santa Clara County, California United States was born in 1839 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut. Escher also saw the reflective images in mirrors as true representations of higher dimensional space. This legend was further exaggerated by John and Mayme Brown, theme park developers, who bought the property with the intention of turning it into an attraction. From the beginning of civilization, the geometric value of Phi (and the number 13 in particular) has been used as the basis for all great architectural endeavors. That was used as a sauna and helped her arthritis. Her father Leonard was a joiner by trade whose shrewd sense of business found him moving up the ladder of polite society as a successful carriage manufacturer. However, the four triangles are not complete unless their points merge, invisibly, into the circle. These are not coincidencesand we know what these and other numbers meant to Sarah. The book, of course, was Through the Looking Glassa fitting title, considering the glass or mirror had been regarded as a portal to higher dimensions since Dee and Bacons time. Sarah Lockwood Winchester (ne Pardee; 1839 - September 5, 1922) was an American heiress who amassed great wealth after the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, and her mother in law, Jane Ellen Hope. But we can project some well educated theories. She wants us to know and understand certain things. One of the strangest places in the house is the South Turret Witch's Cap, where guides claim Harry Houdini once held a seance. He was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope and was born in Boston. Ah yes, true to Bacons theme of concealment, we have to look between the pieces of glassand, sure enough, the 49 pieces are all joined together at precisely 52 different points. 31 x 777 = 24087then, 24 + 87 = 111. Also interesting, is the fact that President Theodore Roosevelt (another member of the Bohemian Club) came to California in 1903 to ask Governor Pardee to run as his Vice Presidential candidate in the 1904 national election. Throughout the centuries, the Tubal-Cain symbol has employed either a cane shaped like a backward number 7, or a cane with a simple crooked handle. Lets examine them. In showing us 9 sets of the number 13, she has forced us to multiply. 13 squared = 169, and 31 squared = 961. From start to finish, this powerful novel is packed with astonishing surprises and revelationsall leading to a shocking conclusion that will leave the reader spellbound. This serves the practical purpose of being far from the distraction of outside noise. The Egyptians saw the path to heaven as a 12 step staircase with a magnificent door at the top. Moreover, by all accounts, she was also considered to be quite beautiful. It is prominently displayed at the top of a 13 step staircase. Higher dimensions consist of a unique set of super-mechanics that transcend the limited, box-like structure of length, width, and height. But more importantly, at an early age, she was admitted to Yales only female scholastic institution known as the Young Ladies Collegiate Institute. Two of the schools most influential administrators and professors, Judson A. Root and his brother N.W. Thus, we have the number 3 in both windows, rendering Bacons number 33. And, second, when each of Williams names are simplified, they become 777, i.e. It sounds complicated, but its not. Francis Bacon didnt adhere to the strict application of the simplification rule. As we have seen in earlier chapters the name Bacon, in Simple Cipher, adds up to the number 33. These windows were meant for other people! The three symmetric triplets of 777, 111, and 444 are actually higher dimensional expressions of 7, 11, and 13. The next thing Sarah wants us to notice is that the web contains 49 separate pieces of glass. Moreover, you must then conclude that these Shakespearean Windows function as the introductory step of Mrs. Winchesters elaborate puzzle and she is inviting you (the initiate) to actively (not passively) participate in solving the puzzle. And Tables? The distinction between large and small seemed to dissolve. Today, the house is open to the public every day except Christmas Day. Moreover, each of the 7 turns represents a progressively higher degree of enlightenment. Winchester's father was a woodworker who had struggled to keep a job, and Ignoffo suggests she wanted to keep as many craftsmen employed as she could. Everything would be completely flat. Moreover, like the Pardees, the Winchester family was not lacking in members who were Freemasons. She left a will written in thirteen sections, which she signed thirteen times. One of these Pardee relatives, Enoch H. Pardee, had become a highly respected physician and politician while living in Oakland. The misinformation is further compounded by the Haunted House tour business thriving in San Jose as the commercial enterprise known as the Winchester Mystery House which profits by perpetuating the Folklore myth. Bacons dream of unlocking all of natures secrets requires our understanding of the dynamics of higher dimensional mathematics. Discover William Winchester's Biography, Age,. The novice student, called the initiate or candidate, was required to undergo a series of tests in order to prove that he was ready and worthy to advance to successively higher levels of learning. Notice that, in choosing to use these two particular lines, she is accomplishing several things on different and deeper levels. We are indebted to William Rowan Hamiltons development of Quaternions for laying down the dynamic principle governing the spider-webs intricate workings. The daisy was special to Sarah for two essential reasons. Time could speed up, slow down or stand still. Escher wrote: The spherical world cannot exist without the emptiness around it, not only, because inside presumes outside but also because in the nothing lie the, strict, geometrically determined, immaterial middle points of arcsThere is, something in such laws that takes the breath away. [1], President of Winchester Repeating Arms Company,, Pages using infobox person with multiple parents, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 September 2022, at 05:25. In the center of each window we see the Glass of Bacons muse, the goddess Pallas Athena. Artists such as Georges Braque, and Pablo Picasso were painting stunning images depicting a forth dimensional world view appropriately called cubism. However, no one was more in step with Sarah Winchesters perspective than the Dutch artist M.C. There are other places in the House where the initiate will learn more lessons. The entrance referred to by the tour guides as the Switchback Staircase (or the goofy) is built so as to wind from the center, outward, round and round, in the shape of an Archimedes Spiral until it reaches the second floor. There are literally miles of maze-like corridors and twisting hallways, some of which have dead endsforcing the traveler to turn around and back-up. In fact, some of Bacons engravings show him holding books with CLASPS. Naturally, when the number 7, or any variant of that number is multiplied by 777, the result (through the Winchester algorithm) will always be 444. Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. ages of 22 and 25 years; Agnes Carroll Wirt, youngest daughter of William Wirt, who died at age 16; and Ellen McCormick, daughter of William Wirt, whose age at the time of her death is unknown. The labyrinth was usually an underground or enclosed maze-like structure consisting of dark, winding stairs and passageways. You're probably working 40 or more hours a week just to pay your mortgage, but Winchester was financing her building project on a 50 percent stake in the company and, according to CSICOP, a daily salary of $1,000. It should also be noted that Solomons Temple had a magnificent Great Golden Window that faced north. But, the matter runs still deeper when we consider that, in showing the number twice, Sarah is also revealing a different perspective as 47 47 transforms (rotates) into 44 77and, when these two numbers combine, we have the number 121 (11 squared) which then rotates (12 + 1 = 13) into the number 13. The offer was turned down.