She was beautiful and just, imposing and modest, humble and elegant; and, as the nuns of Fontevrault wrote in their necrology, a queen who surpassed almost all the queens of the world.. Copyright 2023 History Today Ltd. Company no. Louis became involved in a war with Count Theobald by permitting Raoul I, Count of Vermandois and seneschal of France, to repudiate his wife Eleanor of Blois, Theobald's sister, and to marry Petronilla of Aquitaine, Eleanor's sister. Within hours, the king had arranged for his son Louis to be married to Eleanor, with Abbot Suger in charge of the wedding arrangements. Eleanor and Louis VII had two daughters, Marie and Alix. She is survived by her husband of over 76 years Chester, three . [36] By the time of her death she had outlived all of her children except for King John of England and Queen Eleanor of Castile. 4,476 Followers, 1,780 Following, 592 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ELEANOR HENRY (@eleanorhenry) Her seal of c.1152 shows a woman with a slender figure, but this is probably an impersonal image.[9]. He and Eleanor were anointed and crowned king and queen of France on Christmas Day of the same year. She became duchess upon her father's death in April 1137, and three months later she married Louis, son of her guardian King Louis VI of France. The king had many mistresses, but although he treated earlier liaisons discreetly, he flaunted Rosamund. He shunned all majesty, preferring to send his Chancellor Thomas Becket to Paris to make a splendid, showy entrance to the city because, well, it just wasnt Henrys style. [9] Even in an era when ladies of the nobility were excessively praised, their praise of her was undoubtedly sincere. He then went to his uncle Robert, Earl of Gloucester, who also declined to help him out of the fix he was in. Custody of them was awarded to King Louis. As soon as the annulment was granted, Eleanor became engaged to her third cousin Henry, Duke of Normandy. This news appears to have forced a change of plans, for instead of returning to France from Marseilles, they went to see Pope Eugene III in Tusculum, where he had been driven five months before by a revolt of the Commune of Rome. Louis VII had set Eleanor aside, and there had been efforts to blame her for their lack of a son and heir. Eleanor of Aquitaine was born about 1122, the daughter and heiress of William X, duke of Aquitaine and count of Poitiers. She was instrumental in turning the court of Poitiers, then frequented by the most famous troubadours of the time, into a centre of poetry and a model of courtly life and manners. A few weeks later, Eleanor's father-in-law died and her husband succeeded him as King Louis VII. Of all her influence on culture, Eleanor's time in Poitiers between 1168 and 1173 was perhaps the most critical, yet very little is known about it. Horrified, and desiring an end to the war, Louis attempted to make peace with Theobald in exchange for his support in lifting the interdict on Raoul and Petronilla. Among those startled by this development was King Louis, who was furious that neither party had asked his consent, which he would of course have refused. Johns only victories on the Continent, therefore, were due to Eleanor. Eleanor Henry has appeared on Broadway in 4 shows. Unencumbered by baggage, they reached the summit of Cadmus, where Rancon had been ordered to make camp for the night. Arthur learned of her whereabouts and besieged her in the castle of Mirebeau. 2. Children born to a marriage that was later annulled were not at risk of being "bastardised," because "[w]here parties married in good faith, without knowledge of an impediment, children of the marriage were legitimate." Eleanor selected the younger daughter, Blanche. Blurry borders and ill-defined authority were no good to Henry. The best result we found for your search is Eleanor D Henry age 80+ in Camp Hill, PA in the Camp Hill neighborhood. This suspicion of responsibility did nothing for her popularity in Christendom. He even arranged for Eleanor and Louis to sleep in the same bed. He had met her in 1166 and had begun their liaison in 1173, supposedly contemplating divorce from Eleanor. Home, however, was not easily reached. The couple married on Whitsun, 18 May 1152. The play premiered on Broadway in 1966 and was adapted into an Academy Award-winning movie. Eleanor Henry was born in Los Angeles, United States. Flower and Hawk is a monodrama for soprano and orchestra, written by American composer, Carlisle Floyd that premiered in 1972, in which the soprano (Eleanor of Aquitaine) relives past memories of her time as queen, and at the end of the monodrama, hears the bells that toll for Henry II's death, and in turn, her freedom. Fiona Harris-Stoertz, "Pregnancy and Childbirth in Twelfth-and Thirteenth-Century French and English Law". All that can be said is that her court at Poitiers was most likely a catalyst for the increased popularity of courtly love literature in the Western European regions. This vase is the only object connected with Eleanor of Aquitaine that still survives. As soon as they disembarked at Southampton, Eleanor was taken either to Winchester Castle or Sarum Castle and held there. "[19], Official blame for the disaster was placed on Geoffrey de Rancon, who had made the decision to continue, and it was suggested that he be hanged, a suggestion which the king ignored. Although their sons and other rebels were swiftly forgiven and rehabilitated. Her parents' marriage had been arranged by Dangereuse with her paternal grandfather WilliamIX. Consanguinity was grounds for annulment in the medieval period. Her contribution to England extended beyond her own lifetime; after the loss of Normandy (1204), it was her own ancestral lands and not the old Norman territories that remained loyal to England. The chronicler William of Tyre, writing between 1170 and 1184 and thus perhaps too long after the event to be considered historically accurate, placed the blame for this disaster firmly on the amount of baggage being carried, much of it reputedly belonging to Eleanor and her ladies, and the presence of non-combatants. However, he died on Good Friday of that year (9April). Check out Eleanor Henry's Bio Now During her childbearing years, she participated actively in the administration of the realm and even more actively in the management of her own domains. Although Henry and Eleanor were, in many ways, the original European power couple, telling their story presents unique problems. More than a thousand people who sought refuge in the church there died in the flames. [23] Thus was conceived their second childnot a son, but another daughter, Alix of France. However, while camping near Nicea, the remnants of the German army, including a dazed and sick Conrad III, staggered past the French camp, bringing news of their disaster. [15], Louis's tenure as count of Poitou and duke of Aquitaine and Gascony lasted only a few days. Eleanor also appears briefly in the first novel of Penman's Welsh trilogy, Here Be Dragons. As the mother to Richard the Lionheart, she helped him sure up his succession, find him a wife, manage his lands while he was on campaign, and spring into action at the age of 68 to raise and personally deliver his ransom when he was taken prisoner on the way home from the Holy Land. I hope I have done them justice in my biography and tried to view them more as people than political caricatures. Google Search Trends of Eleanor Henry Eleanor Henry's search trend from the last 12 months (The below graph report is directly fetched from the 'Google Trends' ): A now heavily pregnant Eleanor,[25] was crowned queen of England by Theobald of Bec, the Archbishop of Canterbury, on 19 December 1154. Dismayed at her attitude, Bernard scolded Eleanor for her lack of penitence and interference in matters of state. She did not have the opportunity to see her sons very often during her imprisonment, though she was released for special occasions such as Christmas. While in the eastern Mediterranean, Eleanor learned about maritime conventions developing there, which were the beginnings of what would become admiralty law. She was the eldest of three children. Soon afterwards, she sought an annulment of her marriage,[2] but her request was rejected by Pope Eugene III. Later, at King Roger's court in Potenza, she learned of the death of her uncle Raymond, who had been beheaded by Muslim forces in the Holy Land. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. To astonishment that has echoed through the centuries, Stephen handed over the money Henry requested. She preferred him to her grandson Arthur, Duke of Brittany because the latter had been raised under French wings, out of her control. Eleanor of the House of Poitiers was born somewhere between 1122 and 1124, the daughter of William X, Duke of Aquitaine and Aenor de Chatellerault. In April 1145, Eleanor gave birth to a daughter, Marie. By this marriage she hoped to ensure peace between the Plantagenets of England and the Capetian kings of France. We have a full Biography, Photos, Theatre Credits, and more! Eleanor then returned to Fontevraud where she took the veil as a nun. [11] Later, during the first four years of HenryII's reign, her siblings joined Eleanor's royal household. She was able to retire comfortably as Queen of England, with Aquitaine in the capable hands of Richard, and in doing so, take the sting out of the conflict between her husband and their sons. She later defended Aquitaine and Anjou from her own grandson, organising the defence . Her letter dated 1193, presents her strong expressions of personal suffering as a result of Richard's captivity and informs the Pope that in her grief she is "wasted away by sorrow".[35]. The sons were William, who died at the age of three; Henry; Richard, the Lionheart; Geoffrey, duke of Brittany; and John, surnamed Lackland until, having outlived all his brothers, he inherited, in 1199, the crown of England. Now 77, Eleanor set out from Poitiers. Check out Eleanor Henry's Bio Now Beautiful, capricious, and adored by Louis, Eleanor exerted considerable influence over him, often goading him into undertaking perilous ventures. Eleanor became queen of France, a title she held for the next 15 years. In her attendance at celebrations where their sons were present, there seems little fear on Henrys part that she might try again to incite an uprising. Although this was perhaps a better military plan, Louis was not keen to fight in northern Syria. She has also been introduced in The Royal Diaries series in the book Crown Jewel of Aquitaine by Kristiana Gregory. Searching to find out more about Eleanor Henry? [7] Her parents almost certainly married in 1121. In December, Eleanor gathered her movable possessions in England and transported them on several ships to Argentan. The marriage took most people by surprise. [16] She may not have been anointed on this occasion, however, because she had already been anointed in 1137. The king, having scorned royal apparel in favour of a simple pilgrim's tunic, escaped notice, unlike his bodyguards, whose skulls were brutally smashed and limbs severed. The two leaders seemed just as happy to dodge a showdown and met at least once to discuss things as their armies hovered behind them. Henry lost the woman reputed to be his great love, Rosamund Clifford, in 1176. The French, with what remained of the Germans, then began to march in increasingly disorganised fashion towards Antioch. On television, she has been portrayed in this play by Una Venning in the BBC Sunday Night Theatre version (1952) and by Mary Morris in the BBC Shakespeare version (1984). SHARE. Eleanor had only two daughters by Louis VII, but to her new husband she bore five sons and three daughters. Eleanor features in the novel Via Crucis (1899) by F. Marion Crawford. She had her tomb placed beside that she had commissioned for her husband, Henry, suggesting again a fondness that undermines the view of their relationship as fractious and difficult. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Little is known of Eleanor's involvement in these events. 18 people named Eleanor Henry found in New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island and Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City. His goal throughout his reign was to recover and restore all of the rights held by his grandfather Henry I, and he would pursue these ferociously and doggedly. Eleanor of Aquitaine, also called Eleanor of Guyenne, French lonore or Alinor, d'Aquitaine or de Guyenne, (born c. 1122died April 1, 1204, Fontevrault, Anjou, France), queen consort of both Louis VII of France (1137-52) and Henry II of England (1152-1204) and mother of Richard I (the Lion-Heart) and John of England. What happened next tells us a great deal about Henry, and about King Stephen, and probably helped bring about the end of The Anarchy. They were the parents of at least 1 son and 4 daughters. [9] Eleanor rode to Westminster and received the oaths of fealty from many lords and prelates on behalf of the king. Richard Cavendish marks the anniversary of a royal marriage, on May 18th, 1152. Eleanor appears to have taken an ambivalent attitude towards these affairs. As queen of France, Eleanor participated in the unsuccessful Second Crusade. Eleanor had lived an incredibly full medieval life before she even met Henry. Eleanor C. Henry. She died in 1204 at the monastery at Fontevrault, Anjou, where she had retired after the campaign at Mirebeau. The second had been made by Henrys younger brother Geoffrey. King Philip II of France claimed that certain properties in Normandy belonged to his half-sister Margaret, widow of the young Henry, but Henry insisted that they had once belonged to Eleanor and would revert to her upon her son's death. Henry was nineteen years old, bull-necked, stocky and . The annulment gave Eleanor back Aquitaine and Poitou, which she took with her eight weeks later to Henry, Count of Anjou and Duke of Normandy, to whom, incidentally, she was just as closely related as she had been to Louis. "[32] One source claimed that the queen sent her younger sons to France "to join with him against their father the king. Judy Chicago's artistic installation The Dinner Party features a place setting for Eleanor,[38] and she was portrayed by Frederick Sandys in his 1858 painting, Queen Eleanor. Theobald had also offended Louis by siding with the Pope in the dispute over Bourges. Eleanor (or Alinor) was the oldest of three children of William X, Duke of Aquitaine, whose glittering ducal court was renowned in early 12th-century Europe, and his wife, Aenor de Chtellerault, the daughter of Aimery I, Viscount of Chtellerault, and Dangereuse de l'Isle Bouchard, who was William IX's longtime mistress as well as Eleanor's maternal grandmother. As soon as the French archbishops had formally annulled her marriage on March 21st, Eleanor left the royal castle at Beaugency on the Loire, near Orleans, dodged an attempt to seize her by the Count of Blois and took a barge along the river towards Tours with an escort of her own men. The marriage was now doomed. Cease to stir up the king against the Church, and urge upon him a better course of action. In mid-July, Eleanor's ship finally reached Palermo in Sicily, where she discovered that she and her husband had both been given up for dead. The king and queen were still optimisticthe Byzantine Emperor had told them that King Conrad III of Germany had won a great victory against a Turkish army when in fact the German army had been almost completely destroyed at Dorylaeum. This, and her known age of 82 at her death make 1122 the most likely year of her birth. JACKSON, Miss. [4] Eleanor developed skills in conversation, dancing, games such as backgammon, checkers, and chess, playing the harp, and singing. Either way, when Henry succeeded to the throne of England in 1154, the effect was to give the rulers of England a domain in France stretching from the English Channel to the Pyrenees and covering ten times as much of the country as the French kings themselves possessed. In addition, she had been corresponding with her uncle Raymond, Prince of Antioch, who was seeking further protection from the French crown against the Saracens. Norah Lofts wrote a fictionalized biography of her, entitled in various editions Queen in Waiting or Eleanor the Queen, and including some romanticized episodesstarting off with the young Eleanor planning to elope with a young knight, who is killed out of hand by her guardian, in order to facilitate her marriage to the King's son. Louis and Eleanor, on separate ships due to their disagreements, were first attacked in May 1149 by Byzantine ships. Ive asked author and historian Matthew Lewis to be a guest today. The basis for this claim seems to be the fact that Raymond advised a course of action that Louis refused to accept. She was not released until 6 July 1189, when her husband died and their third son, Richard I, ascended the throne. He proclaimed that no word could be spoken against it, and that it might not be dissolved under any pretext. Eleanor had been Queen of France, a mother to two daughters, and had been on the Second Crusade to the Holy Land, spending Easter in Jerusalem, before she encountered Henry in Paris. In the 1968 film The Lion in Winter, Eleanor is played by Katharine Hepburn, who won the third of her four Academy Awards for Best Actress for her portrayal, and Henry again is portrayed by O'Toole. It is for this reason that I didnt see Eleanors move to Aquitaine in 1168 as the split in their relationship it is often portrayed as. Photos: CHICAGO's Jinkx Monsoon Meets the Press! Henry allows Eleanor to travel to Normandy to visit the grave of their son Henry the Young King. Perhaps time and sorrow softened any sense of betrayal, but perhaps there had never been one. Henry then went about his own business outside Aquitaine, leaving Earl Patrick, his regional military commander, as her protective custodian. From there, "the younger Henry, devising evil against his father from every side by the advice of the French king, went secretly into Aquitaine where his two youthful brothers, Richard and Geoffrey, were living with their mother, and with her connivance, so it is said, he incited them to join him. That made Eleanor a target, and I think it is through this lens that we need to view later criticisms of her, not to mention sordid stories that began to do the rounds. View Elinor Henry results including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Inheriting a vast estate at the age of 15 made her the most sought-after bride of her . She bore him two daughters, went on crusade with him and ordered him about until her infidelities and her failure to produce an heir proved too much. [3] Eventually, Louis agreed to an annulment, as fifteen years of marriage had not produced a son. If that was the case, it was a poor return for her efforts when their sons continued to betray their father, even to his death in 1189. Although the figures are intended as Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henry II of England, and William Marshall, the story is an entire invention. She was portrayed by Lynda Bellingham in the BBC series Robin Hood. Matt Lewis is an author and historian of the middle ages. Looking for Eleanor Henry? Copyright 1998 - 2023 Sharon Kay Penman. By all accounts, Eleanor's father ensured that she had the best possible education. Eleanor of Aquitaine also formally took up the cross symbolic of the Second Crusade during a sermon preached by Bernard of Clairvaux. 1556332. Age Range Adult, Mature Adult Role Size . The marriage was annulled in March 1152 on grounds of consanguinity. Facebook gives people the power to. In Paris as the queen of France, she was called Helienordis, her honorific name as written in the Latin epistles. Eleanor of Aquitaine marries Henry of Anjou. On Saturday, 11 June 1183, the young king realized he was dying and was overcome with remorse for his sins. She played a prominent part in government and a patrons role in the development of both troubadour poetry and the Arthurian legends. Upon Williams death in 1137 she inherited the duchy of Aquitaine and in July 1137 married the heir to the French throne, who succeeded his father, Louis VI, the following month. When Eleanor died in 1204 at the age of 80, she elected to be buried where she had spent her final years, at Fontevraud Abbey. Louis and later his son Philip II consistently tried to drive a wedge between Henry and his sons to disrupt the vast territories they saw as a challenge to Capetian authority. Henry is, for me, a complex character. The character Queen Elinor appears in William Shakespeare's The Life and Death of King John, with other members of the family. In 1167, Eleanor's third daughter, Matilda, married Henry the Lion of Saxony. She has been played by Martita Hunt in The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952), Jill Esmond in the British TV adventure series The Adventures of Robin Hood (19551960), Phyllis Neilson-Terry in the British TV adventure series Ivanhoe (1958), Yvonne Mitchell in the BBC TV drama series The Legend of Robin Hood (1975), Sin Phillips in the TV series Ivanhoe (1997), and Tusse Silberg in the TV series The New Adventures of Robin Hood (1997). This has attracted confusion and derision for Stephen, from contemporaries and later commentators, but I think there was good reason for him to behave as he did. I know what you might be thinking. According to Capellanus, the women decided that it was not at all likely. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. She had been locked away by her husband since 1173, following her complicit involvement in her sons' rebellions against Henry II. Historian John Speed, in his 1611 work History of Great Britain, mentions the possibility that Eleanor had a son named Philip, who died young. Since Geoffrey was Eleanor's vassal, many believed that it was she who had been ultimately responsible for the change in plan, and thus the massacre. They have also lived in Columbus, GA and Fort Mitchell, AL. On 8 July 1174, Henry and Eleanor took ship for England from Barfleur. Explore historical records and family tree profiles about Eleanor Henry on MyHeritage, the world's family history network. In 1199, under the terms of a truce between King PhilipII and King John, it was agreed that Philip's 12-year-old heir-apparent Louis would be married to one of John's nieces, daughters of his sister Eleanor of England, queen of Castile. The notion that she had another half-brother, William, has been discredited. Polly Schroyer Brooks, the author of a non-academic biography of Eleanor, suggests that the court did exist, but that it was not taken very seriously, and that acts of courtly love were just a "parlour game" made up by Eleanor and Marie in order to place some order over the young courtiers living there. I cant help wondering whether Stephens behaviour towards Henry, the notion that one could be civil to an enemy, that the cause between them didnt mean they had to personally despise each other, left a mark. Her numerous children included Richard I and John, both of whom assumed the British throne. Yet despite his impending death, Louis's mind remained clear. I wrote a book on The Anarchy the 11th century civil war between King Stephen and Empress Matilda. In 1183, the young King Henry tried again to force his father to hand over some of his patrimony. On 25 July 1137, Eleanor and Louis were married in the Cathedral of Saint-Andr in Bordeaux by the archbishop of Bordeaux. Eleanor survived Richard and lived well into the reign of her youngest son, King John. Louis's refusal and his forcing her to accompany him humiliated Eleanor, and she maintained a low profile for the rest of the crusade. The four published mysteries are the Queen's Man, Cruel as the Grave, Dragon's Lair, and Prince of Darkness. In the 2014 film Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion, Eleanor is played by Debbie Rochon. Eleanor is related to Yolanda Siobhan Henry and A C Henry as well as 3 additional people. Eleanor of Aquitaine (c.1122 1 April 1204; French: Alinor d'Aquitaine, pronounced[aljen dakitn]) was Queen of France from 1137 to 1152 as the wife of King Louis VII,[1] Queen of England from 1154 to 1189 as the wife of King Henry II, and Duchess of Aquitaine in her own right from 1137 until her death in 1204. See more characters from William Shakespeare. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. [a] Eleanor's conduct was repeatedly criticised by church elders, particularly Bernard of Clairvaux and Abbot Suger, as indecorous. Many men, horses, and much of the baggage were cast into the canyon below. View the profiles of people named Eleanor Henry. Eleanor is the subject of A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver, a children's novel by E. L. Konigsburg. To strengthen their argument, they state that there is no other evidence that Marie ever stayed with her mother in Poitiers. Eleanor was again unwell in early 1201. 1204 at the age of 15 made her the most likely year of was! Ga and Fort Mitchell, AL & # x27 ; s family history network of! Whether to revise the article appears briefly in the Camp Hill neighborhood Siobhan Henry and a C Henry as as., Alix of France, Eleanor participated in the unsuccessful second Crusade during sermon... 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