Here are some examples: To start Edge in private mode: msedge --inprivate To open a particular website: Possible values: parallel|postpone. Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to CRX file system APIs. This allows us to set screen size correctly (so no need to resize when first window is created). Enables saving net log events to a file and sets the file name to use. Set the value to '0' to disable. Force: browser always uses display list for 2d canvas. The argument is a param list of (key, value) pairs prefixed by an associated (trial, group) pair. We are currently testing the new browser in a trading room environment where we have to open several windows on specific sites on specific monitors with parameters as position and window-size. "800,0+800-800x800" for two displays at 800x800 resolution. TODO(xiyuan): Remove this when app could be bundled with Chrome. TLS/1.3 is supported natively within the new Chromium-based Edge on all platforms. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Enables Data Saver prompt on cellular networks. Kept behind a flag since some drivers lie about supported layouts and hang when used. Selenium/WebDriver). Only auto-reload error pages when the tab is visible. Value for --type that causes the process to run as a NativeClient loader for SFI mode. Extensions still need to explicitly request access to chrome:// URLs in the manifest. - officially-supported-with-active-directory: ARC is supported and also allowed to use with Active Directory management. Required if the server has authentication enabled. Enable the aggressive flushing of DOM Storage to minimize data loss. Revisit by August 2013. This page lists the available switches including their conditions and descriptions. Experimental. Enables demuxing of vp9 in mp4. Targeted for mouse/touch hybrid devices. Taints all elements, regardless of origin. Enables Physical Web scanning for nearby URLs. The argument to this switch is the handle id (pointer on Windows) as a string, followed by a comma, then the size of the shared memory segment as a string. This switch is intended only for tests. - The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models. Type " cmd " and press Enter to open the Command Prompt window. Sets the output format for diagnostic modes enabled by diagnostics flag. Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to TCP/UDP socket APIs. Used, like |kForceDirectShowVideoCapture|, to troubleshoot problems in Windows platforms. Useful for UI/browser tests where we want to avoid having the default browser info-bar displayed. Screenshot testing: specifies the directoru where artifacts will be stored. Causes TRACE_EVENT flags to be recorded from startup. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Stop loading page; Close Find dialog when it's not in focus, Open Developer Tools to the Elements tab, Save all open tabs as favorites in a new folder, Jump to the previous match for Find on page, Select the URL in the address bar to edit, Set focus to the first item in the app bar toolbar, Set focus to the first item in the favorites bar toolbar, Set focus to the next pane or notification, Set focus to the previous pane or notification, Set focus to the first item in the Immersive Reader toolbar, Set focus to the Settings and more "" button, Open a file from your computer in Microsoft Edge, Paste and search or Paste and go (if it's a URL), Print the current page in Microsoft Edge, Sign in as a different user or browse as a Guest, Refresh the current page, ignoring cached content, Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to it, Search for the currently selected text in the sidebar, Print the current page using the system dialog. If you also use --enable-logging=stderr --vmodule="head*=1" then FPS will also be output to the console log. Allows clients to override the threshold for when the media renderer will declare the underflow state for the video stream when audio is present. Turns on calling TRACE for every GL call. * A renderer process's access rights are restricted based on its site. The token to use to construct the message pipe on which to layer ChannelMojo. Enables remote debug over HTTP on the specified socket name. "800x600"). The only difference is that * scheme matches all schemes instead of matching only http and https. Sets the registration endpoint that will be used for creating new Google Cloud Messaging registrations. List of Edge Command Line Switches? There are command-line switches that Chromium (and Chrome) accept in order to enable particular features or modify otherwise default functionality. Specifies which encryption storage backend to use. Arguments with an associated value should be separated by an. Specify the initial window position: --window-position=x,y. Disable latest shipping ECMAScript 6 features. Disables the new rendering algorithm for webrtc, which is designed to improve the rendering smoothness. The basics are that this URL goes through SSO authentication. Disables use of ES3 backend (use ES2 backend instead). - Get rid of this switch after we turn on multi-profile feature on ChromeOS. Enables experimental Harmony (ECMAScript 6) features. Disable showing available password credentials in the keyboard accessory view when focused on form fields. Enables tab detaching in fullscreen mode on Mac. In contrast to kDisableMetrics, this executes all the code that a normal client would use for reporting, except the report is dropped rather than sent to the server. Override the URL to which metrics logs are sent for debugging. Indicates that the wallpaper images specified by kAshDefaultWallpaper{Large,Small} are OEM-specific (i.e. Specifies the layout mode and offsets for the secondary display for testing. Logging is disabled by default in release builds. Sets the tile size used by composited layers. TIP: The default location for the Chrome Start Menu shortcut in Windows 10 is: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs Under the Shortcut tab, append the command-line switch at the end of the Target field. Native Client GDB debugger that will be launched automatically when needed. Specifies the local sync backend directory. Touch Exploration Mode will no longer be turned on automatically when spoken feedback is enabled when this flag is set. Enable the "Process Per Site" process model for all domains. - officially-supported: ARC is installed and supported on this device. Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a JSON print ticket for the resulting print job. The URL that the webstore APIs download extensions from. If, List of command-line arguments that WebView2 will pass to the browser process on launch. When running certain tests that spawn child processes, this switch indicates to the test framework that the current process should not initialize ICU to avoid creating any scoped handles too early in startup. Disables DirectWrite font rendering for general UI elements. Useful if one wishes to use Chrome as an ash server. When switches::kProcessType is switches::kRelauncherProcess, if this switch is also present, the relauncher process will unmount and eject a mounted disk image and move its disk image file to the trash. This flag is needed until the API is finalized. Enable support for touch event feature detection. The memory pressure threshold selection which is used to decide whether and when a memory pressure event needs to get fired. The name of the service the process is starting for. Force-enables the profile shortcut manager. Allows overriding the deferred init fallback timeout. Note that the remote debugging protocol does not perform any authentication, so exposing it too widely can be a security risk. Screenshot testing: specifies the directory where the golden screenshots are stored. Disables use of DWM composition for top level windows. Enables the Material Design policy page at chrome://md-policy. Disable paint invalidation based on slimming paint. Specifies whether an app launched in kiosk mode was auto launched with zero delay. Browser tests may need to add this switch so that at least one browser instance is created on startup. Specifies a particular tab management experiment to enable. The name is chosen to mimic user-data-dir etc. Ex: --ppapi-plugin-launcher="path\to\purify /Run=yes". This option can be used to force parameters of field trials when testing changes locally. Blocks insecure usage of a number of powerful features (device orientation, for example) that we haven't yet deprecated for the web at large. This flag is required to allow Chrome to run in RemoteApps or Citrix. Precache manifests will be served from URLs with this prefix. Disables GPU hardware acceleration. Renders a border around compositor layers to help debug and study layer compositing. Enables paint invalidation based on slimming paint but without the full slimming paint v2 compositing code. Enables custom-drawing the titlebar and tabstrip background so that it's not a garish #FFFFFF like it is by default on Windows 10. Used as an internal api to detect the installed version of Chrome on Linux. Does nothing on Mac. Because reads depend on the process type, the prefetcher wouldn't be able to observe consistent reads if no /prefetch:# arguments were used. Enables merging the key event (WM_KEY*) with the char event (WM_CHAR). The new Microsoft Edge (Chromium) is a classic desktop app that supports command-line arguments as Chrome does. If Edge started without that key, user can close assigned access application or create new desktop using gestures. Not for user use. Specifies a command that should be used to launch the ppapi plugin process. Open Microsoft Edge. For example: "MAP *" --> Forces all hostnames to be mapped to "MAP * proxy" --> Forces all subdomains to be resolved to "proxy". Tells Chrome to do additional touch noise filtering. Disables the string change from "Save Image" to "Download Image". Makes memory allocators keep track of their allocations and context, so a detailed breakdown of memory usage can be presented in chrome://tracing when the memory-infra category is enabled. Disables tab detaching in fullscreen mode on Mac. Emulates the GTK+ --display= command line argument. Enable only saving pages as MHTML. More details here: You can pass either to play the file looping or %noloop to stop after playing the file to completion. This is accessible from chrome://apps and chrome://extensions and is already enabled on non-mac. Select Properties from the context menu. Renderer process parameter for WebRTC Stun probe trial to determine the interval. Enables overriding the path for the default authentication extension. Forces tests to produce pixel output when they normally wouldn't. Allows the browser to load extensions that lack a modern manifest when that would otherwise be forbidden. Example: --trace-shutdown --trace-shutdown-file=/tmp/trace_event.log. The following resources are available in Microsoft Stable. This argument is used to launch a browser with disabled third-party extensions. Disable extensions except those specified in a comma-separated list. Enables the heads-up display for tracking touch points. Force the UI to a specific direction. TODO(rouslan): Remove this flag when feedback testing is complete. Works with --use-fake-device-for-media-stream. Flash will be ducked when losing audio focus. Not available everywhere. Enables site isolation for all chrome-extension:// urls. Note that --no-sandbox should also be used together with this flag because the sandbox needs the zygote to work. Prevent renderer process backgrounding when set. Use the Pass-through command decoder, skipping all validation and state tracking. A process type (switches::kProcessType) that indicates chrome.exe or setup.exe is being launched as crashpad_handler. Disable partial raster in the renderer. on The default is 30 minutes. For example, if 1000, then once per second, DevTools reports how full the trace buffer is. Set options to cache V8 data. Also, exposes the WindowServerTest interface to clients when launched with this flag. If for some reason your path or environment variables aren't configured correctly, you may need to use the full path to Edge: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --app-shell-host-window-size="1280,1024" --window-size="1280,1024". Forces a custom summary to be displayed below the update menu item. Disables panel fitting (used for mirror mode). Use a Mojo-based LocalStorage implementation. This can be enabled by this flag. Sets the time in seconds until startup tracing ends. See FakeShillManagerClient::SetInitialNetworkState for implementation. Enables the zero-touch enterprise enrollment flow. Overrides the default URL for Google APIs ( used by CryptAuth. Enables showing suggestions in a keyboard accessory view. Requires MSAA support on GPU to have an effect. If set, we lock the screen or shutdown the system immediately in response to a press instead of displaying an interactive animation. All startup methods essentially do the same thing: they run the app's .exe file, even if you don't actually type the command or even see it. Disable the seccomp filter sandbox (seccomp-bpf) (Linux only). Always use the Skia GPU backend for drawing layer tiles. Forces the use of software GL instead of hardware gpu. Initializes X11 in threaded mode, and sets the |override_redirect| flag when creating X11 windows. This switch is for temporary testing only. The names are declared in Settings.json5. The constants USE_OZONE and USE_X11 must be defined. : --disable-synctypes='Typed URLs, Bookmarks, Autofill Profiles'. Command line flag offering a "Show saved copy" option to the user if offline. This option is for testing the chromeos build of chrome on the desktop only. You can display this help information in the command-line interface (CLI) or the . Enables the site settings all sites list and site details pages in the Chrome settings UI. This flag only matters if the enable-local-sync-backend flag is present. Enables the origin of the carrier test data reduction proxy. Defines that Material Design visual feedback animations should be slow. DEPRECATED: Please use --arc-availability=installed. 0 disables MSAA. Optionally, can specify the specific trace categories to include (e.g. Leads to lower latencies for audio streams which uses the AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY audio path. Indicates that crash reporting should be enabled. A dictionary with each entry consisting of the name of the preference and the value. {pid} if present will be replaced by the pid of the process. Shows additional checkboxes in Settings to enable Chrome OS accessibility features that haven't launched yet. Disable workarounds for various GPU driver bugs. This flag is only relevant for Windows currently. All CAPITAL properties are public and could be used as params in the installation command line. And based on this question Process.Start($"microsoft-edge:{url}") does not always work.. Based on this answer, all I can do now is to tell cmd to start the microsoft-edge with the given url: Skips reencoding bitmaps as PNGs when the encoded data is unavailable during SKP capture. Method #1 -inprivate command-line option Right-click on the desktop - then click New - then click Shortcut Type the following into the box: %ProgramFiles (x86) % \Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" -inprivate Click Next Type the following into the box: Edge inprivate Click Finish If this flag is passed, failed policy fetches will not cause profile initialization to fail. If omitted a default of 5 seconds is used. Value for kTestCrosGaiaIdMigration indicating that migration is started (i.e. Can be. Therefore, all GPU features are available, and about:gpu page shows empty content. Causes the browser to launch directly in incognito mode. It creates a Setup.exe installer file which can be used to uninstall the browser with the help of a built-in switch or parameter. Override the default value for the 'passive' field in javascript addEventListener calls. Start the Create Application Wizard and create the application In the Configuration Manager console, click Software Library > Application Management > Applications. See kEnableSlimmingPaintInvalidation. Groups all out-of-process iframes to a different process from the process of the top document. For internal use only. Enables a new tuning of the WebRTC Acoustic Echo Canceler (AEC). Prevents hosted apps from being opened in windows on Mac. The constant OS_IOS must not be defined, and the constant OS_MACOSX must be defined. Disables layer-edge anti-aliasing in the compositor. This cancels all navigation and causes the DOMContentLoaded event to fire. Treat given (insecure) origins as secure origins. To see a list of all the available shortcuts in Microsoft Edge, see Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge. So if an organization is worried about ciphers used within their organization, they can simply direct their servers to only negotiate cipher suites acceptable to them. (Most) Chrome OS hardware reports ACPI power button releases correctly. Disable task throttling of timer tasks from background pages. These experiments are defined by the proxy server. Makes browser pixel tests overwrite the reference if it does not match. Note that this flag will not have any effect if MP4 demuxing is not enabled in the build. On platforms that support it, enables smooth scroll animation. The origin of the data reduction proxy fallback. - installed-only-kiosk-supported: ARC is installed, but officially supported only in kiosk mode. SVG font should always work whether this option is specified or not. For additional information about command-line switches used by Windows Installer, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Command-Line Options. Name of the command line flag to force content verification to be on in one of various modes. Assumed to be 0 if --accept-resource-provider is present. Disables data volume counters in the Clear Browsing Data dialog. Interval at which we check for total time on OOBE. The constant OFFICIAL_BUILD must not be defined, and the constant BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_PRINT_PREVIEW) must be defined. Path to the exe to run for the renderer and plugin subprocesses. This allows us to check whether or not reloading a webpage releases web-related objects correctly. The constant OS_CHROMEOS must not be defined. This flag disables that. Keeps only track of summarized churn stats in the task profiler (chrome://profiler). Default small wallpaper to use (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file). Use Windows WaveOut/In audio API even if Core Audio is supported. Simulates that elevation is needed to recover upgrade channel. One should only enable it when running a test that needs to access the provided statistics. Time in seconds before a machine at OOBE is considered derelict. Now all of the Windows Installer database tables are editable because you are editing a new transform file. This defaults to primary user homedir. Enables defering image decodes to the image decode service. This hides certain system UI elements and forces the app to be installed if it hasn't been already. The preferences are applied to the Local State file in the user data folder. See base::FeatureList::InitializeFromCommandLine for details. Last automated update occurred on 2022-11-13 . For example, the following argument defines two trials, with the second one activated: "GoogleNow/Enable/*MaterialDesignNTP/Default/" This option can also be used by the browser process to send the list of trials to a non-browser process, using the same format. Disable the per-domain blocking for 3D APIs after GPU reset. This allows for obtaining an accurate sample of the types of images on the web, rather than being weighted towards PNGs that we have encoded ourselves. Although Microsoft restricts the UI options to uninstall new Microsoft Edge, we can use command-line switch of Setup.exe installer to uninstall new Microsoft Edge from our computer system. Causes TRACE_EVENT flags to be recorded beginning with shutdown. Runs each set of script-connected tabs (i.e., a BrowsingInstance) in its own renderer process. Feature switch expects either --enable- or --=1, but about_flags expects the command line argument to enable it (or a selection). Type of the current test harness ("browser" or "ui"). Overrides the WM_CLASS window property with the given value. Only valid with GPU accelerated compositing + impl-side painting. Enable logging of GPU driver debug messages. Enable or disable appcontainer/lowbox for renderer on Win8+ platforms. This will only work if chrome has been built with the gyp variable profiling=1. Defaults to disabled. Always return success when compiling a shader. Enables user control over muting tab audio from the tab strip. For the full list of accepted capabilities and value types, see EdgeOptions object. Forces Chrome to use localNTP instead of server (GWS) NTP. Disable sandbox even for non SFI mode. Overrides the timeout, in seconds, that a child process waits for a connection from the browser before killing itself. If set, the app list will not be dismissed when it loses focus. Used for testing. Runs a read-eval-print loop that allows the user to evaluate Javascript expressions. Also emit full event trace logs for successful tests. Show rects in the HUD around the screen-space transformed bounds of every layer. - Cellular is initially connected, technology is LTE 'interactive=3' Disables syncing one or more sync data types that are on by default. This is generally only useful for tests that want to force disabling. Annotates forms and fields with Autofill signatures. For more information, see, Application user model ID of a Microsoft Edge app package to launch, for example, A list of window types that are displayed in the list of window handles. 2. Used for testing. This removes a significant source of network related non-determinism at the cost of slower page loads. This flag causes the user engagement checks for showing app banners to be bypassed. These mappings apply to the endpoint host in a net::URLRequest (the TCP connect and host resolver in a direct connection, and the CONNECT in an http proxy connection, and the endpoint host in a SOCKS proxy connection). The contents of this flag are prepended to the utility process command line. Enables support for Handoff from Chrome on iOS to the default browser of other Apple devices. Select the Property table. Enforces a one-site-per-process security policy: If it launches in regular Edge mode and authenticates, then switches to IE mode for the actual application, the SSO authentication doesn't pass over to IE mode. - installed: ARC is installed on this device, but not officially supported. Appending --scripts-require-action=1 has the same effect as --enable-scripts-require-action (see below). Blue: Overdrawn once. Enables experimental hotword features specific to always-on. Enables the touch calibration option in MD settings UI for valid touch displays. Allows insecure XMPP connections for sync (for testing). Some platforms like ChromeOS default to empty desktop. For such platforms, configure this amount as the portion of buffers+cached memory that should be treated as unavailable. List of network interfaces to ignore. Make the values returned to window.performance.memory more granular and more up to date in shared worker. Enables the supervised user managed bookmarks folder. 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Socket APIs add this switch so that it 's not a garish # FFFFFF like it is by on. Must not be defined, and technical support screen-space transformed bounds of every layer on Linux new Cloud... Features, security updates, and technical support or `` UI '' ) after GPU.. Calibration option in MD settings UI to recover upgrade channel defines that Material Design visual feedback animations be.: specifies the layout mode and offsets for the 'passive ' field in addEventListener. As an internal API to detect the installed version of Chrome on the specified socket name from... If omitted a default of 5 seconds is used to force content verification to be recorded with. Testing is complete by default the origin of the carrier test data proxy! Always use the Pass-through command decoder, skipping all validation and state tracking enable Chrome OS reports...